Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 194: Slumbering Empress

Chapter 194: Slumbering Empress

Kosem was a free spirit someone unbound by anything expect her own self, and her own love.

She was a true Vega Dynast to the core.

That is exactly why her father didn't hold this much hope for her to come back on his side.

Yet that day, she seriously doubted herself.

Aeleis seemed just that strong. If She was a genius.

Aeleis was on a completely other dimension. That day she even allowed her brother to be wounded.

She who already saw herself shouldering the weight of the world for his sake, was unable to protect him.

YetThis little boy admiring gaze didn't even diminish as if yesterday never existed.

As she was in deep remembrance.

The Fairy besides her, who saw her absent minded, immediately cancelled her little act.

Her lively appearance disappeared.

As a lovely yet somewhat smile appeared on her little face. Looking with a maternal affection at the Princess.

'This child.'

'She has quite the good instincts.'

The Fairy seemed suddenly to morph as her aura transformed into a mysterious silhouette!!

It seemed to exist and in the same time not

It felt.Powerful

No'Powerful' was a huge understatement.

Beerus, Whis and Zeno could be described as powerful

This was.On a completely other level.

This silhouette was merely illusory and didn't hold a firm enough grasp on existence.

The power it was composed off on another hand

The Deep and Profound Meaning of this power eluded the concept of simple Multiverse.

It was something deeply terrifying.

Something unfathomable, like the truth one would get when stacking infinites an infinite number of times. A Truth that looked down on Multiverses and Megaverses like a they were mere stardust.

A Truth were time and space itself were merely pawns and the concept of existence and void merely variable.

Creating was only a tool and destruction only an eraser. ..

It was a power that didn't belong in this continent at allOr maybe it did


Back when the Vega Dynasty loomed over the Primordial Realm like it's reaper and it's hero.

Back when one word could alter realities and where one wave could change Destiny itself.

Fate itself was merely a slave waiting to please it's master, and causality merely an humble servant not daring intervene within it's affairs.

This what was once.The Legendary Vega Dynasty.

This woman.Who was now only a fairy still possessed remanent of that mysterious truth.

The Truth she once attained.

The Truth of her hard-fought Imperium!!

And as the silhouette stood up.

It exuded endless IMPERIAL majesty

Endless sovereignty and endless grace.

One could sense it has the same authority and a deep similarity with the Current Members of the Vega Dynasty.

Only none of the current members attained itNot at This level

This Power

It clearly surpassed by numerous levels the current Emperor's. Marek Vega.

Not in term of power alone. But in term of Imperiality itself!!

No.It is this state, this was the power and level Marek Vega should aspire to reach!!!

The Silhouette's Fiery red hair seemed to evolves and devolves with the concept of time itself. It's simple treads seemed to create timelines and end it at the same moment.

At this level of existence, one would hardly call itself a 'person' but more of an entity condescended with infinite realties.

A walking conundrum of endless possibilities.

It was not the Emperor holding the Imperium, but becoming the Imperium itself.

In her peak formOhThe things she was capable of!!!

In her peak form, the monsters she facedthe Warriors she looked down on!!

In her peak.She could play with causality, and laugh at destiny, like she was merely writing and erasing words on a script.

If she was to ever go an all out, she could have reduced a significant part of the Primordial Realm to smithereens!!!

If one had to estimate her actual powerIt was already beyond the power of those Freaks at the Top of Comics in the Marvel and the D.C Verses!!

And if she was to go all out It was on the level of

..Something far surpassing the Living Tribunal, Eternity and reaching the level of omnipotence and indifference to existence, like a One above All!!

YesPeople like Whis, or even Zeno who only held authorities over a finite Multiverses were simply not enough to reach the Apex!!

Immediately, the little fairy's her orange fiery eyes reflected the appearance of a little worn-down Imperial Capital, in it the silhouette of a healing monarch in his throne. As she laid her eyes on him, she felt her blood boil as the deepest power inside her responded to him.

This was the power of her bloodline reacting madly!! Telling her

This was one of her own!!

'He is quite talented. To be already fighting gods at this age.'

'It is already worthy of a Monarch.'

On her gaze nothing was unknown, everything was laid bare in front of her.

The Healing Monarch, the Power of Destruction, the God Ki, the 16 Gates, the Ultra Sage ModeThe Rinnegan.

'A Standard Monarch that is'

'But it's quite impressive at this age. He may even be the youngest after Yashin.'

For her it was as easy to discern as anything else. Suddenly looking at his sorry state she sighed:

'For my descendance to be bullied by such weak gods like that.'

'What a shame.'

She narrowed her eyes:

'Even if you are already at the level of a Monarch.'

'That is only a stupid Measure taken by weak and useless dynasties.'

'Getting a mild recognition from the Primordial Realm is something we, all as Vega Monarchs looked down on'

She smiled lightly, anticipation in the depths of her eyes:

'To Become a True Monarch, by the Vega Dynasties standards, there is still a long way to go'

She looked at the hardworking and talented little girl, who she taught everything to. An enchanting and affectionate smile on:

'IndeedA Maiden in love is different.'

Some complex feelings appeared in the depths of her cute little face. In it indomitable and unstoppable longing was also present!!

'Love, huhIt was difficult to experience it back then'

'When I had no equal.'

She looked at the sitting Monarch who seemed like a perfectly viable option.

After all, she was absolutely sure.Sooner or Later he would become her equal and eventually surpass her.

'Let's wait for him to bring me back.'

'Then let's see if I can reward him properly'

The Little fairy giggled lightly

'This Empress, has quite the high standards after all!!'



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