Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 212: Ignition of the Imperium

Chapter 212: Ignition of the Imperium

As he spoke these words.

It thundered through the ears of everyone present here and jolted them awake!!

"Yashin Vega"

Just the mention name made feel as if their power grew marginally!!

Their blood boiled and their knees bended once again, as if their blood and body was telling them to crawl!!

He sighed:

"When Yasrib fell"

His tears stopped:

"I accepted the request of the last Emperor."

"He already knew he would be betrayed, so he came to me."

"And I accepted all of you, in here as my own children."

"After allThe Empire was big and the prince wasn't competent enough to lead too much people."

He spoke simply and to the point

"Something must have happened"

"Either on the Ancestral Home or on the confines of the Lower Primordial Realm."


"It seems those sinner sullying Yasrib, and the Four Factions behind them are eyeing this place once again."

As he finished his story, the tribe leaders all knelt to the ground and said vehemently!!

"We will protect his Majesty's treasure with you!!! Esteemed Ancestor!!"

Even Ajika who wanted to escape was now on fours ready to lay her life if necessary!!

The old man laughed as he saw them.

"A Bunch of Impudent brats.Who said that this old man needs your help?!"

"I will open up the portal and fight those vermin while you evacuate."

"Look for the Vega Dynasty once againThis is where your place has always been"

He then looked at the little girl, with snow white hair:

"Ajika, my dear. You have got good potential. Even in the Ancient Empire, you would have been seen as worth fostering."

"Protect, the descendants of my Vega Dynasty."

"This is the only requests of a dying old man."

The Woman began sobbing again:


Hearing her calling her that, like when she was young, the old man laughed once again!!

He know started to feel.

What his Emperor felt back then!!

The Four leaders asked ceremoniously, their eyes red, and their palm brimming with blood.

"AncestorWhat about the treasure?"

The old man continued to laugh!!

"What about it?"

"ActuallyIt doesn't matter if they find it or not."

"They could never take it from the beginning!!"

"My Emperor told me to protect it.But he meant it from the enemies of that era!!"

"Not for a bunch of vermin, that just crawled from mud and dared to call itself dynasty!!"

"How could they see through his Majesty's methods!!?"

Ajika narrowed his eyes:

"But if this the caseWhyeven bother"

The old man laughed once again:

"Even if they can'tSo what?"

"My Imperial Majesty buried a dear treasure of his here.How could I allow them to even approach it?!!

"Do they think I am joke or they think my Emperor is a joke?!!"

He leaped through the air as he looked down on this place.He continued to laugh:

"I know your Majesty.Told me to act like an old man."

As he saw the army besieging his land, a powerful aura grew!! Reaching the level of Star Buster!!

Faraway from his previous peak

He was indeed on his last straws

"But even old men get to act crazy once or twice right?"

Meanwhile.On a corner that seemed to completely elude everyone present.

Even the Old tree's.

.A Hooded Man, who saw and heard everything looked up at the old man, his eyes wide in horror, his teeth gritting in anger!!

His eyes were graveAnd he nearly gave up his position.

He immediately bent his knees and moved at blinding speed!!! His whole ki was being consumed as he made it away from the barrier!!!

He flew so fast he started to even consume, his life force!! Cursing he wasn't born with wings and extra legs so he could go faster!!





'We were too arrogant and we underestimated those FILTHY BASTARD!!!'

'The Barrier is even able to completely block our telepathy!!'

'I need to make it out of here!!'


His whole body became red and steams grew from every pore of his body!!

All the spectacle didn't evade the eyes of the little fairy

Her powerful gaze then crossed Hundred of thousands of Light Years like it was nothingLanding on a worn-down barrier, and finally on a withering tree.

Her gaze turned somber, emotion taking over her fiery eyes. She observed the tree once again, the old man laughing in the midst of the attacking army.

'That stubborn child'

Her vision then moved to a certain powerful country and landed on a certain Grand Priestess. Wrinkles appeared on her beautiful cute faces:

'And that stubborn old hag!!'

'Won't you move already?'

She sighed.But deep down she understood why she couldn't make her move. Not yet.

'He didn't mature enough yet'

Her gaze then returned to the rebellious states.

In this Continent.There were only three People who knew the unfathomable secret hiding in that land.

The Grand Priestess.

The Saharan Emperor.

And finally her

For nowNeither her nor the Grand Priestess could make their move.

'At this rate'

'Yashin's Heritage.'

She looked at the old man. Frightening the endless fury of his assailants!!

He fought valiantly against the Commander of the enemy army!! But he was old

Way too old to resist any longer.

She took a deep breath and invoked a powerful aura on her fair little hands, immediately her gaze switched to the shinning throne!

'...Will be ruined.'

She sighed looking at the Healing Emperor:

'You really chose your time. You young fool!!'

She snapped her fingers!!

'SighI will regret this!'

And suddenly a little flame appeared on her tiny hand. The Flame was orange but wasn't cold nor hot.

'I guess it's unfair to only help one descendant.'

She threw the powerful flame!! In the exact moment it disappeared and reappeared on the Throne Room in the Atleasian Empire.

'Wake up! You lazy bastard!!'

Immediately the fiery ball appeared in front of the throne. Izuna who was by it's side widened his eyes in surprise!!

How did this ball suddenly appear here?

He immediately attacked it!!

The Fire seemed to be immaterial, and completely passed through his sword like it was air!

You should know that at this level Izuna is capable of cutting space and time itself!!

He immediately used his Rinnegan!!!

But this little ballSeemed two or three dimension higher than his reaches. His hair already became red!! And his sword became more powerful!!!

Powerful God Ki was unleashed!!

Still it was useless!!

It was like a two-dimension object trying to attack the shadow of a three dimensial object.!!

It was never a question of power but simply of plane of existence!!!

His power grew several fold!! But it was useless!! Suddenly a voice resounded

"Stay back.Child of the Imperium."

And as the voice resounded

A powerful sense of dread occupied the heart of Izuna!! Immediately he felt like a little being, and insignificant being a little breeze away from extinction!

He was like a little ant carrying the crushing weight of a Universe!!

Numerous signals of danger sounded in his mind!! Yet his heart remained unnerved!!!

Immediately the ball shined and entered the monarch's body!! Still he couldn't do anything about the ball!

"Big Brother!!!"

Hearing the way this man addressed the Emperor, a light chuckle resounded through the hallHer tone became a tad warmer.

"No need to worry."

"I am helping your Monarch healing faster."

A female voice resounded through the hall!! Izuna looked up, his rinnegan already in full work!!

He couldn't detect the source of the voice at all!!

The Feeling of oppression from the voice became even more evil, the more he used his Rinnegan.

The Light was extremely mysterious, his Rinnegan was completely blind before it!!

He felt like a monkey trying to understand ancient scriptures. He was an ape, and his eyes made him feel that too!!

He approached the Emperor, and asked with full on hostility!!

"Who are you?"

The female voice responded calmly:

"A Vega Clan Member."

Izuna aura grew as he tried to approach the Emperor. His eyes brimming with untethered killing intent, his body briming with power.

As he resisted the oppression from the voice!

If something happened to his BortherHe would find this woman and eat her heart!!

The Fairy's eyes lingered on the youth, a slight surprise on her eyes.

You should know that the Empress's voice itself contain terrible horrors

Normally, even Infinite Multiverse Monsters or Finite Multiverses like Zeno would be compelled to obey her on the spot. Even more so for members of the Vega Dynasty.

Her will is supreme.Even if she is Light Years away from her peak, she could still command a part of the primordial realm with ease with the power she using now!!

Izuna is not only admirably ignoring her voice, but is also stubbornly resisting her will.

Her will in this powerless state is still stronger than of the Omniversal beings

The Will of an Omniversal being who doesn't see Izuna even as an ant but a simple iteration, a simple word or sentence on the realm of infinite possibilities.

Yes.In the eyes of beings at the Peak of the Primordial Realm existence of Multiversal Level are only a sentence away or a thought away from obliteration.

Like a writer who could erase a word from his book.

The Empress could have easily escaped the eyes and the sense of Izuna, as she did with the Marshalls.

Nevertheless, she was curious about the man who was allowed to stay this close to the Emperor in his weak state. So she made a little prank. And she was pleasantly surprised.

'For a being of this level to dare have killing intent in front of this Empress'

Like Marek, the Empress never actually valued strength that muchMuch more she valued this spirit!!! She valued loyalty and love for the Imperium!!

Who would have thought that such a good seed would appear this early in the Reign of this Monarch

Her powerful eyes could read through him like a Mirror so she could see the vehemence of his rage.

"Izuna Uchiha, such loyal heart, and such inhibited talent as such young age."

She spoke like an esteemed elder. In front of her eyes.His whole past was made bare.

She couldn't help but exclaim

'It seems not only Earth but those Minor words also hold some surprises'

'The King Piece was a good investment indeed.'

As she heard the story of Izuna, her eyes became even softer. Of course, the only thing Izuna could hear was her voice:

"Izuna Uchiha."

"This Empress, shall remember thy name."

"May the Blessing of the Imperium shine upon you"

As she spoke, those words seemed to provoke a mysterious power inside the body of the Saiyan, it was a gentle and soothing orange flame, it entered his eyes, immediately his eyes seemed to evolve and, in his void red rinnegan, appeared new inscribing.

But all this seemed to evade Izuna, his attention was on the throne and as his Rinnegan evolved, he started, to see the changes in the Emperor body.

The little flame, didn't just enter and heal the body of the Emperor.

But it fused with another mysterious flame in the Emperor's body.

Only the flame of the mysterious woman was orange, and the Emperor's was dark green!!

But the moment the two touched each other, the green flame seemed to grew denser and denser as she franticly absorbed the orange flame!!!

Immediately the Drak Green Flame grew franticly until it washed over the Emperor's body!!

But Izuna could see that this Flame was not only healing but also refining his Cells!! And even more so his S-Cells!!

Izuna who made sure that there wasn't anything wrong with the Emperor could finally sigh

'She used her little flame as a spark to ignite a power dormant in the Emperor, so it could heal him quickly.'

'This power seemed to be of the same nature as the flame'

'The only difference between two seemed to be something akin to the difference between two brothers, something like personal identity.'

'But this awakening is like slight waves in clear water.It only a little pushOnly Big Brother could control the real power of this flame.'

For him to be this sure of something that completely eluded just moments ago.It could be said that his Rinnegan already attained another level

He sighed in reliefAnd suddenly question marks appeared on his mindHe smiled powerlessly

"Vega Clan Members, huh?"

"What a jokeIf the Vega Clan has such powerful clansmen, would Big Brother have suffered so much"

He could remember the horror of the voiceHe never encountered something this powerfulEven the Emperor didn't reach that level of power yet.

But Izuna eyes only revealed battle spiritsNow that he was sure that the Emperor was about to awakenHe felt relieved

StillHow could he forget, this defeat

To be defeated by a mere voice. He never felt this small, since his youth

He smiled:

"It seems the Primordial Realm is much dangerous than expected."

"It's good to have a goal in mind."

"It will make training more enjoyable."

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