My British Empire

Chapter 166: last stand

  Chapter 166 Last Stand

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  The source of the name frigate can be traced back to the Middle Ages.

  At that time, in order to avoid being intercepted by enemy countries or being tracked by spies, diplomatic envoys would take a fast boat called Fogate and quickly go to the place where they wanted to negotiate to carry out diplomatic missions.

  In order to perform this special time-sensitive mission, the Vogate ship was built to be slender and streamlined, so it has excellent sailing ability and flexibility, enough to get rid of all pirates or enemy navies.

  So, when Major James saw the arrival of the frigate, he knew that it was the arrival of the French envoy.

   "Tell me, what is your mission!" Major James asked with a straight face, not dignified.

   "Your Excellency, General Feidi asked me to tell you that there is still time to surrender!"

  The envoy was a little apprehensive in the face of James who was making a face, and his tone was quick.

   "Hehe! Tell your generals, it is still too late for you to surrender, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

  Major James sneered, then drove away the messenger in front of him, his eyes followed the returning frigate, and slowly reached the huge lineup on the opposite side.

  The cold and icy deck was full of Venetian sailors. Unlike the English, there were not only archers and musketeers among them, but also soldiers holding long guns and soldiers holding scimitars.

  And the deck is full of bows and arrows, black oil and grenades, and even fishing guns and fishing nets.

  The soldiers all had ferocious expressions and were strong and strong. They didn't look like a navy, but an army.

  Three huge Galen ships were ahead, their tall and icy sides were like spears from hell, heading straight for the English navy.

After that, more than a dozen small Galen ships, huge Karak ships, and slow Kirk ships followed behind, followed by various sloops and small Kirk ships, and the patrol boats wandered among them, giving the opposite side James and his team brought a great sense of shock.

On the England side, there are only two 1,000-ton "Sovereign of the Seas" and "Henry VII", and the main combat ships are all kinds of small Galenic ships and Carrack ships. Merchant ships, compared with the uniform Venetians, can you not be frightened?

  The cold sea breeze blew the sails and made a sound, and the unique salty smell in the air rushed into his nostrils, bringing James back to his senses.

   "What are you afraid of? We are fighting at home and they are in an unfamiliar sea. They should be afraid of us!"

  James saw the eyelids of the first mate on the boat twitch, his feet were trembling, and he looked terrified.

   Turning his head again, he saw that most of the sailors on board were the same, with fear on their faces, and the shrinking look in their eyes was obvious.

   Immediately, Major James stamped the deck and said sharply.

   "Yes, my lord!" Surprised by Major James, the beard on the face of the first mate next to him trembled, and he immediately responded and agreed.

   "Hurry up, shells, prepare to speed up, and put the sails back a little..." The first officer was reminded, and immediately started working, yelling loudly at the equally dazed sailors.

  Major James is located at the forefront of the entire front, that is, on the flagship "Sovereign of the Sea", commanding the navy behind.

  As the Sovereign of the Seas moved forward slowly, the various merchant ships behind it, as well as the English and Scottish navies also slowly followed.

   Soon, the distance from the French fleet was less than three miles, and dense figures on the deck could be vaguely seen.

   On the other side, the general of Venice, Renardo Ferdi, as the coach of the French army, also saw the slowly approaching English navy.

   "Go at full speed, tell the whole army, join as much as possible, and board the ship directly when you are closer to the English, and destroy the English in one fell swoop!"

   Renardo, who kept his eyes on the front, saw the English navy slowly moving forward. He couldn't help being overjoyed and ordered loudly.

   "The barbarians of England, I want to show you what the Venetian Navy is!"

  Looking at the English ship in front of him, Reynado smiled and his eyes became sharper.

  The Venetian Navy is the same as the navy of this era. Whether it is in the West or in the East, the way of combat is to board ships.

  The ship is just a castle on the sea for them. Their purpose is to board the enemy ship, and then use the number of people to die, so as to achieve victory.

  For the English navy with a small number of people, it is indeed difficult to win.

  But who called Edward a time traveler? In order to increase the power of the artillery, that is, to prevent the French army from approaching, Edward directly granulated the gunpowder of the British army.

  The so-called granulation means mixing water, pressing it into cakes, breaking it with wooden sticks and sprinkling some charcoal.

For example, the ships of the British army are currently equipped with light guns, with a range of about 2,500 yards, or more than 2,200 meters. If it is granulated, the range will reach about 2,500 meters, and its power will increase. up a layer.

  In addition, the number of British artillery is much more than that of the French army, so that the French army can't get close.

  According to the arrangement, all the English navy did not go up together in a mess like before, but stopped when they were 2,000 meters away from the French army.

  Then all the ships moved out together, and the ships turned sideways, so that the other side was directly facing the French army, and all the light artillery and artillery were concentrated on one side of the ship, waiting for the order of Major James to fire together.

   Such a combat plan is also very risky. If the French army survives the two thousand meters of death, then the English army will not be able to organize their escape. Coupled with the French army's numerical advantage, it will be dead.

   This is a last stand, and the test is actually the will of the Venetians and the degree of love for their ships.

  In fact, such behavior is currently inappropriate. First, the artillery is not powerful and does not do much damage.

  Second, sea-going ships cannot withstand the recoil of multiple artillery salvos.

   Only at the end of the seventeenth century, when the Spanish galleon was improved and became a sailing battleship, that is, after the birth of the battleship, such a row of artillery could be truly realized.

  In order to solve the recoil problem, Major James not only temporarily reinforced the ship, but also fixed the artillery on the deck, in order to defeat the greatest enemy of the English navy in history.

   On the other side, seeing the English navy on the opposite side put on such a posture, it made General Renado, who had commanded the navy for decades, confused.

   "Isn't this going to kill you? What are the Englishmen doing? What's the purpose!"

  Everything in front of him made the Venetian general suspicious.

  He looked up and looked back. All the warships behind him had fully raised their sails and turned on the maximum acceleration mode. It was too late to stop them.

   "That's it! I don't believe that under such circumstances, you can come back, unless God blesses you!"

   With a sneer, Renardo directly directed his flagship to pounce on it.

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  (end of this chapter)

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