Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 143: Conquest plans

Chapter 143: Conquest plans

Finally. It was Euphemia's turn to speak:

"The Devils have ended the greatest part of their work."

"Only the Three Cities are left to be built."

"But I don't think his Majesty, would allow the devils to build such strategic cities for now."

Madara narrowed his eyes, knowing where this was going but kept silent. Lelouch smiled:

"You are right. A Magical City needs to be build by Magicians."

" A Scientific Citadelle need to be built by Scientists."

"And An Imperial City needs to be built by the Imperial Family."

"The Emperor has already decided on the Magic System, that the Empire will use."

"It is the one that is the most suitable for a Multiversal Empire like ours."

"And it's not the DxD Magic System nor Earthland's one"

"We already have a shortlist of potential mages too. The Project will start after his Majesty is back."

The moment they heard that, all of the vizirs got tense. MagicThis was a thing they looked forward to.

As Vizirs, even if they role is political. Who never dreamed of using magic or superpowers?

And of courseThe most Important is that in a world where monsters resided in every corner even the citizen needed ways to defend themselves.

Let alone, them, who had targets on their back.

Lelouch laughed, looking affectionately at his Sister:

"I know what you think"

"Since the Ambassador City is built too. It's time to fulfill our side of the deal. Indeed."

Madara smirked:

"I will do it."

The Members of the Council all looked a little surprised.

"I am also quite interested in those 'Satans' who dared to attack the Emperor."

Lelouch sighed:

'No matter how refined. A muscle head will always be a muscle head after all.'

"FineYou do it."

"Since you spoke of the DxD World."

Ezio, the man who kept a low profile the whole time finally spoke:

"You need to know. Vali Lucifer has been taken care of."

The Vizirs all nodded in acknowledgement.

"Rivezim is under constant monitoring. And the Members of the Original Maou faction, all had been silenced."

"Only Shalba is free and put under hypnosis. He will act as scripted by his Majesty."

Madara had a slight smile:

"Is the Hero Faction on the move?"

Ezio nodded in agreement:

"They've been getting restless, the closer we are to the end of the deal."

"Like the Great King Faction. They are probably trying to seize the gap, between the end of the works. And the repayment."

Ezio smiled

"AnywayHis Majesty's show of might was imbedded in their soul, so they will not make a move until, we are no longer implicated."

Madara laughed:

"Which makes it easier for us to seize those little rat's, attacking time."

Ezio nodded:

"It will be as envisioned, probably in the mid-class test in the Glassya Labolas Territory."

"They will try to steal Ophis's powers."

"The events will lead to Hyoudou Isse's pseudo-death"

"Giving us the opportunity to start our plan."

"With Vali Lucifer being out of the equation, and Hyoudou Isse absent"

Madara nodded:


"Tell those two idiots to stay on guard until it is their time to shine. I will be coming soon. It's time to further our plans in the region."

Ezio nodded:

"Yes, your excellency."

Madara then leaned forward:

"Since, we are on the subject of important matters. It's time to start his Majesty's next conquest plans."

The members of the Council, had all stern gazes. Madara noticing the solemn atmosphere, turned to face a certain member:

"War Minister Bakuki. How many soldiers are ready for a campaign?"

Bakuki calmly responded:

"The Saiyans we just took are obviously not usable."

"The 9 Great Generals Army could be deployed anytime."

"The Magic Army of the Enemy is estimated at over 4 Million Magic Soldiers. Their fleet are equipped with magic weapons"

He continued to list the information they gathered from investigation. Madara smiled haughtily:

"His Majesty holds affection for this world. So we will be merciful and do this painlessly."

"I want the conquest, to be swift and easy."

"It should be more about subjugation than destruction."

"I need someone wise, who acts with restrain."

He took a brief pause:

"Who do you recommend for the job?"

The Military God didn't take long to answer:

"Riboku and Ousen."


"Riboku will keep eyes on civilian and material causalities. While the both know how to bring enemies to submission swiftly."

Madara had a calm and focused face:

"How many men are we talking about?"

The War minister responded:

"300 000 Saiyans, your excellency. 200 000 Under Riboku and 100 000 Under Ousen."

"What are the chances of victory?"

He responded with a straight face:

"99 Percent."

The Vizir were all taken aback. Especially Cornelia, she went to war the most.

And knew that such odds were impossible to normally attain!!! No matter how much was her army superior to her enemies.

This proved the crushing might of the Saiyan Army.

'With a disparity of over 10 Times in army size Such a probability of success borders on insanity!'

Yet the Marshall glared at him with an obviously annoyed look:

"What is the MatterWar Minister?"

" Is there a possibility I didn't take in consideration?"

To the surprise of the members, the Marshall was pissed by these odds.

For normal civilian such a thing was abnormal.

But for him, who understand the actual disparity between the two armies, he found that one percent quite exaggerated.

The War Minister responded:

"Actually, this percent is for an extremely unlikely event."

"There is a confirmed existence of something akin to Godly Beings in the Earthland, Edolas and Elentear Worlds."

"Like the one who easily cursed the Black Magician Zeref and Mavis Vermillion."

"Or the mere existence of 'God Slayers' "

Madara narrowed his eyes.

"Such Gods are probably above the Dragon Gods."

"In the event of these Gods reacting to a foreign invasion. And the event of the existence a Civilization composed of these Gods."

The Vizir hearing that, felt cold on their back. Such scenario never even played in their head. Yet it was something the Generals though off.

Madara hearing that had an excited face!!

"An Army of Godly beings, so that what is on your mind.Interesting!!!"



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