My beast Emperor System

Chapter 146: Chapter 145

Chapter 146: Chapter 145

The twelve imperial knights are considered the mightiest generals in the Fotia academy. With each of them at the peak of the spirit realm! These twelve are said to be the leader one's to lead the royal forces in battle! Their status could be considered higher than that of an average noble family head. Seeing Lucien act this way towards them even though he is a simple Baron infuriated them but for some reason, they chose not to attack. They could feel the various mana gathering signatures, located at various spots within the castle. Automated defense systems were so advanced, these people couldn't help but ask how Lucien got his hands on something this advanced.

In normal circumstances, these twelve would not bother with someone like Lucien who is only a baron. They wouldn't bother coming out themselves to meet a warrior realm brat who left one of their knights in a very bad condition. But Lucien is different.

This kid was just someone who suddenly became popular overnight and is shrouded in mystery. He could be considered one of the few nobles the empire needs rather than the other way around. Gazing at the kid, looking down on them infuriated them but they also felt elated as well. In their opinion, Lucien is an unknown variable that can either make or break the empire. If they play their cards right and extract as much information as they can from Lucien, they can break the balance in strength between the three great empires and finally make the Fotia the most powerful one.

"Just like the nobles said You are domineering" the bull helmet imperial knight laughed lightly as he withdrew his aura and Lucien did the same.

He too could tell this was all a farce since he couldn't feel any killing intent from the man when he sent his aura at him, it was more like they are testing him.

"I believe it's time you tell me why you have come since we are done playing games" Lucien said calmly with a light smile at the corner of his lips...

"Appear at the Royal courtroom tonight there is much to discuss As a noble and the reason for all of this, you must attend" The imperial knight said as his eyes gave out a light flash.

Seeing this, Lucien only nodded his head nonchalantly in response and did nothing more. He was already bored of their meeting and was slightly annoyed by the fact that he had to stop eating for this. He too had pressing matters to attend to and even now he has no choice but to go through the system again. In his opinion, he has been skipping levels, so his foundation is shaky.

As soon as the imperial knights left, Lucien left the food and returned to his room, and shut the doors. He brought out Zhao Li's ring and began checking its contents. Apart from a thousand gold coins that he considers reasonable, he found books based on the invisible force martial technique. There were high-quality cultivation resources and a book based on the general laws of martial technique. That book can be considered one of the most important items here. 

Touching the book Lucien assimilated all the information recorded in it almost instantly and this helped him understand a lot. While human martial techniques are vast and different, they all bear a similarity that should be taken note of. Whatever physical change a person incurs or new abilities gained after forming a martial technique will always be derived from the components used to form it. Each martial technique make look different but they have almost the same roots.

Thinking back at the moment he tried to remember what he used to create the spirit martial technique and finally found out how it works, or at least he had an idea. Apart from that, there was still some mid quality magic equipment and since Lucien did not need these, he decided to just put it in the clan treasury. He considered these pieces of equipment, inferior grade and had intentions of upgrading them before sending them out to his subordinates. In the end, he gained a total of one hundred and fifty pieces of magic equipment., a handful of books and guides, over a thousand gold coins, and finally the cultivation materials stored there were close to five thousand coins is worth.

As to understand why Zhao Li carried so many valuables, is one thing Lucien may never find out.

[He most likely would have offered you these things if you let him speak and not kill him right away!] Rakuzen said and Lucien nodded his head in agreement.

"Why would I accept this and let him live when I can always taking kill him and take it away just like I did. Shameless and stupid" Lucien said with a frown on his face.

[Well, not everyone would be eager to incur the wrath of the Zhao Clan so, not everyone would make such a reckless move, just like you did] Rakuzen argued.

"Even then, to think that a person would be shameless I wish I tortured him more before taking his life!" Lucien hissed before dropping the storage ring on a desk and laid down on the bed.

"Upgrade system" Lucien said those words coldly and a blue light began surging out of his body.

The blue energy spread across his body and slowly spread across his entire body. His eyes let out a bright blue light and his body convulsed unusually.



[Update complete.]

Only after the last message did everything calm down and only then did Lucien regain control of his body. He could feel it, like one of the chains binding Rakuzen within the dark corners of his mind was loosened. In normal circumstances, the more he upgraded the system, the better the chances of Rakuzen taking over but with Rakuzen as an ally, he had no reason to worry about this.



[New updates available]

[New Spirit martial technique identified]

"OH?" Lucien muttered.

Originally the system couldn't detect his abilities but after the upgrade, it popped up.

[Dual Spirit martial technique: Soul and Body Harmony technique]

[From combining the beast assimilation, Elemental and spirit beast abilities to form a sea of consciousness. This grants the host multiple abilities]

[Beast Assimilation revival; Host can summon his beast assimilations and grant them an immortal body. As long as the host does not run out of world energy, the beast assimilations cannot be permanently destroyed]

[Soul and body Harmony: The host can incorporate his magic with his soul attacks to achieve true magic. Attacks that harm both the body and soul]

[Foresight: With the second level of the Seer pathway mastered, Host can see a glimpse of the future in battle or have premonitions of danger in battle]

[Phantom fists: Combining both soul and body, the user can perform phantom punches which strike the soul directly and not the body It temporarily grants the hosts fists, the ability the phase through physical objects and directly harm the soul]

[Soul link: Host can form a link between two souls and speak telepathically to allies whom he has a soul pact with]

"Just this much?" Lucien said with a frown on his face since he was expecting more. The description may seem simple but Lucien knew how powerful his abilities are and that's why he didn't complain much, even though he was hoping for more flashy abilities.

Either way, he wasn't too bothered. After reading everything set up by the system, Lucien understood some things about his spirit martial technique and what makes it superior to other martial techniques. Unlike other martial techniques that cannot evolve or assimilate other skills, this one allows a person to upgrade the ability, through upgrading his understanding of the various pathways. The more pathways he learns and the more he understands about them, the more powerful he becomes.

[This martial technique grants you an ability based on everything you know... Even the seer, contractor, and slayer pathway is put into consideration when dealing with this I think you are very lucky since we finally know a way to cultivate this martial technqiue] Rakuzen said and Lucien nodded in agreement.

He gazed at his stats once again only to realize that he has stacked up a lot of experience points and empire upgrade points.

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Cultivation technique: Soul and Body harmony dual cultivation technique]

[Cultivation realm: 2nd sky of the warrior realm]

[Emperor points: 16,000]

[HP: 500/500]

[EP: 500/500]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Pure Qi body: 4%]

[Exp: 7,000]

With this much, he should be able to upgrade, at least one more pathway but he didn't want to rush this either so he decided to let it go for now. A lot of time had passed by and before meeting the emperor and the other noble families with the imperial forces in tonight's meeting, he deemed it necessary to have at least an ally on the side of the nobles.

"I guess I will be heading over to the Lightborn family territory with Alice." Lucien sighed while he spoke.

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