My beast Emperor System

Chapter 98: Azura dragon spear!

Chapter 98: Azura dragon spear!

Everyone was a bit confused since they didn't know what was more amazing. The fact that Lucien is able to survive a direct blow from the enemy or the fact that Han Fang healed from all the injuries in received in a very short time. No matter what anyone may say they believed that these three are probably the most terrifying people they have met.





The entire hall began trembling as the massive Azura serpent dragon kept increasing in size and its image slowly became clearer! Even as a spirit beast it still possessed the high tier bloodline of the dragon and this is while it has been recorded as the most powerful spirit beast to date!

"This Rakzuen is sealed within the child! The child really got his inheritance!" The lady said with a hint of excitement in her voice!

In their opinion, the duo felt they are extremely lucky and this their trip has been filled with benefits beyond expectations! Not only would they acquire a grade 2 sealed artifact but they can finally take back what they believe is theirs.

"You sure are confident in your abilities" Rakuzen said with knitted eyebrows as his murderous intentions were released.

This is the first time in his long life that someone has heard his name and felt amused rather than afraid. If he doesn't kill these two with his own hands he doubted he would ever be able to show his face to the outside world!

If only this body were stronger, he would have been able to reveal an even stronger amount of power! Then these two kids would not dare look down on him so easily!

"Roar!" Rakuzen screamed and his spirit beast let out a loud growl before surging forward

Throwing his hand into the air, Rakuzen proceeded to summon Habakiri before shooting forward like an arrow. His body released a wind whistling sound which resembled a blade cutting through the wind at an extremely high speed. Upon reaching the enemy, his body flashed and the next moment, Han Fang saw Rakuzen's body vanish, reappearing behind them with a surging flame whip in his eyes.

"Die!" He growled as he lashed out violently and with a single hit, he completely severed Han Fang's entire right shoulder from his body but even then the enemy was not bothered as he shot Rakuzen a confident grin!

Seeing this, Rakuzen's face darkened as he raised the whip again but then he felt something approaching from behind! He felt death looming over him!


The empty air above him tore open revealing as the void split apart and the minotaur shot out with its massive flaming harmer, shooting down at Rakuzen.

"Too many pesky flies! I have had enough of this!" Rakuzen growled his blue dragon scales lit up while he threw a punch at the massive hammer with his free hand!

"Break!" Rakuzen growled as his tiny fist collided with the mighty flaming hammer that released a massive shockwave which sent the mid-tier demon flying back


Rakuzen too felt his fist go numb and his body jerks back! He fell on one knee only to see the one-handed Han Fang right behind him with a clenched fist and a maniacal smile on his face!

"You are nothing! Explode!" Rakuzen growled as released the second ability of the habakiri, causing the orange glowing mark where Han Fang's right hand should be to blow up, sending his entire body flying back!

"Enough of this!" Rakuzen growled as he slammed his open palm on the ground and blue fire spread across the stone stairs but the Creed's duo were already airborne. 

Chan Li held on to what seemed like Han Fang's lifeless body and before their eyes, it was healing rapidly. He failed to understand how this woman could repel his spirit beast sent to destroy her and he didn't have time to ask such useless questions either!

"Spirit beast: Azura dragon breath!"

Taking a deep breath his lungs expanded as his neck suddenly increased in size revealing faint blue lights around it. Rakuzen's eyes and eyebrows suddenly it up with fiery blue flames as he breathed out! Spitting out a sea of eye-catching blue flames that covered the entire area up to the extent of hiding the figures of the two creed members!

"Terrifying!" People couldn't help but screamed these words in their hearts.

They felt like they would be powerless against the massive blue flames released by Rakuzen but what was more shocking was the reaction of the enemy to the attack!

Chan Li looked as calm as ever as she summoned a demoness of the underworld! It was like a rock golem but with its rocky body carved meticulously to give it a feminine look with all the curves and bumps place where necessary! Its eyes were bright green and it had a long flaming bright green fire burning atop her head!


The demoness released a shrill sound as it threw its hands forward and released a powerful wave of chilling green flames which began consuming Rakuzen's blue flames like a plague!

"Hell flames!" Rakuzen muttered with a murderous light flashing in his eyes!

Meanwhile, the habakiri in Rakuzen's hand vanished and a sinister smile bloomed on his face while he recited a few words.

"Heed my call, Azura dragon spear!" Rakuzen growled as the faint image of the Azura serpent dragon appeared behind him and soon shot in front of him, taking the shape of a bright blue dragon hilt spear with a blue blade made of an unknown material. The spear floated in front of Rakuzen without any help, spinning violently as blue flames began surging around it. The blue flames kept growing until they had completely become a whirlpool of blazing blue flames!

The demoness was still struggling to completely consume the blue flames when it appeared, changing the usual indifferent look on Chan Li's face to a sour one! For the first time since this battle began she finally felt the threat of death from the enemy!

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