Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 137: Shaping the Pillars of the Empire

Chapter 137: Shaping the Pillars of the Empire

Back at the Warring State Era!!

Ultimately.The Uchiha Clan Leaders couldn't bring themselves to follow the man. The reality is that they were waiting for 'results'.

Some wanted to join but were stopped.

The Uchiha Clan was extremely proud, if they wanted to put faith in someone else. They need to make sure it's worth it.

Numerous reports brought to light, traces of arduous training all over the regions.

Yes'All over the region'

A red eyed youth was attacking another dark eyed young man. He swiftly evaded his attacks without any movement. His doubled voice resonating:

"Be firmer! Less elusive!! I want to sense domineering might from you !!!"

The youth's eyes shined with an ominous glint!! He accelerated with all his powers!!!

A Power different from Chakra oozing from his body!!

A Power that strengthened his body strength to the Max!!

Before he was sent out flying!!! Blood coming out from all his orifices!!!

"STAND UP!!!!"

The Emperor's electrifying worlds!!! His Powerful Haki!!! Shaking the whole Earth!!! Dividing the sky!!

Dark red thunder over the world!!!

His Sharingan eyes spouting the fire of hell!!

Madara looked at that man, and took a deep breath as he stood up!!!

Every bone on his body reduced to smithereens!!!


His doubled battle cry made him wobble!!!


He still stood up!!!

His eyes showing a deep dark red luster of battle lust!!!

He laughed a little, like he had lost his mind as he charged against the invincible hegemon!!!


"Strength is all about mentality!!"

"Even if you die!! Die strong!!!"

"Don't try to use substitution!!! Don't try to hide your powers!!

"Don't try to surprise me!!!"

"Leave that to other people!!!"

The Marshall continued as his punch folded the kid in two!!!

"Don't fight like a Shinobi. It will not be your role from now on. Fight like a Warrior!!!"


He screamed in his face as he bashed his face in, almost breaking his skull!!

"It's a Marshall you are going to be!!!"

"Numerous soldiers will look up to you!!!"

He punched with strength, as a mountain was blasted off, with a single oen of his moves!! He comented, as he maintained eye contact with Madara:

"Absolute Power!!!!"

"Those worlds should be engraved in your mind!!!"

"This is your path!!"

"The Path you chose by yourself!!!"

He smiled as he spoke with pride:

" And the Path of the Saiyan Marshall!!!"

'.Saiyan Marshalll!!!"

'.Saiyan Marshall!!!'

The Words resonated on his mind!! The Pain on his body became a showing of his weakness!! Something he was deeply disgusted by!!!

The Boy' one tomoe turned into two tomoe, then Three Tomoe!!!

His Speed grew upp:!! His Power augmented!!! As he clashed again!!! Only to be repulsed once again!!!

Marek looked at the destroyed little boy, his eyes flashing with a trace of concernBut he immediately hid it!!!

'This Two little brothers of mine.What talent'

He never was so harsh in his training. Yes even with the Named ones!!

Izuna had the same treatment two days earlier!! And was now training with Roygun!!

Roygun had also a deep stern gaze! As she shot her crack abilities like bullets at him!!

Her Magic Powers unleashing as well as Teloprtation abilites!

"I am not as strong as darling. Yet you still find as difficult dealing with me."

"Do you see where your problem is?"

"Lack of environmental awareness!! Lack of foresight!!"

She spoke in her head:

'That's probably how that shrewd Tobirama took his life'

"Strength is important!! But you are not fighting alone in a battlefield!! You have people to lead!!!"

"Strategies to formulate!! Decisions to make!!!"

"Use your brain more and focus less on your eyes!!!"

" The Sharingan isn't everything!! Don't be too arrogant!!"

"Even Saiyans and Angels have their weakness!! Don't be condescending!!"

She still had the King Piece so her power was Maou class, even above!! Her insight and strategy after being in contact with Marek, Shahrazad and the Members of the Britania Family had grown greatly.

But as the Second Ranked on the Rating Game, and Devil Noble she has never lacked in neither!

Izuna nodded in a serious manner trying to correct his mistakes!

Marek is grooming him to became the Patriarch of the Uchiha Clan. The Principal Martial Clan of the Empire!!! It's leader becoming the Martial Saint of the Empire!!

The Uchiha Clan will be the equivalent of the Aveirdes Family of the Saharos Empire.

He needed rigorous training in Martial Skills as well in Clan Managing skills and group battles. Roygun and Shahrazad as experts in those were to teach him.

There is also a deep underlying meaning in this configuration.

Izuna isn't groomed as a General nor a Knight. The Order he will be apart off. Will be the most special order of the Empire.

He will be the one of the figure heads of the order who will follow him in battle!!

Yes he will be the leader of the Emperor's personally led army!!!

The Janissaries!!!!

It is an army who only moves by Imperial Decry. And who only follows the Emperor in battle.

The Absolute.

The Strongest Army of the Empire.

If the Order was the Dagger of the Emperor, the Janissary is his raging fist!!

The Leader of such an organization as designed by Marek, needs to have grown with the Imperial Family.

Needs to consider the Imperial Family as his own. And needs to know how to lead his men.

Of course, not only the Uchiha Clan will have the chance to contribute to the Janissaries.

Other Clan could offer their men. But they will need to pass extremely difficult tests!!

The easiest way would be for civilians and clans to send their children in the Academy, to be formed from a young age.

Nevertheless for now. For the Brotherhood and Janissaries.

Respectively the Zoldyck and Uchiha Clan will hold great hold power in it.

Well that is if the Uchiha Clan choose to submit!!

That is why it is important for those two kids to form a close bond with the Imperial Family be it the Empresses or the Emperor.

Their Position is way too Important.

You should understand that the Position of the Leader of the Janissaries is only equaled by that of the Marshalls and the Grand Vizir!!!

The Leader of the Janissaries is a kind of unhidden Marshall.

The Martial Saint of an Empire is also a traditional position in all the countries of the Lower direction of the Primordial Realm.

A Martial Saint is the representative of the Power of the Empire. TraditionallyA medium conflict between two powers could be resolved if their two Martial Saint fight.

The winner would abide by the decree of the loser!!

The position of the Leader of the Jannisary army is as important.

Even the 9 Generals wouldn't be this high graded!! After all!!!

Izuna will be the one who will fight by the Emperor side and protects his back like his own!!!

Izuna was an extremely devoted person. He fought hard when it was time to fight!! He studied hard when it was time to study!

He was a perfect little brother!!

Madara was more of a rude and unruly child. Even if he wasn't obedient, one could see the care in his actions more that in his words.

Izuna had as much talent as his brother. One could even conjecture that was he born in a time of formal training and shinobi education, like Konoha, he would have been as monstruous as his brother.

More than his brother, Izuna is a person who needs guidance to grow. Madara in the contrary grows in life and death battles!

They are two kind of geniuses!! And they are trained in both ways respectively!!!

They became more and more accustomed to the two Nee-sans and his new Big brother.

Those two knew how extremely blessed they were. Their strength, their awareness, their sense of self, everything had undergone a deep transformation.

From now onShinobi even of the Super Kage don't even enter in their eyes.

Even if they are not strong physically yet. Strength has been embedded deep in their very soul.



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