My beast Emperor System

Chapter 100: Soul cauldron

Chapter 100: Soul cauldron




Rakuzen counted each step he took as he walked up the stairs. His eyes betrayed his tough guy act, but luckily they couldn't only see his back. He walked slowly giving off a weak aura but the Azura serpent dragon hovered over his head circling him and the other members of the Fotia empire.

Reaching the top of the stone platform Rakuzen's eyes widened with a rare excitement as he saw an ancient-looking black pot with purple runes littered all over it. From the sealed tight lid, Rakuzen saw purple fume surging out and without thinking straight his body flashed appearing beside the sealed artifact and grabbing it!


"Lucien don't!"

Instructor Emma and the rest had just reached the top of the stone platform, seeing the sealed artifact in Lucien's hand they panicked and tried to stop him. This artifact is meant to be submitted to the empire if they got it, they had no right to claim it! But Rakuzen only shot them a glance and his bright blue eyes let out a bright light as the Azura serpent dragon let out a ferocious roar, releasing a shockwave that forcibly pushed them meters back! They almost fell off the stone platform just due to its ferocious scream, this made them wonder how the two outer disciples of the creed managed to fight against this beast!

"Terrifying!" Instructor Emma muttered as she watched Lucien send his consciousness into the sealed artifact, becoming its new master!

With the commotion happening, members of the Libet and Drakon empire dashed forward! Judging based on the screams and the sudden shockwave which sent Instructor Emma and the others flying back they assumed Lucien or whatever has possessed him has turned on the others. They too lived by the same rule of submitting the sealed artifact to the empire before getting rewarded, so no one expected Lucien to greedily take control of the sealed artifact.

Reaching the top, they watched visible purple mana circuits appear all over Lucien's body. The black pot slowly turned into a black gas, surging into Lucien's body and after it was done entering Lucien's eyes yanked open, revealing pitch-black eyes, leaving everyone stunned. On normal occasions, people carry their sealed artifacts around in there. Interspatial ring but never have they witnessed someone merging with an artifact before!

Originally when people heard the story of the talented Raizen clan heir absorbing a rare grade 1 sealed artifact people were stunned because it has never happened before but since no one has ever come in contact with a grade 1 sealed artifact, they assumed it was different because it was definitely higher in level. On a normal occasion, absorbing a sealed artifact is considered impossible but these people were witnessing it, Live!

"I never thought I would find you here" Rakzuen said with so much emotion in his eyes and voice people were stunned. It looked like a man finding his long lost friend.

In the past, Rakuzen was a peerless expert who had never experienced defeat! He challenged foes at higher realms and won flawlessly but there was one person that outshined him! It was the original wielder of the sealed artifact!

From a lady from a poor background and a weak cultivation level, she suddenly began increasing in realm at a stunning rate which left many shocked! She grew so fast that even the monstrous Rakuzen was like a weak child when compared to her! Many came and faced her but all of them fell by her blade!

All this was because of the grade 3 soul cauldron! She fought countless battles, used he sealed artifact to seal the souls of all those who she killed. With the sealed artifact she refined pure soul nourishment pills which allowed boosted her cultivation realm and soul! Soon she surpassed Rakzuen, drawing the hateful gaze of the jealous world on her!

Rakzuen could remember that day when she battled countless experts above the blood endless sea and ended up dying alongside seventy percent of all those who dared to face her. The sealed artifact, as well as their bodies, was lost in the sea and even Rakzuen dared not go in search of it!

"If Lucien can have this, his strength will rise by leaps and bounds in a short period of time!..." Rakzuen said to himself but all those who heard were stunned!

What kind of sealed artifact can assure constant growth at an alarming rate?

Even a grade 2 sealed artifact can't do this talk less of a grade 3 artifact!

Meanwhile, Rakzuen using his understanding of the mystic laws merged with the sealed artifact not only to prevent the empire from forcefully taking it from Lucien's hands but from this was also a means to bypass the backlash of these sealed artifacts. What people fail to realize is that sealed artifacts possess backlashes because they are used in their raw and unstable form but one can merge with it and become one, such a person can avoid unnecessary black lashes for using its power!

As a god and a celestial being, how could Rakuzen not notice the killing intentions in the hearts of the humans around but they were yet to make a move because they were scared of the Azura serpent dragon staring intently at them!

"You are too weak to vie for this sealed artifact I am the strongest here I have merged with it and I have become one with it do you have a problem with it?" Rakzuen asked coldly at the spirit realm captain of the human team.

His words were cold but sharp enough to pierce any mental barriers set up by a person. Hearing his words, the faces of the humans couldn't help but turn sour but they couldn't say a word.

"You guys should leave first You too" Lucien said to Instructor Emma and the representatives of the Drakon Empire.

While they were reluctant, they had no choice but to walk past Lucien, heading to the teleportation array far behind!

"What do you plan to do?" Instructor Emma stopped moving the moment she reached Lucien and stopped.

It was already general knowledge that Lucien is possessed by some sort of ancient powerful spirit allowing him to summon this much power, so instructor Emma was scared of taking her eyes off of Lucien for one moment, or he may end up running away.

She asked that question with so much confidence and a clenched fist but upon making eye contact with Rakuzen, all that courage vanished, making her jerk backward.

"I have been with Lucien for a while now I have seen his true potential and his true friends He doesn't want you to get hurt so I cannot hurt you" Rakuzen said calmly but even then Instructor Emma didn't calm down.

"Anyway This body is weak and can only sustain a small fraction of my strength for a short whileThis body has sustained so many internal injuries and Lucien may even die if I relinquish control now With the sealed artifact I just acquired I plan to refine soul nourishment pills that will increase his chances of surviving this so leave" Rakuzen said the last part as he shot a glance at the members of the Libet empire with killing intentions surging out!

Hearing this, Instructor Emma just nodded timidly and stood aside but she didn't leave the dungeon like the rest. Seeing this Rakuzen couldn't help but sigh before turning his attention to the enemy ahead. His left leg slid back as his upper half leaned forward! The blue dragon scales once again appeared on his skin

"What do you plan on doing?" The captain of the human team asked timidly as she placed her hand on the hilt of her blade. Those behind her took a step back as their body trembled! The current Lucien is not someone they can fight against!

"Weren't you and your group ready to kill me just to take possession of my magic weapon? It's only natural I try to return the favor!" Rakzuen growled as his diminishing aura suddenly erupted once again.


"Pls don't!"

Many human masters of the mortal realm screamed in terror as they ran down the stone stairs in fright, they believed if they stayed up any longer they will be killed by the monster!

"Spirit Beast: Fiery blue Azura dragon claw!" Rakuzen growled viciously as he pressed his hands down violently.


A blue dragon claw appeared above the fleeing men still running down the stairs in fright! With just one move it struck down viciously, reducing everyone who fled to a bloody paste!

Rakuzen had just killed a bunch of mortal realm experts like they were some sort of flies! Instructor Emma who once entertained thoughts of fighting Rakuzen couldn't help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva while retreating even farther in fear!

"Seal!" Rakzuen suddenly growled as his eyes turned purple and purple markings appeared all over his body.

A faint image of the soul cauldron appeared above his head as a strong suction force erupted from his body, pulling the souls of the dead in!

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