Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 324 Split Into Three

"Xia Mengxi?" Yang Feng repeated the name, equally surprised as Chen Gaonan whose ears perked up at the name. That was Zheng Tianyi’s mistress.

"I didn’t think she would be petty enough to hold such a long grudge against me." Zhao Lifei wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

"It’s not your fault—"

"I didn’t say it was." Zhao Lifei was too prideful to admit her wrongdoings. She knew karma would bite her in the ass one day. What goes around, comes around. But why did karma bite the wrong people? What benefit could she gain from hurting Yang Ruqin and not Zhao Lifei?!

"I knew the bracelet looked familiar when I saw it on my way up the stairway to the Ling Banquet. It was the same model that pestered me to answer stupid questions." Zhao Lifei dropped back onto the bed and tiredly covered her eyes. "Xia Mengxi must’ve done that to Qinqin as payback for something I did in the past. And don’t ask me what it is, I committed too many sins for me to list out."

"Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it." Yang Feng grabbed her wrist and dragged it away from her eyes, revealing the distress on her face. She was overthinking it again.

"No, you don’t get it." She shook her head. "I tried to go after Xia Mengxi before. The result is not that pretty—"

"That was before you met me." Yang Feng interrupted her.

Yang Ruqin ran to them with a box.

"Aha! I got it out!" Yang Ruqin set the box onto the nightstand. ’Am I interrupting something?’ She thought to herself when she saw the bleak expression on Feifei’s face. "The wrapping has scratches, but it should be fine since you’re going to tear it apart."

Yang Feng gave Zhao Lifei a look that said, ’We’ll talk about this another time.’ She silently nodded her head.

Yang Ruqin looked left and right in confusion. Why did she feel like a child caught between a secret conversation between parents? "What is it?" She asked, crossing her arms.



Zhao Lifei and Yang Feng said at the same time. Wanting a way to distract Yang Ruqin, Zhao Lifei asked, "What did you buy for me?" This question was supposed to distract Yang Ruqin and it worked out successfully. In no time, the young woman began to ramble about the adventure she went on before obtaining the gift.

- - - - -

A woman walked down the corridor, staring at the paper in her hands. It didn’t make sense. One billion dollars was split into three accounts. One-third of it remained in Xia Mengxi’s bank account. The other two-thirds were transitioned off to mysterious account numbers.

Chen Xing had contacted the bank in regards to the address of the account, but that was confidential information. Even when names and connections were dropped, none of the bank informants dared to snitch.

This was exactly why Chen Xing took the paper as evidence. It was hard enough as it was to get the evidence of what Xia Mengxi did with the money. For her to pass this to her boss without him shooting the messenger would be harder.

She held in a sigh. Looming over her were the daunting, black doors leading to Zheng Tianyi’s office. He was not going to be happy about this. The maids reported to her that Xia Mengxi and Zheng Tianyi had gotten into another argument this morning when she was seen smiling at her phone. She said it was a text from her mother and when he snatched the phone, he saw the contact name was "Mom."

The only problem was that Xia Mengxi blew the action out of disproportion and argued about how controlling he was. This prompted Zheng Tianyi to bring up her past and it snowballed into a gigantic fight.

Chen Xing bit her bottom lip and wondered if she should personally give this to her boss. It would be too risky... Lately, he had been staring at her weirdly and it was the type of look she witnessed in her pleasurable dreams. She shook her head and tried to tell herself it was only a figment of her imagination.

She sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. Oh right, he made his office soundproof a couple of days ago. She nearly forgot about the incident of his tantrum being heard. She walked to her desk where she made eye-contact with one of the private assistants.

"Tough day?" The woman asked, looking up from her computer. She pushed her slim glasses back up, her diamond ring dancing in the light.

"Very, very tough day." Chen Xing sighed, pressing the button beside her desk. A minute passed before he granted her entry. "Well, I’ll see you later — if I make it back from Hell." Her tone was sarcastic. She put her big-girl shoes on and sashayed to the door, opening it and stepping inside. The door automatically locked behind her.

Chen Xing wondered if she was drooling. Her boss looked heavenly behind the enormous oakwood desk. His fingers danced upon the keyboard and he was heavily concentrated at the draft he was making. His forehead was creased with lines with diligence.

"Good afternoon, Boss." She started confidently. When he lifted his head, she felt her throat run dry. Her confidence left like the wind.

He was exhausted and his midnight-black hair was messy in a good way. He must’ve repeatedly ran his hand through his silky locks. There it was again. That glint in his irresistible eyes.

"A-as you have requested, I went to the bank this morning." He watched her every move, especially the small shake of her curvy hips when she elegantly walked up to him. "It seems the one billion that the Madam withdrew from your bank was split into three accounts."

Zheng Tianyi closed his laptop and motioned for her to place the paper onto his desk. She did so with two arms, her body coming down a bit. His eyes darkened. He felt a familiar tightness in his slacks. When she had bent down, she had unknowingly flashed to him the parted gap between the buttons of her blouse that couldn’t contain her breasts.

"The Madam kept one-third of it and some of it seems to have been made into investments." Chen Xing pointed to the bottom of the paper. She tried her best to brush off the look President Zheng was giving her. She was growing tingly when he never glanced at the papers and kept his eyes locked upon her.

"The remaining two-thirds were sent to mysterious parties. The bank informants will not tell me the location of the two accounts, even after I told them I was sent by you..." She trailed off, gulping when her boss tilted his head and motioned for her to come closer to him.

"Show me the two account numbers." His voice had dropped an octave and it sounded dangerous. She felt like a shaking lamb presented before a hungry lion. "Yes, sir..." She whispered, walking to his side and directly pointing towards the two numbers in the middle of the page.

"I-I think it’s best if you contact the CEO of the bank." Her voice was growing quieter by the second. Why did he look like he was ready to devour her alive? She was frightened when he abruptly grabbed her wrist.

"How long have you worked for me?" Zheng Tianyi asked her out of the blue. He could not keep his eyes off of her now that he had caught a whiff of her vanilla-scented perfume. She smelled just like Xia Mengxi. Thinking of her made his blood boil. The past month has been riddled with nothing but fights and door slamming. He had not touched her for a month and a half now. He could always force himself upon her, but he was not into such a thing... Not after the incident in the past.

"For two and a half years now. Ever since the Madam quit the job."

"How much do you value this job of yours?"

Chen Xing did not understand his question. Did she act ungrateful in front of him? Did she do something wrong? Was she going to get fired?! Her heart dropped at the last thought. She can’t afford to be fired. She would be homeless if she did! This was the only job that paid her well enough to live a comfortable life!

"As much as I value my life." She responded to him. "S-sir, am I being fired?"

"Depends on your reaction from here on." He told her, standing to his full height.

Chen Xing did not understand what he meant until he grabbed her elbow and began dragging her in the direction of a hidden door. She didn’t know how to react, for it was the same room she had always seen Xia Mengxi and Zheng Tianyi escape into.

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