Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 151 Empress

Zhao Lifei tried to push him away, only for him to crash her body back into his solid chest, hard as a wall. "I don’t have enough experience to do that." She snorted, averting her embarrassed gaze. She was good at so many things, but kissing was not one of them.

At her words, he felt a sense of possessiveness wash over him. "You don’t need experience. I’ll teach you." He firmly declared, his eyes filled with the utmost devotion.

She thought he was joking, but when she saw the burning fire within his eyes, she knew he wasn’t. "Alright, have it your way." She mused.

Seeing her so willingly comply, his contented expression brightened just like his mood.

- - - - -

After climbing into the passenger seat while happily munching away on her food, Zhao Lifei finally noticed they were getting further away from the city. She looked at the serious Yang Feng who was seemingly concentrated on driving, but she knew he had snuck glances at her face every few seconds. She only prayed she did not look like a hamster stuffing her cheeks when she ate the rice cake, but judging by the way the corner of his lips were twitching, she knew she did, indeed, looked like that.

"Where are we going?"

"You’ll know when you get there." He looked at her for the slightest second and made a ’pft’ noise.

"What?" She confusedly questioned.

"You have powder on your face." He grinned, grabbing a wet wipe to clean her face.

She swatted his hand away and stubbornly wiped the powder off herself. She looked away, a blush threatening to break out at the incredibly embarrassing moment. "I’d rather it have been your lips instead." She mumbled under her breath, purposely teasing him. She yelped when the car came to a screeching halt and was driven to the side of the highway.

"What—" She didn’t get to speak when he roughly grabbed her chin and kissed her hard. She instantly melted when his expert lips went to work, her senses disappearing as his fiery mouth dominated every part of her.

"Ah!" She gasped when he suddenly bit her bottom lips, his tongue diving inside to taste her before dominating her tongue into submission. Another erotic sound left her mouth without warning or control and right when she leaned in, begging for more, he pulled back.

She greedily wanted more and frustratedly pouted.

"That’s what you get for being such a tease." He hoarsely said, his voice ignited with passion. He started the car again, but his knuckles were tightly clenched on the steering wheel.

She was confused by his actions until she saw the large camp in his pants and squirmed in her seat. "T-then don’t be so handsome all the time." She blurted, pushing all of the blame on him.

He gladly took it all, a cheeky smile on his face. "You think I’m handsome?" He wanted to hear her say it again. Even when the entire world flattered him on his heaven forbidding looks and the women threw themselves at his feet, the only compliment that mattered was the one leaving her precious lips.

Regretting her words, she decided to remain quiet and opted to look out the window, a slight blush covering her face.

He momentarily glanced at her and chuckled upon seeing her flustered expression. He decided to stop teasing her, or else she might resort to brute force and hit him, not that he minded, for she barely did any damage to him.

- - - - -

When the car pulled into the amusement park, Zhao Lifei’s eyes brightened like a child on Christmas. Her eyes rapidly bounced around, gleefully taking in her surroundings. Ever since she was a child, she always wanted to come to one, but never had the chance to. Being a child at heart, this place was like heaven for her.

She was so busy looking out of the windows to even realize Yang Feng had climbed out of the car, thus, when he opened the car door, she was surprised, but fixed her composure instantly.

"Let’s go." He stretched out his large hand and offered it to her. She clasped her hand over his without hesitation, his warmth quickly melting her icy fingertips.

"The park is crowded, so keep close." He said, wrapping a protective arm around her waist to make sure she wasn’t touched by the crowds of people. With his large stature and intimidating aura, no one dared to even come within meters from them. His bodyguards were also disguised to blend into the crowd, making sure their Lady Boss was perfectly kept away from harm’s way.

Everywhere they went, they garnered attention. Men and women paused every few seconds or took double-glances back at them, completely fascinated by the extremely eye-pleasing couple. Despite the fact that the suave and towering man was leading her, she did not look lost or weak. Instead, her eyes were sharp and her face was neutrally calm, taking in everything in her surroundings. Their aura combined was overwhelming, a heavy air of royalty exuding from both of them. A true power couple.

"Oh my gosh, he’s so handsome!" A woman whispered to her friend, "I wonder if he’s a model or an actor." She looked at him again, hearts coming out of her eyes.

In a hypnotic daze upon seeing someone so blindly charismatic, she said, "No, he’s an immortal."

"Pft! Yaoyao, you’ve been watching too many historical dramas!"

"No, he really looks like a heavenly god blessing us with his presence!"

Another woman commented, "If he enters showbiz, I would be the happiest person in the world. His features are so defining and his dark eyes, ugh, so mysterious!"

A couple paused to look at them, more in particular, the girlfriend pulled her boyfriend to a halt. "His jaw is so sharp, his lips are so sexy..."

"Hey, your boyfriend is standing right here!" He fumed, despite the fact that he was bewitched by the woman’s charismatic and chic appearance. She was ten levels above his league, her features so breathtaking, he was sure if this was the historic world, she would be the Emperor’s favorite concubine, if not, the Empress.

"Yeah well, your girlfriend is standing right here, so stop looking at her!" The girlfriend bickered, but her eyes were still heavily glued onto the man.

Zhao Lifei was so expectedly protected by Yang Feng, she was completely oblivious to the onlookers’ attention on them. Instead, she was naively looking around the amusement park, her sparkling eyes were filled with interest. She was so excited to try everything there, but didn’t know where to start until her eye caught something interesting.

She brightly turned towards Yang Feng, "Let’s go to the haunted house!" Without waiting for his reply, she practically dragged him there. Because her back was turned towards him, she didn’t see his stiffened expression.

"It’s going to be fun." She smiled back at him, still oblivious to what he was feeling towards the haunted house. But seeing her so happy, Yang Feng could only keep his mouth shut and obliged to whatever the Empress wanted.

"Oh, the line is quite long." She soberly said after turning a corner.

Despite the fact that Yang Feng wanted to bolt to the other side of the park, far away from the haunted house, he still guided her towards the front.

"I bought the annual FastPass for us." He informed her, finally receiving the chance to grasp the yellow band over her wrist. He saw how skinny she still was, but was glad to see the slightest improvement and in a low voice said, "Let’s get you some food afterward."

Zhao Lifei noticed the slight cold-sweat he had and the way his brows were knitted, forming creases on his forehead. Was he scared? She saw his usual golden skin was slightly paler than usual.

Yang Feng walked to the front of the line and showed the employees their bands and they were ushered inside.

"Are you scared?" She teased him.

His rigid expression became frostier at the truth. "No." He muttered, his voice was confident, but his eyes swirled with dread and wariness.

He could handle the pungent smell of rotting bodies, the horrific sight of brutally tortured humans, causing widespread massacre and violence with the flick of his wrists, but haunted houses were battles he could not conquer.

Zhao Lifei was stunned to see her suspicion was true, but her shock evolved into disbelief and amusement. It seemed this flawless man finally had an imperfection aside from his stubbornness...!

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