My beast Emperor System

Chapter 89: My spirit beast is this?

Chapter 89: My spirit beast is this?

Lucien ignored the world around him and remained in a cross-legged position, and focus on the darkness within his mind. He remained on the spirit wolf and ignored the question in glares on the faces of his comrades.


Lucien found himself within a dark room. No, it wasn't a room. It was more like nothing! Nothing existed in this world!

"Until you reach the realm of gods and create something You are nothing" Rakuzen's voice echoed from behind, promoting Lucien to turn around and lock eyes with the massive blue reptilian eyes.

Listening to his words, Lucien could only nod in agreement before diving deeper into the darkness. A spirit beast showcases the true form of a person deep down. It exposes the true nature of a person through the beast that appears and Lucien was quite eager to know what his true nature is. He wondered how amazing Rakuzen must have been to have a Chinese serpent dragon as his spirit beast. He wondered how envious the former emperor's peers were when they saw his spirit beast.


The deeper Lucien got the louder than whispers became, making him feel excited since he knew he was getting close. Lucien kept shooting down and strangely, Rakuzen's unmoving eyes seemed to be everywhere in his subconscious, staring at him with a fair level of curiosity visible in his eyes.

"You don't know what my spirit beast is?" Lucien asked as he kept diving deeper.

He was already feeling bored so he decided to speak to his life partner in hopes he could get son hints but unfortunately, Lucien didn't get the answer he was looking for.

"I don't know there are places I cannot reach in your mind" Rakuzen answered honestly while gazing at Lucien shooting down and following him tightly.

Lucien would have loved to talk on this matter further but he stopped talking when he saw the silver light not too far below. A wide grin appeared on his face as he got closer but the closer he got the more confused he became because he couldn't make out anything from the shape of the silver light. From this distance, he couldn't tell what kind of animal that is so he silently kept diving deeper.

"You are kidding me what the hell is this?" Lucien said weakly as he got close enough to notice a shapeless mass of silver light.

"This" Rakuzen muttered.

Lucien didn't understand why the system would mutter something like that but then he just assumed the god was also stunned and confused by the crap that's supposed to be his spirit beast. Reaching the formless silver light, Lucien slowly approached it. One thing he understood in this weird world he lives in is not to judge anything by its appearance but that didn't stop him from wondering how bad his luck is.

"You are really lucky kid" Rakuzen said with a heavy voice, leaving Lucien confused.

"What are you talking about?" Lucien asked causing Rakuzen to laugh at the ignorant child.

"Amongst spirit beasts cultivators the spirit beasts are separated into different categories there are the common spirit beasts, special spirit beasts, Rare spirit beasts, and Unique spirit beasts Chenoa and her spirit wolves are considered common Aponi and his bear spirit beast are considered special My serpent dragon is considered rare and your spirit beast is considered unique You are pretty lucky this time!" Rakuzen explained calmly.

But listening to him speak, Lucien had this feeling that a con artist was trying to convince him that an ineffective product is good He gazed at the eyes of the Rakuzen god beast with a hint of disbelief but he didn't speak up. Instead, he just stood there and kept giving him the cold glance that made the celestial being feel uncomfortable.

"Unique? Explain further on the qualities of these types of spirit beasts" Lucien asked with squinted eyebrows.

". While the other categories of spirit beasts show strength, with the rare category as the strongest Unique spirit beasts are quite different Sometimes because something is unique doesn't necessarily make it good" Rakuzen said with a lowered tone. He sounded like a thief caught red-handed in the act.

"And yet you said I am really lucky" Lucien reminded him with narrowed eyebrows and a disappointed look on his face.

"Let me finish!" Rakuzen said hastily, in a bid to defend himself.

"As I said earlier, it can be a bad thing or a good thing Unique spirit beasts are like sealed artifacts They are extremely powerful but they all possess backlashes while the backlash of some far out weights their usefulness, some are more useful than the others" Rakuzen said.

Listening to him, Lucien couldn't help but turn his attention to the silver formless spirit beast. His Initial disappointment has completely turned to curiosity, making him take bold steps towards it.

"What kind of spirit beasts is?" Lucien asked.

"I don't know" Rakuzen answered promptly, startling Lucien.

Did this celestial being just admit to not knowing something?

Aren't gods meant to be all knowing? Not to talk of a celestial being?

"Remove such dumb thoughts from your mind" Rakuzen rebuked, startling Lucien again.

"Gods are no different from cultivators at a profound realm with unique authorities over the forces of nature but they are far from invincible. They see only what you show them they know only what you tell them a god cannot be anywhere and everywhere they feed off the living go survival they are more human than you think I have seen a lot in this world but not everything This is new to me" Rakuzen confessed.

Lucien nodded in understanding as he slowly approached the formless silver spirit beast. Lucien nervously placed his hands on the silver light and instantly different voices and scenes were transmitted into his head. What he saw were countless images and countless personalities acting out in different ways.

"I am nothing I am everything Do not forget or you shall die!" A voice that was neither masculine nor feminine suddenly echoed across the darkness.

Lucien quickly retreated after successfully breaking free of the countless images. His body shivered terribly as he tried to push away the countless images in his head.



Lucien yanked his eyes open only to realize he was bleeding all over again from his eyes, mouth, nostrils, and ears. He saw the worried expressions on instructor Emma and Chenoa's faces and he couldn't help but feel touched.

[That was quite an interesting experience] Rakzuen commented making Lucien chuckle.

"Spirituality cultivation is more dangerous than it looks I have to be more careful from now on" Lucien just spoke out, leaving Instructor Emma and the others wondering who he's talking to.

[At first, I was confused but now I finally understand what type of spirit beast you have It is nothing but everything So many personas in one can be chaotic I believe you spirit beast cannot be summoned the normal way It only gets summon when you are trapped in an intense emotion and it carries out your deepest heart desire should you flatter or have a Change of heart midway, it will kill you] Rakuzen explained calmly.

'As expected of a being that has lived for a thousand years or so!" Lucien complemented Rakuzen sincerely.

He was yet to understand what the Spirit beast was trying to say but Rakuzen already understood everything just a few seconds after the event.

'I am fucked' Lucien sighed as he laid on the ground, ignoring every one of them while thinking deeply about why his luck is so bad.

The heart of man is weak and fragile and is easy to sway. He may want to kill someone this moment and in the next moment, he will be given a reason not to. A minor change in his feelings will make his spirit beast turn on him. Could this be a result of his beast assimilation ability? Because he has the power of many, his spirit beast had no definite form?

Countless random thoughts invaded his mind but he managed to push them aside and focus on the main issue at hand

How can he feel without feeling?

How can he control his emotions so effectively that I won't backfire?

[Theoretically, it is impossible But when looking at it from a different angle, it's not entirely impossible] Rakuzen commented giving Lucien hope.

'What do you mean?' Lucien muttered in his mind.

[I mean you can control your spirit beast effectively by acting like the faceless] Rakuzen said leaving Lucien even more confused.

"What is the faceless, if I may ask" Lucien asked out loud without knowing.

Those around him were confused since they didn't understand why someone just awakened after a long time would suddenly ask a question as random as this. Also, they knew nothing about the so called faceless Lucien talked about.

[You are panicking too much The chances of the spirit beast killing you are low so you don't have to be too flustered] Rakuzen said calmly.

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