Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 261 Call The Police

Elder Su had been to Yang Mujian’s house many times, but he was still amazed by the layout of this rustic house that was as grand as the Imperial Palaces. Stepping into this place was like stepping into nature. Everywhere he looked, there were scenic and strategically placed garden filled with bamboo shoots, bonsai trees, koi fishes, and so on. Everywhere he went, there were different things to set his eyes upon. It was a never-ending harmony of the refreshing mother nature.

Yang Mujian was sitting in one of his favorite gardens, Millenium Orchids, trimming his latest bonsai tree when Elder Su approached him.

Elder Su cupped his hands in front of him and bowed when he saw Yang Mujian. "It has been a while, Master Yang."

Yang Mujian hummed in reply while continuing to tend to the plant. Never once did he raise his head to address the man eagerly awaiting his attention.

"In regards to the incident with one of our past pupils, I would like to apologize on behalf of the entire Su family. We did not expect him to turn against your family." Elder Su waved his hand and his servants came forward with a thick and heavy scroll. "You’ve always said you admired Master Hexin’s calligraphy scrolls. As a way of apologizing, I hope you accept this gift."

Yang Mujian cut off a small stem hindering the growth of the tree. Perhaps it would one day benefit the bonsai tree, but currently, it was ugly and useless.

"Is that all you came here for?" Yang Mujian placed down the pot and began working on another one. Ever since he handed the majority of his position over to Yang Feng, he had occupied himself by tending to the gardens. Aside from a handful of meetings he had to attend each week, his schedule was pretty much empty. His belief and trust in his grandson’s capabilities allowed him to peacefully retire.

Elder Su Guang shook his head. Though he was offended by Yang Mujian’s lack of attention, he understood it was because the man was perhaps still upset over the incident.

"No, I have come forth with even dire news."

Yang Mujian shaped the top of the layered bonsai trees, admiring it from a distance before cutting down the stray ends.

"First Young Master has developed a weakness."

Yang Mujian’s hand froze for the briefest second before he went back to caring for his tree, tilting his head to see it from a different angle.

"You mean my grandson has a lover that is not your granddaughter. This upsets you?" Yang Mujian voiced it as a question. The true intention was to test Su Guang.

"By all means, I am as happy as you are that the Young Master has found a very capable woman with a refined background. But that is not what alarms me." Elder Su Guang kept his anger in reign, even when Yang Mujian paid more attention to a mere plant rather than him.

"At your birthday banquet, my son, Su Boyuan accidentally encountered Zhao Lifei in the gardens." Su Guang tested the water and when Yang Mujian’s behavior did not change, he continued his explanation. "The First Young Master was displeased by this and even threatened eight-generation extermination upon my family."

Yang Mujian mused, "And what’s the problem with that? From my perspective, that woman makes him more ruthless." He placed down his scissors and turned to the sorry-excuse of a Family Monarch beside him. With each trickling day, the Su family was beginning to disappoint him more and more. First, it was Mu Ting, the second was their failure on the evaluation day where they made a fool out of themselves, and now they have gained the courage to insult Yang Feng.

"...Do you not see it?" Su Guang was careful with his words and when he saw the sharp glare of Yang Mujian, he hurriedly explained, "The fact that he threatened my son this way reveals how much he cares for that woman, which shows signs of him being in love with her."

Yang Mujian understood his viewpoint, but he was not the type of man to blatantly go against his own grandson for an unfavorable and untrustful person. Even if his grandson was in the wrong, he would defend him until the end. "Any man would want to protect their future wife, especially when she is a valuable pawn in his chess game."

Yang Mujian took off his gardening gloves and cupped his hands behind his back.

Su Guang was confused by the turn of events. He expected the heartless man to be furious when news traveled of how brittle his grandson’s heart had become.

"It’s alright to be protective to a certain extent; however, he was jeopardizing our family’s connection with such a heavy warning. It will benefit him in the short run, but would harm him in the long run."

Yang Mujian agreed with Su Guang’s words. He kept his thoughts to himself and decided to confront Yang Feng later. "If eight generations of friendship are easily tarnished by an empty threat, were our ties ever genuine?"

Su Guang gulped. He understood the hidden message. Yang Mujian was beginning to have less and less trust in the Su family’s loyalty.

"But your words intrigue me. Come back next time with proper evidence." Yang Mujian did not wait for Su Guang’s reply before he stepped on the mini-steps that lead to the hallways and disappeared into the distance.

A butler came out from the shadows. "Please follow me, Master Su. I will lead you to the entrance."

"No need, I know the way." Su Guang bitterly said, angrily leaving the house and climbing into his car. He phoned his private detectives to keep a close eye on the couple.

- - - - -

Yang Feng blissfully woke up with something cold pressed to his side. He thought it was strange that no matter how much warmth he provided to Zhao Lifei, her skin was always icy cold. He did not mind it. His body temperature was always too hot for his liking and he was very prone to the heat. Having someone like her was a blessing in disguise.

Their positions had changed in their sleep. He was laying on his back now, one arm lazily wrapped over her hips while she had her head resting on his chest, right where his heart pounded furiously for her. He lazily played with her hair, enjoying the feeling of the silky strands.

He wanted to interrogate her on her meeting with Wei Hantao, but seeing his Queen was peacefully asleep, he did not dare to disrupt her. And so he laid on his bed with his arms losing circulation with each passing minute. She let out a tiny sneeze and that sound alone was enough to send his heart skyrocketing with worry. He pulled the blanket to cover her body even more so that she was practically smothered by heat.

"What should I do with you?" He quietly whispered, a faint smile on his face when he saw her snuggle closer into his body. She sought after him, whether for warmth or comfort, he did not know.

"I’ve yet to hear you tell me you love me... Even though I’ve already proclaimed my love for you." He said in a hushed voice while leisurely twirling strands of her hair in his finger. "But because it’s you, I will remain patient and wait for the day you’re ready to respond."

Zhao Lifei could hear faint talking in the background, the voice sounding familiar. She groggily woke up, yawning and stretching like a cat.

She buried her face into the abnormally warm pillow and nuzzled against the soft, cashmere fabric. She wondered where this pillow was purchased from. Her hands roamed over its hard surface. She was confused. How can a pillow feel soft to the touch, but hard when she pressed on it?

Yang Feng bit his bottom lip to hold back his laughter while she repeatedly groped his chest. What was she searching for?

"I should call the police on you for sexual assault." Yang Feng huskily whispered into her ear, causing the woman in his arms to let out a startled cry, abruptly sitting up in her position. Her hair resembled a bird’s nest and even though she was shocked, her eyes were barely opened. He could tell she was tired. Even with her messy appearance, he still saw her as the most beautiful woman to ever grace the Earth.

"Why am I here?" Zhao Lifei wondered out loud. She faintly remembered going home but did not know exactly where home was. Who would’ve thought her brain registered his house as "home."

"To sleep." Yang Feng deadpanned, squinting up at her. The laughter evaporated from his eyes. His expressionless and stern face bothered her more than she liked.

Zhao Lifei nervously played with her fingers, resembling a small child who had recognized her wrongdoings.

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