My beast Emperor System

Chapter 72: An expedition

Chapter 72: An expedition

Lucien can be called a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them. He was well aware of the dangers outside the empire since its filled with different mythical and legendary beasts, Organizations that exist outside the three empires, cults, and extremely dangerous individuals! Only a fool will believe that his strength is enough and won't put up countermeasures.

So when the emperor offered the soul seal, Lucien didn't hesitate to accept the offer with joy.

"What is the second option" Lucien asked why trying hard to mask his excitement.

"You will give me details of everything that happens in this expedition... We are aware of your little affair with Instructor Emma took the initiative to meet you and give you far more benefits than you are willing to tell us, before inviting you to help her" Emperor Fei said with a sly smile on his face.

Hearing this Lucien's face flushed red violently as he looked away in shame. Seeing the cute expression coming from someone like Lucien served as one of the most delightful sources of entertainment the emperor has gotten involved with throughout the long week.

"Don't tell me you didn't know the main purpose of the Crux? Apart from providing assistance for The students, it's also a means through which we monitor the activities of our students and potential spies in the academy" Instructor Han said calmly.

"I know that already! I just wasn't thinking at that moment" Lucien practically whispered those words since he had lost the courage to speak up.

Seeing the subdued and ashamed side of Lucien, the emperor and instructor Han couldn't help but laugh their hearts out, making him feel even more ashamed of himself.

"Did you also hear about the side effects of the be as assimilation ability?" Lucien finally spoke after watching them laugh for close to a minute.

"Yea If your speculations are true, then you a truly a blessed man! I am so envious of your luck!" Emperor Fri cried out dramatically and Instructor Han nodded their head in agreement repeatedly.

"How?" Lucien was dumbfounded since he wasn't expecting this type of response. He never expected these two elders to be so shameless.

"No how! Do you know how nice it feels to be able to do whatever you want with as many ladies as possible without the Norma fears we men have to endure every day?" Emperor Fei asked with a stern face.

"You have been blessed do not throw away this gift so casually" Instructor Han also spoke with a stern look on his face.

"Shameless!" Lucien blurred out while taking a step back. He l never expected these two elders whom he looked up to would be able to ruin their perfect image in his head in just a few seconds!

"Concerning the second condition, you have to be careful with the human friends around you Brian and Instructor Emma included" Instructor Han said in a serious tone.

"Why?" Lucien was stunned by the sudden change in Instructor Han's expression.

"You underestimate your fame in the empire now Most humans, if not all see you as the doom and a plague that will befall all humans that's why many noble families tried so hard to recruit you, in a bid to make you humanity's greatest ally" Instructor Han explained calmly.

"Since you failed to respond to their summons and many requests, it is safe to say they view you as a threat that needs to be eliminated" Instructor Han added calmly.

"He's right when Instructor Emma approached you, Instructor Han watched closely, just to make sure she harms you in any way"Emperor Fei said.

"But she didn't" Lucien said hurriedly causing the emperor to reveal a kind smile.

"I understand that she's your first and its only natural you develop some sort of feelings after everything that happened between you two but you shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgment that's quite dangerous and can lead to an unexpected end" Emperor Fei said calmly while rubbing Lucien's silver hair gently.

It was only at rare moments like this did Lucien act his age, show anxiety and uncertainty and during this moment, the emperor didn't mind filling up the role of his parents and comforting him.

"It is very unlikely that miss Emma would try to hurt you within the academy since Dean Fei Xio is always watching but that's not the same outside the empireIf she knew you had such a strong connection with the emperor I am sure she would have never approached you" Instructor Han continued only after Lucien had calmed down.

"As an instructor, she has the authority to form a small expedition group and embark on missions outside the empire So far she had recruited three third-year students and then went ahead to skip the second year before meeting you directly I sincerely wish I am wrong but it is very suspicious" Emperor Fei explained.

"You are strong but not invincible! You need to be careful when you go out there" Instructor Han said

"The expedition may take far more time than expected but no one cares you are an excellent student already the first-year classes are a waste of time for someone like you, so don't rush back until you have claimed that sealed artifact in my name" Emperor Fei said those words.


Lucien returned to the academy a different man. He seemed colder than usual, making even instructor Han feel uncomfortable but there was nothing they could do about it. It is necessary he knows that truth and prepares himself for the worst.

Upon reaching his room, he contacted Instructor Emma using the communication bracelet she got for him and agreed to her offer. They agreed to leave the empire the next morning and set out for the sealed artifact before the other forces claim it for themselves.

Lucien spent a good part of the night in silence as he pondered on the possibility of instructor Emma trying to get rid of him. He slept off that night with a broken heart and a tear rolling down his face but he woke up the next morning colder than ever.

Arriving at the war mage class meant for fresher's Lucien was met with three new faces but he wasn't moved. One wore completely black attire with flowing black hair and purple aura, with a gland Lucien was already aware of this person's identity. He was the current heir to the Vladimir noble family, Alucard!

Just like that Lightborn family exists, a human Noble family with members who only use light elements, the Vladimir family is a human Noble family that has only family members capable of using only darkness magic. These unique families in breed to make sure their lineage remains pure and this increases the chances of having offspring with dark magic as well.

By his right was a brown-haired lady, who could be considered average in terms of physical endowment so Lucien didn't bother focusing on her, he quickly shifted his gaze to the mountain of a man dressed in expensive noble attire. He had a large circular face with a thick mustache and bald head giving him a dangerous look but Lucien didn't get fazed by the presence of these third years.

His eyes shifted to Instructor Emma who was standing at the podium while waving at him with a loving smile, making his heart tighten and his eyes narrow.

"So you are the famous Lucien Raizen abandoned by his clan, yet still making a name do himself You don't look much though" Alucard said calmly while approaching.

His words were sharp and vicious just like his eyes. He wore a black sleeveless mage robe with a black feather coat draped over it meanwhile Lucien wore a silver sleeveless mage robe with the academies insignia imprinted on the right side of his chest.

"Okay" Lucien replied coldly as he walked past Alucard without sparing him a gland, leaving everyone stunned! A first year dares to disrespect a powerful third year without any sign of remorse.

"You dare walk out on me!" Alucard roared as his eyes let out bright darkish purple light.


Darkness aura exploded from Lucien's body, taking the shape of the nightmare demon above his head. His eyes turned black as black clouds beta gathering above them while his aura skyrocketed.

"This kid is strong" The third year girl laughed seductively while licking her lip

"The rumors were not exaggerated, it seems you can truly consume the abilities of the magic beasts you defeat" The mountain-sized third year student said calmly while gazing at Lucien with an amused look on his face.

"Enough of thatSince everyone is here let's leave this place first" Instructor Emma said as the teleportation pod on the podium lit up and she walked in without sparing them a glance.

She noticed the cold glance Lucien threw at her when she waved so felt uncomfortable. She couldn't ignore the possibility that Lucien suspects that she's planning to kill him in this expedition.

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