Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 203: Stuborn Little Princess

Chapter 203: Stuborn Little Princess

And as Altair reappearedThe hidden blades were already planted on the chest of the two strongest vanguards. The Vanguards immediately got consumed and erased from existence.

As Illumi have gone wild, Altair already detected the most troublesome ones. And dealt with them swiftly.

A dark mysterious power seeped into the dagger, it seemed chaotic, everchanging

Sometimes it would appear as wild waves of energy, other time it would look like a venomous dark liquid, other time, it would seem like a rough-edged martial energy.

It changed into whatever the youth deemed to be.

Di Stefano already understanding the gravity of the situation by this move announced with deep coldness:


"Do not be too hasty."

He smiled lightly:

"It is not the time for our two sides to draw blood yet."

Elga hearing those words narrowed her eyes, as questions marks appeared in her head:

'Two Sides?'

'What is the other?'

Is there another side in this world worthy to be called such in the continent?!!

Illumi, had a glint of interest as he still exchanged blows with the elegant butler. Altair looked at the rest of the determined soldiers still daring to face him head on. He smirked up:

"You drew first blood when you broke through the Orient."

The Princess narrowed her eyes. This was something she didn't understand. The both..Be it the Butler or the Assassin spoke like equals!!

And this force.Is controlling the Orient?!!

'How.Could it be?'

If there isSuch a forceDoesn't mean the Empresses plans were bound to be much complicated than expected?!

The cold, savage smile reappeared. As he remembered.

"Do you think we will let you act as you please?"

.Those days When the Combrosian Empire was facing extinction.

When everything he held dear crumbled before his eyes.

He already knew

It was their fault.

His amber eagle eyes decorticated these soldiers.

It was so that those people could live

"Did you think you will be forever invincible?"

His cold voice seemed to be addressing the Imperial Butler but it held a deep grace, charisma and darknessThat chilled even the bones of the soldiers.

That his people had to be massacredThrough centuries and millennialsThey had to be massacred. His smile remained untethered:

He looked up, his amber eyes directly peering into the Imperial Bulter, calm unwavering eyes.

"You Filthy, treacherous scum!!"

Hearing those words. The Imperial Butler calmly narrowed his eyes:

"The Empirenever leave their soldiers unavenged."

"I presume you already know that."

He continued to speak with the same indifference:

"This may lead to war."

Elga opened her eyes in deep untethered surprise. The wayThe Imperial Butler addressed the matter!!!

She narrowed her eyes:

'He is serious!!!'

Another force able to make the Saharan Empire serious!!

'Who the hell are they?'

Her heart has battled widely, when looking at the vicious blade.


She even felt her eyes hurt just by staring at it!!

She could see that the surrounding matter, be it air, water or even martial energy was disintegrating into a furious pace: That energy

"There is only one Empire I acknowledge. Any other entity is unworthy of the title."

She never saw something as profound only once. And It would only appear occasionally on her Empress.

'What the hell?'

He moved swiftly And this, raw, unstable, powerful energy that seemed able to end the whole continent in a whim, was moving in a pinpoint precision that she never saw people wield with normal powers.


Altair didn't even give time to the soldiers to retaliate.

The Assassin, had enough field experience to understand their strategies. It was actually something he worked on with the Brotherhood when he was young.

How to deal with a stronger foe? How could the Mentors neglect that?

His dark wings only flapped lightly Before one or two soldiers fell bloody, a single fatal strike wound on. He looked up and spoke mildly:

"How amusing"

Those opponents that she struggled so hard to contain, couldn't even utter a single word. Under his ruthless voice:

"Then I dare you to do it."

Like a castle of cardsOne after the otherThey justFell. In a complete utter silence.

They all fellLike thatAs anticlimactically as it seemed.

There was no cry nor despair, like Illumi showcased. There was only silence. Not even a plop on the ground could be heard.

It was deathly silence. Like the whole thing was only happening in her mind.





There wasn't even a ripple on the handsome face of the braid haired youth. His Eagle eyes seemed cold. Not expressing joy nor sorrow.

He was simply massacring, naturally.

At this pointFor him killing became already as natural as breathing.

It was only something he did. Without thinking too much about it. But he would always do it in the most flawless way, possible.

Because his body would naturally move that way.

The Powerhouses in the Atleasian Empire who were unfamiliar with the youth. Drew a deep breath. Be it the generals, the vizirs or even the Marshalls.

It was not something that could be measured by physical strength alone. It was a demeanor that transcended even realm itself.

It was a gift. In the Same Madara seemed to be born to be a War Monster

Marek be born to be the Emperor.

He seemed to be born in the sole purpose to kill. This was talent beyond any actual power.

This was just raw disposition since birth.

This display

'That level of control'

She only knew two people with this kind of raw and uninhibited martial talent. She felt the same kind of absurd awe when she looked at him.

OnlyThe youth seemed to be much more advanced, or the level of energy he is using far surpassed the others.

This was her guess at least.

As she was intently looking at the vicious blade.

'This power isDangerous.'

She felt it from the deepest part in her heart.

He looked up once again, under his feet the one hundred dead elite soldiers, the Elder Princess sent here.

He had a ruthless smile as his voice elevated!! His tone filled with uninhibited disdain!!

"DO IT!!!!"

His aura grew exponentially!! As torrent of dark energy claimed his whole being!!

"What are you waiting for? Imperial Butler?!!"

He had an evil face as he spoke in a domineering way!!

"Declare it!!!"


Unending streams of power grew like torrent taking over the world!!! The Word seemed to be able to be broken apart!!!

Elga had her heart constrict!!

'Such vicious, power!!!'

The Blond man snorted, still not the least phased by this display. He already knew it. The Moment they started killing through.

No one was going to make it alive. These fighters were as elites as theirs. And this mission was already registered as Highly Dangerous. Because of it.

His projection began to fade as he left a message:

"Arrogant youngsterLet's see if you are that rogue in the battlefield."

Altair clicked his tongue in disdain:

"Is that all you have to say?"

The Projection smiled:

"I am a man of little words"

"I prefer to let my actions speak for myself."

Illumi stared at the disappearing silhouette as he said in a falsly cheerful way:

"Bye~ Bye~ Mister Butler~!!"

The Imperial Butler disappeared without even paying any head to the Zoldyck Assassin.

He then teased Altair:

"What a Shame Altair-kun~! And Here I though you would really rile him up enough for him to come down~"

Altair sighed deeply:

"We would have crossed a name off our list."

"WellA Hundred of their Soldiers isn't so bad either."

His aura calmed downAnd it was as if it was never there to begin with. His Amber eyes then deviated from looking at the bloodied squad and gradually landed on the standing princess.

He made the first step:

"You don't intend to run away?"

The Words contained some unmistakable yet extremely subtle pression!! It compelled her to respond:

"Why that? It is uselessAnyway."

Altair only nodded sightly:

"If you don'tThen"

"Explain to me why disciples of the Home Base in the Sword Sect are intruding in the Orient?"

Elga stood her ground firmly, as she responded with a mocking smile:

"What is the issue with that? Aren't the disciples of the Sects allowed to roam the continent to gain enlightenment?"

Illumi responded playfully:

"Not anymore~"

"The Rules have changed~"

"Little girl~"

Altair advanced and got even closer, his amber eyes crossed with her somber yellow eyes. Elga faced him head on.

"I guess. You will not answer my questions. Will you?"

Elga smirked:

"What do you think? Bird Boy~"

She responded smugly. She knew she had a good chance of dying here. StillShe didn't mind.

She will never betray her Liege.

Altair narrowed his eyes looking at her unwavering stance. A sense of familiarity dawned on him.

Altair thought for a while before probing:

"You don't need to answer me."

"I already know your destination was the Atleasian Empire."

Elga's countenance immediately changed. Illumi had a glint of malice in his eyes before continuing to act unaware:

"Your Men are already in our custody."

"They aren't very skilled. But are quite loyal."

"It will be a shame if they were killed~"

Elga narrowed her eyes deeply:

"So what? They died in line of duty. It is an honor."

She was unfazed. Altair spoke coldly:

"He wasn't speaking of your men"

He felt a little weird saying it but he continued:

"I speak of the Country that caused all the trouble."

Illumi responded, without any shame:

"That tiny country calling itself Empire. What was it's new name~?"

Elga Clenched her fists!!! As she raged:

"You monsters!!! How dare you?!!"

Her aura grew in a monstrous way!! How could she tolerate it?

Even thought she had no affection for it!! This was still her Liege's country!! The Thought of this country brought to destruction by her mistake!!

Was not something she could even atone for it by her death!!

And also..The image of a more mature green haired beauty with a bloodied body.

'MotherIs the country you died forgoing to disappear just like that?'

Altair spoke calmly even in front of the torrential rage. Ezio smiled in his base, interest could be seen in his eyes.

'It is as expected, after all'

In his mind Altair sighed as he communicated with Ezio:

'Did we really have to go that far?'

Ezio shucked lightly:

'We need to be a 100 percent sure. My friend. This wayThere is no doubt left.'

Altair continued, his way:

"ThenWill you speak?"

"Speak a name."

"Only a name can save all these people."

Elga stood there in the crossroad!! What would she do?

Betray her liege? Endanger herOrSacrifice all that she loves so that she could remain safe?!

The Battle taking in her head seemed closer to bring her closer to death than the blade in the wrist of the Assassin.

She knew what would have Liege doneBut what should she do?

She then rememberedHer own past

'The Pain of losing those close to youThe Pain of losing family.'

She clenched her hands:

'It is worse than death'

She knew her liege would be in danger if she spoke the name of her liege.

But she knew if she didn't speakIt was her liege who would have to endure. That pain.

'The Atleasian Empire and their incapable Emperor would crumble in front of this Monsters'

'And it's not givenThat they will abide by their word even if I give them the name of her Majesty.'

"A name, huh"

'But her powerful name could still deter them. And they would focus their powers on her'

'Giving enough time for them to react.Even if they decided to still attack the Empire.'


This Scenario was only her own optimistic delusion. With their powersthey could afford to not care about the Empress at all!!

'If there is more powerful people in this powerThe Empress will be doomed.'

"A Name. I see"

With that

She made her choice. No matter what happens she would endure the consequences.

"I will give you one"

A maniacal laugh started pouring from her rosy lips!!!



Her own power grew berserk!!! And unstable!! As her body began to show sign of self-destruction!!


A Maddened gaze appeared on the previously noble and composed woman. Revealing her real self!!

'The only solution is to take them with me to the grave!!'

Ezio on the other side immediately changed his expression!!!

'Damn it!! How decisive!! Stop her!!!'

Altair grumbled, still keeping a calm countenance:

'See what happens when you push an enemy into a corner...'

"Oh~ That doesn't look good~"

Illumi took numerous needles and put them into different parts of her body!! Slowing the flux of energy!!

Elga screamed in retaliation!!!


The Needles were utterly destroyed!! But Illumi still kept an indifferent appearance:

"What a scary lady~"

"If the Servant is this wild? How is the liege~?"

Altair sighed before his dark aura englobed her green yellow aura!! Devouring it bit by bit!! Easily he overpowered her.

Until nothing was left of it!! Frustration began carving itself on her beautiful face!! As powerless she screamed her frustration!!!

"DAMN IT!!!"

There was deep rage in her eyes!! She stared daggers at the two assassins!! Who she couldn't even take out by betting her life on the line!!

Even the control over her own life and death was not hers anymore!!

This was how big the gap between them!!

Altair made swift steps, as his amber gaze never left her. The Powerless Princess was on her kneesBut the fire in her eyes never subsided.

He approached her swiftly:

"I take it that meansYou won't speak."

Elga only spit on his face. Well tried to, as she responded with a wide smile:

"Kill me."

"You bird bastard!!"

Ezio on the other side massaged his temples:

'.This had gotten out of control'

He didn't expect her subject to be that loyal. But it only made sense. In the same position, they would have made the same choice.

Altair sighed deeply:

"If you speak the name."

"I swear we won't hurt either one. Our enemy is only the Saharan Empire."

She responded the same way:

"Kill me."

Looking at the unwavering light in her eyes. The Assassin sighed deeply.

'EzioI did all I could.'

Ezio suddenly had a bright light in his eyes, as his expression changed!!

'Altair forget about probing her!! Treat her as an eminent guest immediately!!'

Altair who seemed shook had to ask:

'What happened? Why are you panicking this much?'

Ezio sighed deeply:

'She received clearing.From the Higher Ups!'

Altair frowned

Even if the members of the council could be considered Higher UpsThey had no authority about clearingThey have to follow protocol. After all we are in prewar time.

Only the Emperor or the Empresses had this kind of authority.

Ezio clearly understanding his discontent, finally spoke, a little dread in his voice:

'It's clearing'

'From the Mother Empress.'

The Moment those words were spoken, even Altair felt his breath stop a little, as he stared at the girl once again:

'Who the hell is this person?!!'

Altair took a deep breath:

"It seems I have no choice."

The Princess patiently prepared for her penance. Only to discover that the shackles on her energy were gone!!

She smiled with a tone ridicule in her voice:

"How childish...! Do you really think displaying goodwill will win my-!"


But as she was speaking, when she raised her hand once again. She found a spectacle that baffled her. Something she would never forget for a long time

The two Assassins, who are beings beyond her scope of existence. Were bowing lightly. As if delivering a polite greeting


The Braided haired youth spoke with a cold and indifferent tone:

"We greet The Envoy of the Eldest Empress. Kosem Vega."


"We, as the Eagle of the Atleasian Empire, and as the Eldest Son of the Zoldyck Family, will escort you to the capital."

The Princess had her eyes wide, with sheer surprise!! As she looked at the two turning around with a prefect etiquette and leading her, words seemed to be pushed on her mouth with her will:

"OyWhere the hell you two think are going?"

Altair, spoke as he put his hood back on:

"Home. Your Highness. Our Home that is."

Illumi spoke playfully wallowing on her funny expression:

"Let's go little princess~ There is much you need to know~"

"Or don't you want to go anymore?"

The Green haired princess was educated in the highest etiquettes since youth. And kept composure through death, through despair and through everything else.

"To the Atleasian Empire that is~"

Until this momentShe seemed to understand the words coming out of their mouth. She just found it extremely laborious to process them according to her vision of the actual world.

And soFor the first time, since longThe Princess lost all sense of self restraint as she spoke her next words


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