Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 196 Folded Ears

Yang Feng brushed back a few strands of hair and tucked them behind her ears, a relaxed expression on his face. "Still mad?" He asked, already knowing the answer to the question. He could tell her pride was too high to give a proper response, but he did not mind that.

"Whatever." She mumbled, too stubborn to admit anything.

He didn’t mind this sullen behavior of hers, like a small child, and instead, he guided her in the direction of the black Maybach parked outside. When he made eye contact with Hu Wei in the driver’s seat, they shared a silent message as the car started.

"Where are we going?" She curiously asked, watching the city street whir by. She was getting more dizzy and tired by the second, her stomach lightly grumbling.

"You’ll find out soon."

Too exhausted to ask anything and too hungry to move, she leaned her head on the car window in an attempt to rest.

He guided her head towards him, leaning down so that she was more comfortable. She hummed in reply, snuggling into his arms in pure content, his warmth wrapped around her like a heavy blanket.

- - - - -

When the two had arrived at their location, Yang Feng glanced down and saw she was deep asleep. He lifted his head to look out to the streets and decided her sleep was more precious.

He sent a quick text to Chen Gaonan so he could reschedule the planned meeting for today. To Yang Feng, making that man wait was what he deserved for the horrible treatment he rained upon his woman on such a crucial event.

"Back to the house." Yang Feng muttered to Hu Wei who looked at the rearview mirror in confusion while starting the car again and driving in the opposite direction of this place. When the car was a further off, he could see a man running outside, but the car was already too far to see who he was.

Yang Feng readjusted her position so that she was more comfortable. He even changed his position, making him sit in an awkward position, just so she did not have to suffer. He thought of something he heard a while back that if one was comfortable enough to fall asleep in one’s arms, it meant the person trusted them explicitly.

His face softened at the idea, curling one finger to touch her cheek before kissing the same spot. "Never again." He muttered, his arms winding tighter around her, an indescribable glint in his eyes, bleak and darker than a river of ink.

Hu Wei peered at the rearview mirror again, his concentrated eyes dispersing into a cloud of melancholy upon seeing the loving couple. His boss had fallen asleep with his cheek resting upon her head and even when he slept, he refused to let the woman go.

Hu Wei’s eyes trailed back to the road, his face slightly pain stricken when he realized the couple’s rocky future. The two had barely gotten over their tiny obstacles and in the near future, a bigger one would come. It would have the force to shake their world and threaten the tiny foundation they’ve built their love upon...

Squeezing his eyes shut, he could only pray that the tides would pass by quickly and the storm would leave the two unscathed... His Boss had experienced enough torture, horror, and pain in his life, he did not need anymore.

- - - - -

Zhao Lifei was awoken by the aromatic smell wafting through the room, her nose crinkling at the savoy scent that was making her stomach tingle with delight. She peeled her eyes open with heavy reluctance, giving into her stomach begging desire for food. She had not eaten anything since yesterday’s lunch.

She rolled over in the bed, burying her face into the silk pillow while her body slid into the blankets, refusing to get up, but that annoying stomach of hers wouldn’t stop pestering her for food!

Grumbling to herself, she sat up on the bed, a lost expression on her face, her hair cascading beside her. She looked around the familiar room, blinking multiple times to adjust her eyes to the darkness. She could see this was Yang Feng’s room.

Climbing out of the bed, she frowned upon seeing her outfit was changed into something more suitable for sleeping. She touched her wrist and was glad to feel a hair tie, which she used to turn her hair into a bun.

She was prepared to give Yang Feng an earful for changing her clothes without consent again, but she did not have time for that when her body automatically followed the trailing scent of mouthwatering food.

She let her feet take her to the first floor where Yang Feng was cooking, his back turned to her. She walked a bit more just so she could get a better profile of his side and she hated to admit, but he looked tastier than any of the food on the table. His hair was swept back, perfectly parted from running his hand into it so many times, and his toned body was outlined by the dark grey v-neck he was sporting.

"Like what you see?"

"I’ve seen better." She shrugged, her provoking words turning his face sour. He turned the heat down and walked to her but she had already sat down, a cheeky grin on her face.

When she saw his glum expression, as the air turned cold enough to develop frostbite, she added on, "Don’t be jealous, the truth hurts."

Yang Feng raised a brow, reaching down to grab that little chin of hers, but she scooted away from him, grabbing the fork and digging into the western dishes he cooked.

"Don’t disturb me while eating." She used it as an excuse, slicing the filet mignon cooked just the way she liked it — medium rare.


He had grabbed her wrist and ate a slice of meat that she had cut for herself, obnoxiously chewing on it just to make her angry. He watched as she cut another piece and tried to put it into her mouth, only for him to snatch it again.

Her cheeks puffed out in anger and right when he thought she was going to cut another slice, she went for the vegetables, diving straight for the asparagus he hated, but cooked for her.

"What? Don’t want it anymore?" She smirked in triumph, making a grand gesture to place it into his mouth, her arrogance faltering when he ate that as well.


"So who’s the buffoon that looks better than me?" He nonchalantly asked, resisting the urge to spit out the disgusting grassy taste of the asparagus even though it was smoldered in butter and roasted garlic.

Zhao Lifei bit her bottom lip to not laugh at this petty child. He was eating all of her food because she didn’t compliment him?


She picked up the fork and sliced another piece of meat, this time, placing it into her mouth at lightning speed.

Yang Feng was caught off guard by her words, but quickly came back to bootlick her. "Yes, of course. How could I forget?"

He continued to hover over her, watching as she ate the food. "Maybe you can jog my memory by showing me—"

"Sit down and eat your dinner." She snorted, practically seeing his wagging tail drop in disappointment, his perked ears now folded.

With heavy reluctance, he sat down, sulking and mumbling gibberish to himself as he roughly stabbed his filet mignon as if it could relieve his anger. He vowed tonight, he would get the promised two kisses.

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