My beast Emperor System

Chapter 123: Price for power (2)

Chapter 123: Price for power (2)

To the right was a King tier magic beast which looked more like a Lamar with the only difference is a more buffed body. Its eyes were bright purple and it's sure had a light green shade. Gazing at the magic beast one couldn't feel restless around it since it exudes a calm and harmless aura that naturally calms someone down. This magic beast was barely up to five meters tall making it almost considerably smaller than rapture but even then Lucien didn't dare let his guard down.

He shot a glance to the side only to notice that the second king tier magic beast was still far enough so Lucien quickly assumed it was a magic beats lacking in the speed department so he let out a sigh of relief before shooting towards Lanka.


Lanka's eyes released a dangerous light as it saw the human approaching! Its fur shivered greatly as a slightly faint purple substance began surging out of its body. Originally one would think it's just its overflowing aura but it was different and Lucien knew it! He quickly stopped and even backed up continuously! He gazed at the Lanka with a raised eyebrow as he watched the trees and vegetation around it melt away.


"Damn!" Lucien muttered as he retreated even farther! He couldn't explain how a seemingly harmless magic beast would have such an ability.

"To think a half-blood like you would have such sharp senses You are not that bad!" The Lanka said with a sly smile on its face.

"Hehehehe A beast with such a low bloodline dares speak to me in such a manner? You must be cocky!" Lucien retorted with a sinister smile, making the face of the Lanka twist with anger!


At that moment the faceless which has taken the form of the blue serpent Chinese dragon shot past Lucien and towards the enemy.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The air around Lucien trembled as he shut his eyes tight and focused on the images of Rakuzen fighting the creed members in his mind. The faceless is a unique spirit beast the ability to take the form of any and retain its abilities. If he can muster as much power as Rakuzen could with his body then the strength of his Azure blue serpent dragon would be on par with that of

Illusionary blue dragon scale began appearing all over his body giving him a more domineering look. His body jerked backward abruptly as he took a deep breath enlarging his neck that gave out a faint blue light. Seeing Lucien with an enlarged neck and his solid blue dragon scales gave him an imposing look that even made the Lanka frown!

"Spirit Bess: Azure Dragon breath!" Lucien roared as he spat out a powerful wave of blue flames, surging forward like a tidal wave as it chased after the faceless tightly.


Lanka snorted disdainfully as Its massive body slightly leaned to the left and vanished! Following countless rumbles and flying chunks of trees and wood could be seen as well!

How could something so big be so fast?

Does that mean the Lanka got here because it was faster and maybe the incoming magic beast may not necessarily be slow, it just the Lanka is faster!


The faceless in the form of the Azure blue dragon quickly followed regardless of how fast the Lanka is, it could follow with its eyes!

At that moment the Lanka was too focused on the large Azure blue dragon, it almost didn't notice the massive fiery whirlpool brewing behind it!

"Heed my call! Azure dragon spear!" Lucien growled with blazing blue eyes!

A faint image of the Azure blue serpent dragon appeared behind him and then surged towards his hands taking the shape of a bright blue dragon-shaped hilt with a blue dragon scale blade.

"Roar!" Lucien growled as he let go of the spear but it did not fall! Instead, it stayed airborne and began spinning fiercely! Soon blue flames began surging fiercely around the spear until it got big enough to look like a fiery blue whirlpool surging violently!

The size of this attack was so great even people within the city could see this! They watched in awe as the fiery blue whirlpool kept getting fiercer and fiercer while the Chinese blue serpent dragon was entangled with the goat-like magic beast!

"what the hell Is that?"

Many asked but they were not fearful since they had complete trust in the defense formation protecting the city. They soon remembered that Lucien had gone towards that direction with his king-tier magic beast, Rupture!

"It must be Lord Rakuzen! Only he can wield such power!" Someone in the crowd screamed and many began cheering merrily!

The students and instructor Hai watched from a distance and they too were left dazed! How is someone this powerful still a student in their academy? With this level of strength, he can become an instructor! In fact, many who believed Lucien was too young and weak to be a noble began rethinking everything.

"It cant be him! If he is this strong then he wouldn't need to be in the academy!" One of the students cried out! He just couldn't get himself to accept the fact that Lucien is far stronger than them.

Hearing this, many students were eager to agree with this explanation but what came next was unexpected!

"According to the information given to us by your former war mage instructor, Emma. Lucien used this same ability when facing two outer disciples of the creed Mind you those two were spirit realm masters surpassing other spirit realm masters yet Lucien won... I heard a spirit beast cultivator at the warrior realm beat instructor Emma and three other students and she is at the peak of the mortal realm Lucien is a skilled spirit beast cultivator who far surpasses the girl that beat instructor Emma It is very logical he is capable of this! By the way, He only excels as a spirit beast cultivator and not a mage He wants to push his cultivation as a mage too and that's why he is still in the academy If he excels at both then it means we are witnessing the birth of a new beast emperor! One far stronger than all three great emperors" Instructor Hai said all this with lingering fear visible in his eyes. It was simply because he didn't know the kind of person Lucien is so he doesn't know what he will become in the future.

"YOU ACTUALLY HAVE THE GUTS TO FACE ME ALL ALONE? HOW ARROGANT!" Lucien's enraged voice was like powerful thunderclaps making people shudder.

The students who wanted to argue further shut their mouths! Lucien's words were enough to prove he is the one responsible for the fiery blue whirlpool!


The Azure dragon had successfully suppressed the Lanka by turning into the Abok the moment it got close enough and using its massive body to bind it. The Lanka was caught off guard but it didn't stop it from reacting quickly! It soon released a massive surge of purple gas which began corroding the body of the Abok!


The faceless hissed in pain as it used the Abok's signature skill to transform its entire body into steel and bluster its defense but unfortunately, it could only mimic the form and power of an enemy and not the cultivation level! Even with its increased defense it could barely last against the Lanka and could only watch as its body was shattered by the magic beast's true strength!

"DIE HALF-BLOOD!" Lanka cried as it leaped towards Lucien, attempting to smash him with its massive skull.

"YOU ACTUALLY HAVE THE GUTS TO FACE ME ALL ALONE? HOW ARROGANT!" Lucien growled viciously as he pushed downwards and a massive blue whirlpool surged down!


The collusion made the world around them tremble terribly before a loud painful cry rang into their ears making the hearts of those who heard it skip a beat!

"Aaaaarrrrggggggh!!!" Lucien cried out painfully as he felt like an ant getting head-butted by a giant goat!

"This." Lucien muttered as his body flew high and even went above the clouds!

Why did he challenge the king-tier magic beast head on?

Was he enraged by the fact it looked down at him?

Was he always this careless?

His vision felt blurry, he felt like all the air in his body as pulled out the moment he was hit. Visions of his entire life flashed all through his eyes causing him to ask one question.

"Am I dying here?" Lucien muttered as he watched images of his sad life flash across his eyes.

All his dreams, goals, ambition, gone just like that!

[WAKE UP, LUCIEN!] Rakuzen's enraged voice rang in his head forcing him to yank his eyes open!

"HELL NO! I REFUSE TO GO DOWN THIS WAY!" Lucien suddenly yanked his eyes open and growled.


His body was soon consumed by blue flames as the faceless formed above his head once again and took the shape of the Azure blue serpent dragon!

"Let us end this!" Lucien growled while standing atop the head of the dragon!

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