My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Chapter 43: The Opening Ceremony

"I didn't expect so many people. Wasn't this academy for geniuses only?" Dante remarked as he observed the individuals in the grand hall, with several chairs filled. It resembled an opera house with a stage.

"Yes, it seems like there are many geniuses, if that's the case, or were these just extravagant stories?"

"Looks like we'll be isolated."

"It's better than being the center of attention," said Sara, and they both headed towards the referenced location: one of the last rows where there were hardly any students.

"Kids are too noisy... especially those who call themselves geniuses. I don't want to get involved in their lives, and I hope they do the same with mine."

These were their honest thoughts as they listened to various parallel conversations, all leading to a single conclusion: the heirs were supposed to be intimidating.

"Huh?" Dante saw an old gray-haired man with a wizard hat and a red willow staff with a magical core at the tip. The old man looked directly at Dante and winked one eye.

Dante quickly associated with the elder's action. He felt a sensation he had only experienced when he was with Morgana and looked around.


With just one glance, he saw the barrier emerging throughout the environment. The barrier looked like a bubblegum bubble stuck to the walls. It was invisible, but Dante clearly felt it, and it wasn't just him; Sara also quickly realized that they were inside a barrier.

With just one word, everyone fell silent.

"Welcome, future leaders, scholars, and forces from all realms, to this fabulous academy," he gracefully bowed and introduced himself, befitting a director.

"I am Director Gaspar Falk. Naturally, I would like to make a speech, but the conditions have changed this year. Hahaha!" He introduced himself with laughter, and soon, ten portals opened.

The rulers of each race emerged, each with their own aura and unique characteristic. Despite this, only two people caught Dante's attention. First, of course, Lyriana Vortex, Sara's mother, and second, the Elf Queen Aewyn Frostsky.

The truth is, he didn't care about the rulers; his mother is much more important than all ten of them combined to him. Still, he showed respect upon seeing them.

He stared into Lyriana's eyes as if he were directing his gaze at her, and soon, she felt his piercing gaze pass through her aura. She turned and looked in Dante's direction.

'My daughter... what are you doing with this man?' Lyriana thought as she saw her daughter next to the man with black hair; she could see through magic the true color of his hair.

'Scarlet.' She thought and looked again at her daughter. 'I hope you know what you're getting into, my daughter.'

"It seems we have many prodigies this year," quickly declared the Werewolf King as he observed the waves of Werewolves who managed to enter the Academy.

"Yes, I agree," Vlad replied as he watched the three vampires he selected to enter. Of course, he looked directly at Dante and just sighed. It was frustrating that such great talent did not come from his lineage, but he could change that with just one request from Dante.

The powers of progenitors over bloodlines are almost absolute, especially with Vampire Progenitors who can use blood as the ultimate currency.

While some analyzed the new youths, an ecological silence fell, as if they were expecting something to happen, though they themselves never spoke. However, one person decided to confront the issues head-on in front of these more powerful beings.

That person was the son of the Human Emperor, Ethan Smith. He was clearly a genius and had an honorable aura. Soon, others began to elevate their auras as well; it was as if a flame had been lit.

Elizabeth Tapes, Ethan Smith, Elowyn FrostSky, Alexander Sucellus, Clovis Arton, and several others that Dante had not yet discovered the names of.

It was a demonstration of power, simple, but it made everything more enjoyable for everyone. The rulers smiled slightly, especially Adam Smith, as the Emperor, seeing his son be the first to attempt something, he felt a slight happiness despite not being a very present father; he valued the small achievements.

Before the event continues...

A massive rift in the Christian reality, like glass, opened a dimensional crack in the middle of the stage. The rift seemed to have been made by a sword.

From the rift, two men appeared.

"Sasaki Kojiro and Musashi Miyamoto, welcome," the Director said, grabbing everyone's attention, but he didn't stop there.

Another portal opened.

"It's good to be back." An extremely beautiful woman emerged, she looked like an angel, but carried a ruthless and just aura.

"Jeanne, it's good to see you again, Celestial Virtue of Justice," the Director smiled, causing another shock for everyone present.

"It's good to see you, old friend," Joan of Arc said as she observed the audience. "We have many young faces here, don't we?" She said, laughing.

"Indeed." He responded.

"It's a shame that I arrived late." A seductive woman appeared; she was a demi-human, a nine-tailed fox.

"Oh, Akemi Yosuka, you've grown. I remember you as a little one running through the valleys of Arthozia; you were much cuter back then," he said, leaving her with just a smile.

"It's good that you remember! Today, I am a woman of the highest class! A MILF! Hahahaha," she replied, laughing like a villain...

"It seems we have quite a few talents here." Joan of Arc shifted the topic as all the super-beings looked at the other students.

Green smoke rose from the ground, forming the figure of a woman. Slowly, she began to materialize.

She had white hair, green eyes, and was very majestic. Her skin was tan like diluted chocolate. She wore black leather pants and a top with a hole revealing ample cleavage. It was quite sexy.

'I already have my favorite teacher,' Dante quickly appeared selling the MILF in front of him, who he quickly drew straight to his face with a deadly glare. Dante faintly felt a white vibration surrounding his neck, but it quickly disappeared.

"It seems we have many lustful men as well," the woman replied.

"I agree, Nagasawa, too many... too many men," Vlad responded as he looked at his daughter, who had already lowered her aura.

"You'll pierce her with your eyes if you keep it up, Vlad. Besides, if you get too possessive, fate will make her end up with the person you detest the most." It was Alice Arcano who spoke those words.

"Personal experience, Alice?" Vlad said with a smile, and she simply nodded. She still hadn't fully approved of Dante and Morgana's relationship.

"It seems we forgot to mention some things," the Dwarf King said, affirmed by the Director.

"We are judging your talents, showing what you can do with your auras," the Director said, and soon the entire room was enveloped in a strong pressure. All the students summoned their auras, making the atmosphere heavier.

On the other hand, Sara and Dante remained motionless as they watched the strange and senseless spectacle unfold.

"They fell for it, idiots," Sara said and looked at Dante, who seemed to be watching a Stand-Up. How could he not laugh? They made their strengths visible just because an old man asked? Right in the midst of a war between the heirs?

"Either they are too innocent or their masters are incompetent," Dante said, recalling his training with Valentina.

"I agree, my master warned me about this from the beginning," Sara commented while staring at Joan of Arc, who noticed her gaze and glowed.

"I see..." Dante said, looking at Joan, who observed him and suffered a shock, but quickly recovered. Dante just smiled because he blocked the [Analysis] spell that Joan used on him.

'For someone who stands for Justice, you're committing crimes just to see my personal information, Miss Celestial Virtue?' He said through [Telepathy] to Joan, who immediately started laughing, startling the rulers and teachers.

'Sorry, little Dante,' she replied, leaving Dante in shock... "Little Dante" was a term only one person used, and that person was Morgana Arcano, his wife.

'Do you know me?' He asked, but got no answers, just a smile that he associated with a Yes, but he could be wrong. People who live for a long time tend to be disguised foxes.

A very loud radio noise was heard, startling everyone. Dante looked at the ceiling of the place and thought it might be some storm or something, but he remembered the sky was too clear for a storm.

"Sara..." Dante said, grabbing the girl's attention. "Yes?" She said confused, and then Dante turned with a scary face, his tense smile going from ear to ear, and he had a frightening expression that left her slightly suspicious, but she tried to stay firm.

"Please, hold on... I think a meteor is falling from the sky." Dante laughed and held on tightly.

"It seems she has arrived." Vlad was the first to say something, and Titania, who had been quiet the whole time, sighed.

"I hate being immortal, seeing that woman for all eternity makes me want to rest in the abyss." She said, and soon the ceiling of the entire place began to crack and lift, like glass shattering.

A woman with red hair, a perfect body, and ruby-red eyes appeared. She wore an all-black leather outfit, her hair was tied up, and she even wore makeup. It was a divine yet demonic scene.

'She got excited, didn't she?' Vlad thought lightly.

She had a very good-looking face; it seemed like she had dressed up for a date with her boyfriend.

'I haven't seen him in days!' She screamed internally.

"Welcome, Valentina Scarlet," the Director replied kindly.

"It's good to see you, Tina!" The demi-human quickly jumped into her small Fox form on Valentina's shoulders and sniffed her. "MMM, YOU SMELL SO GOOD! DID YOU GO TO THAT PLACE OF OURS?" She said happily, recalling the sanctuary she had made for Valentina years ago.

"Yes, the best flowers are there," Valentina replied with a light smile.

"She seems like a different person," Lyriana said, and Nagasawa chimed in occasionally. "That's the power of love," Sasaki said. He was a ROMANTIC! He knew everything about ROMANCE.

"Stop meddling in my life, you old folks!" Valentina spoke lightly. "No, your love life is very entertaining!" Akemi replied, returning to her humanoid form.

The atmosphere was light, even though Valentina was slightly teased by these people, it didn't matter. While she was being treated very well, others didn't care at all, like Titania, who was eager to attack Valentina directly, even though she knew she would die if she did. So she decided to stay quiet and just observe.

Valentina is very strong; even the strongest wouldn't risk fighting her. Besides, she is very temperamental. In a one-on-one, she can defeat almost everyone, except Vlad Dracul Tapes and Alice Arcano, who can easily overpower her. Vlad because of his progenitor powers and Alice due to her anti-magic and sealing spells, something Valentina can't handle.

Musashi and Sasaki can also rival Valentina, but only in martial arts. Both are grandmasters, so it's reasonable, but they don't use mana, only Aura. In a fight, they would lose because of this disadvantage.

Valentina turned to the Director and finally responded to the greeting.

"It's good to see you, old man. They burdened you with taking care of this place, huh? I feel sorry for you running this little school for spoiled kids." Valentina said as several disapproving looks hit her from the students. She gave a small laugh, "Hehe."

"Oh, they really have the nerve, huh?" Valentina said as she looked at Lyriana. "Nerve, is it? I call it foolishness. At least my daughter is well-behaved, not showing any negative behavior toward you." Responding, she glanced at her daughter again, and resumed the conversation she was having.

"That's your mom, isn't it?" Sara said while nudging Dante. "Yes, she's my wife too," he replied coldly as he stared at his mother, who was too busy talking to Lyriana and didn't pay attention to him.

"Wow, she's hot..." Dante heard murmurs from the students below him and began to tremble with anger, feeling Valentina smiling faintly.

"Calm down... they don't know," Sara said, holding Dante's hand, who was about to storm out to kill all those idiots who were disrespecting his wife!

"Sara... let me go," Dante replied as they both moved away. Valentina, on the other hand, looked directly at him with a scowl on her face.

'You'll die if you keep this up!' She roared internally.

'Hope so! You'll be punished! Laughing while kids disrespect you? You'll be punished!' Dante had these thoughts in his mind but couldn't say them out loud, or everything would go to hell, and his identity would be exposed.

He didn't know, but she had been watching him the whole time and was eager to punish him in the cruelest way possible. Back on stage, Valentina's conversation continued.

"Oh, little Sara is already as tall as Dante, isn't she? Where is she?" Valentina asked. Yes, Valentina met Sara when she was a newborn, a few months before Valentina adopted Dante. The age difference between them was almost four months.

"She's over there," Lyriana pointed to where Dante was, and Valentina immediately shifted her gaze. She had seen the girl before, but she hadn't connected that she was Lyriana's daughter, simply because it didn't really matter. But now, it was different. "Why are they together?" Valentina said with a serious look.

"I don't know, but they seem close," Lyriana replied. She also wanted to know why her daughter was standing next to a monstrosity like Dante without any preparation. 'Doesn't she know he's Valentina's son?'

"Understand, I'll have to have a word with my son later," she said with a silencing spell so that the students couldn't hear.

"They were fighting in the arena yesterday, made quite a mess," came the voice of Musashi Miyamoto.

"Yes, truly quite passionate," said Sasaki Kojiro.

"Don't even get me started. My disciple has no contact with men. If she's by your side, it's because he did something good for her," said Joan of Arc.

"Well..." The director wanted to say something but felt pressured to speak. "Old man, if you know something, you better start talking, or you'll turn into barbecue," Valentina said as her smile appeared and her red hair slightly lifted in flames.

"He just ripped the arms off a young man because he called Princess Sara a whore," the director replied, sweating a bit. He had only seen two women have their faces completely deformed in front of him, looking like a frame from Junji Ito's manga.

"Who gets to kill Dante, you or me?" Valentina said as two abysses operated in her eyes. Lyriana, seeing that, replied, "We can split him in half first."

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down!" Alice began to get desperate, trying to stop the two women.

"Good thing I didn't mention they're sharing the same room," Gaspar muttered very quietly. He thought he was safe, but Valentina's super hearing was working perfectly.

Valentina turned her head like a malfunctioning robot and looked at the director. "Gaspar, can you repeat that?" Valentina said.

The silence echoed among them, the two surprisingly relentless women sucking out all the truth from this man, but Sasaki intervened, trying to lighten the mood.

"They told me about it yesterday," he said, attempting to calm the situation. "They were late, and there were no available rooms, so they stayed together. They were fighting yesterday because of that... although it looked more like a lovers' quarrel than a real battle at a certain point." Kojiro explained, and Valentina sighed.

"I tried to be kind to him, gave him a new name and a home, even asked Vlad for help to get him here, and how am I rewarded? My only husband in my entire life betrays me at the first opportunity he gets. Seriously, I'm tired of trying to be a good wife," Valentina said and then moved forward.

All the rulers were shocked. "Did she marry her own son???" Everyone was surprised, except Vlad, of course, as incest is normal among vampires.

"I am such a lenient mother, tried to make my son more comfortable, but he doesn't deserve such kindness. He's scum who betrays his own wife, both of them on top of that! Wasn't Morgana, the Witch Slut, enough!" Valentina declared, and now Alice took a step back, feeling incredulous glances coming her way.

"Hey, you slackers, my son is at the academy." She said casually, frightening both Dante and Sara, who quickly looked at her.


"For the three years in the academy, my son won't have my support, so do whatever you want with him; I won't avenge him." Valentina said and then added.

"If you kill him, it's fine; no one will be involved." Valentina said with a smile.

All the students looked at the woman, and many fierce auras began to emerge, but then... a scene unfolded before them.

Dante laughed, quickly understanding what had happened, and looked at Sara, who was a bit scared.

"It seems she got angry finding out about us," Dante said, laughing. Then he looked at the fools who wanted to challenge him, simply ignoring all the strong auras present.

"Great, a flame has been ignited." Valentina said, and the rulers agreed, part of it was already a plan to throw gasoline on the fire, although Valentina deviated a bit from the script.

"Valentina, did you marry your son?" Titania asked, still incredulous about the earlier claim.

"He is adopted and was a human." Valentina responded quite amicably, even startling the Fairy Queen. "We don't really have a real blood bond, if you find it disgusting compared to your culture. It doesn't matter, I'm a Vampire, incest is quite normal in our society." Valentina said, and then Gungnir appeared.

"You are all very scandalous." Aewyn, the Elven Queen, said while observing the entire scene, but she was completely ignored. Just like the other rulers, who are very reserved, these people were too eccentric.

"Let's light a fire." The spear began to catch fire. "Be brief, Valentina." Adam Smith said, and Valentina ignored him again. 'Such insolence...'

"You are promises, but you know... something is missing." Valentina said, and then her aura exploded throughout the area, leaving everyone in shock. "Learn the first lesson when you want to be strong: be bold." Valentina said, her sinister aura lingering throughout the area.

"Learn from the elders what power is." Valentina said and transformed into a massive Fire Phoenix in the dark sky, yes, the sky was as dark as the abyss...

A sound came from the sky, and a giant Black Phoenix appeared next to the Fire Phoenix, both flying towards their respective partners, making quick movements and leaving traces in the sky, like fireworks working as they flew.

"It's good to see my wives showing off." Dante said as he watched Morgana appearing as a Black Phoenix.

"That phrase always hits me in a negative way." Sara said, how could it not? He just said that one of the most dangerous women in the world, as well as the First Princess of Witches, are his wives.

"You'll get used to it." Dante said, looking at the Rulers who, on one hand, enjoyed the show and, on the other, wondered if it was right to do so.

"Indeed, I'm already tired of being looked at like this." Sara said, feeling malicious glares directed at her.

"Looking at a princess with those eyes, it seems you haven't been taught manners. Bow your head." Sara's aura sank them into the ground, Joana D'Arc wasn't happy seeing her apprentice intimidating the weak, but she understood it was just a show of power.

"It's a pity that I can't use my full aura." Dante didn't want to reveal himself, so he just sent a message but swore something.

"Make sure you enjoy it well..." Were his last words as he watched those forces emanating from the Academy's Elites; he was excited!

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