Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 206: Announcement

Chapter 206: Announcement

In the next hours or so....I will modify the last BLeach related chapters.... I thought it through and I think that entering the Soul Society arc this early will be a mistake...As it will be even better if it was delayed for a bit....So the Modified Chapters will still talk about Soul Cultivation...But the Soul Society arc will be a little further down the line.

That being said...It will rush Marek's Awakening....The next worlds will be much stronger too....

And there will be more war and less scheming....

....I finally ended my mid terms...So I will be writting more frequently...Althought I am begining to be interested in writting other fanfics too....

Maybe those fics will be linked to 'the Atleasian Empire'...

So be prepared for that....!!

If you have some questions feel free to ask!!

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