Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 275 They Better Be Edible

Zhao Lifei placed the razor into her jacket’s pocket and was about to walk off when she felt someone grab the edges of her pants. She glanced down and saw the lanky boy from earlier.

"What do you want?" She snapped, her ill-tempered self coming out. She checked her wristwatch and groaned. She was late for her therapy session.

"T-thank you for s-saving me..." The boy whispered, hurriedly releasing her leg and scrambling to his feet.

"You can thank me by leaving me alone." She muttered when randomly, a bottle of ice-cold soda was thrust in front of her face. She blinked. Where did he get that from?

"And it’s not called saving. More like giving you a break. You should learn how to do the minimum standard push-ups and sit-ups if you want to give back to your country." She reprimanded him, placing her hand on her hips.

"I-I’m sorry...I’ll practice more from now on." He diligently said.

Zhao Lifei nodded her head.

"U-uhm I was running back from the office, no, wait, I meant the cafeteria, no wait...I... Well, forget it. I was saving this for myself, b-but you can have it. As gratitude for saving me."

Zhao Lifei’s throat felt parched. The soda, dripping wet with condensed water looked really welcoming right now.

She did not move to take it, but he grabbed her hand. "What are you doing?!" She snapped and tried to yank it back, her eyes opening a bit when she realized she could not move her hand. What was going on? How strong was this kid? She was pretty sure she used a lot of force.

If his grip was this powerful, how come he could not do the sit-ups? It was too suspicious to her...

"Take it. It’s the least I can do." He smiled, placing the bottle into her hand and when their fingers brushed against each other, a light blush traveled up his neck. He shyly glanced down at his feet in a harmless gesture.

Zhao Lifei realized her treatment towards him was too rough. After all, he was just an innocuous bullied-victim. She let out a sigh. "Whatever."

She twisted the cap open and took a much-needed gulp of the soda. It instantly quenched her thirst, the cold liquid soothing her rising temperature.

"O-oh right, I never introduced myself." He sheepishly said.

Zhao Lifei capped the drink. She eyed him up and down.

"I can always get you more drinks from now on. I-I can sneak in more snacks too..." He whispered to her, sticking out his hand. "I hope we can be good friends in the future."

The rules here were strict and outside food was never permitted in the base unless you were an authoritative person who could bend the law.

Zhao Lifei still remembered the day her luggage was searched and all of her favorite snacks were discarded into the trash. She had been in the military for a year now and dearly missed the crunchy and savory chips, candy bars, and an endless array of creamy chocolates.

Currently, she did not view him as a threat and that would her first mistake. Her second mistake was not questioning the weirdness of the situation here: how could a simple soldier like him able to access the main office?

Zhao Lifei stared at his hand. "I like chips, candy, and chocolate. If you want to be friends, I want a handful of them every day."

The soldier bobbed his head, a bright and cheery smile on his face.

Zhao Lifei thought to herself, ’Hey, he looked pretty cute when he smiled.’

Now that she had a better look at him, she realized how handsome he looked. Stormy eyes, well-defined eyebrows, slightly-crooked nose, and high cheekbones, he looked like a Prince Charming who had stepped right out of a fairytale. It was the kind of face that would stop someone in their tracks. Was this why he was bullied? He could easily pass as the most handsome person in the entire military base...

"My name is Jiang..."

Zhao Lifei furrowed her brows. "Just Jiang?"

"N-no...Jiang is my surname. My actual name is Jiang Zihui." He revealed a grin, showing off his pearly white teeth.

If Zhao Lifei was not so distrustful of men, her stomach would’ve fluttered. Such a good-looking smile he has..."Nice to meet you then." She muttered while shaking his hand with a tiny smile on her face.

Her smile was innocent and pure, unlike the next couple of months, where her true torment would begin. At this moment, she did not know, her life would be ending from this day onwards.

- - - - -

Almost every three days, Jiang Zihui would randomly show up with snacks in his hands. She didn’t think he would seriously follow out with his words, but he kept this routine up for months on end.

She pitied his state and out of gratitude, she taught him many techniques that she knew. It did not take long for him to fully develop his body, mind, and skills.

As the days passed by, he became stronger and stronger, until the pupil out mastered the teacher, in this case, Zhao Lifei. With him putting on a healthy amount of weight, mainly in the form of muscles, his features were even more defined and roguish now. He soon became the star of the camp, for his looks and background.

On the ceremonial day when he was awarded the title of a General, his family lineage, previous real rank, and background were revealed. The people then swarmed to him like flies, everyone except Zhao Lifei who kept to herself and her usual group of friends.

Days passed and they no longer met up as student and teacher.

"Xiao Li, he’s doing it again." Bai Jinshuang whispered to Zhao Lifei while glancing over her shoulders where a sturdy General was seen leaning against a tree. His arms were folded in front of him, making his biceps more intimidating. A man walked to him with a bouquet of flowers and that was when he started approaching them.

"Leave him be." Zhao Lifei said as she examined the equipment she would be using today.

Ever since Jiang Zihui was given the title of a General, he stopped approaching her with snacks. She did not mind it until he came back with teddy bears and flowers. She was dense at first but eventually understood the message: he was courting her.

"He’s coming over with roses this time."

"They better be edible." Zhao Lifei muttered, placing the ammo into the assault rifle and zeroing the scope for accuracy. When something tapped her shoulders, she swiveled around with the gun still in her hand.

To point a loaded gun at your commanding officer was a massive offense that could’ve gotten her expelled from the military.

Jiang Zihui did not mind. In the blink of an eye, the gun was yanked from her hands and tossed onto the floor.

Bai Jinshuang jumped, terrified the trigger would go off. It was very dangerous to throw a loaded gun. As the General, he should know this by now.

Instead of a gun in Zhao Lifei’s hands, a bouquet of ruby-red roses with little drops of dew resting upon the petals was placed into them.

"My break is coming up in ten minutes. Come with me to the city?" Jiang Zihui asked her, watching as she glanced down at the flowers with a disinterested expression.

"No thanks." She muttered, placing the bouquet back into his hand. "What has gotten into you? Go back to your station." She bent down to pick up the gun but he grabbed her wrist.

"You’ll dirty yourself if you touch the ground." He bent down and picked it up, then went to the small table and laid it out in front of her. He grabbed a towel and wiped it off before handing it back to her. "Sorry about that. It was a reflex."

"It’s fine. Go back to your station, the other officers are looking at me again." She placed the assault rifle down, her eyes flickering to the crowd in the distance.

"You’re doing it again."

"Doing what?" She snapped, tying up her hair into a high bun so that it was out of the way. When it was nice and set, she turned back to the table, ignoring Bai Jinshuang’s knowing expression.

"You shouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you." Jiang Zihui whispered to her. While she was examining the other supplies, he took out a pocket knife and made a clean-cut through the hair-tie, her long hair cascading down her back.

"Jerk! What was that for?!" She snarled, angered that he had not only broken her hair-tie but ruined the bun. It was piping hot in the city of Leinan that was renowned for its four-seasons long Summer temperatures.

"Everyone could see your neck." He strained a smile, a dangerous look on his face.

Zhao Lifei rolled her eyes. "So?" She turned her left/right wrist where another hair-tie was resting. When her fingers landed upon it, he grabbed her wrist.

"Tie it up again and I’ll force you to wear a scarf for the remainder of this month." His relaxed voice dropped an octave, becoming rougher and more commanding.

This was one of the reasons why she refused to speak to him or even entertain his courting. He viewed her as someone lower than him, a person easily tossed around like a toy.

Zhao Lifei felt her body stiffen when her eyes clashed with his. She was stubborn enough to continue reaching for her hair-tie, until he yanked her to him, their chests colliding. Her breath hitched when he lowered his head and whispered to her, "Do not test me."

She gritted her teeth, ready to snap back until her eyes landed upon the gleaming stars on his shoulder which reminded her that they were worlds apart in this place. "You’ve changed." She muttered, clearly upset as she pushed him away and walked back to the Officers Quarters’ complex.

Jiang Zihui watched her figure disappear into the distance before letting out a sigh and scratched the back of his neck. Damn it, he thought to himself. ’My anger got the best of me again.’

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