Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor

Chapter 486

Episode 486:

Just when I thought I needed an example, the perfect offering appeared.

I looked closely at the clothes of the two people who were arguing and glaring at each other.

Since I had read all the information about the martial arts forces that joined the Allied Forces, it was not difficult to figure out their secrets.

The middle-aged man with a sword wound on his shoulder was a blood relative of Chief Hyo of Guizhou.

The young man who went on a rampage claiming his master had been insulted was a disciple of Park Saeng-moon from Hanam.

“Great! Look at this wound. “I am the one who suffered unilateral damage!”

“We need to consider the circumstances, not just the results! “You were the one who crossed the line first!”

“Shut up! Because he couldn’t overcome his own anger, he broke the Allied forces’ rules and drew his sword, and now he’s scared? “Your tongue is getting longer!”


“Do you think I fell victim to your poor swordsmanship because I had no skills? If you have any sense, take a look around! “How others view you!”


The young Taoist pursed his lips.

Indeed, age could not be ignored.

The same goes for speech and the ability to control the atmosphere.

The middle-aged man was superior to the young guru.

I spoke in a cool, subdued voice.

“First, put away your weapons. “The warriors of Hyogajang and the monks of Park Saengmun.”


“Please do not allow me to suppress both sides by force.”


A terrifying force erupted and encroached on the entire area.

The faces of the middle school students turned pale.

I nodded with satisfaction as I stared at Park Saeng-moon’s disciples, who hastily returned their swords to their scabbards.

He then looked straight at the middle-aged man and recited his personal information.

“Pa Gyeong-un, a member of the Demonic Cult’s Oewon Cheonilgak.”


“Were you instructed to instigate conflict so that infighting would occur?”

“What kind of nonsense is that?”

“It’s no use turning it away. “The background investigation has already been completed.”

“You’re mistaken! I am not a magician! “How can you tell me that I look like a demon!”

“There are many cases where demonic cultists in foreign circles who are frequently dispatched abroad do not learn magic arts. “The demonic warrior knows best.”

“no! I don’t know who was slandering me, but I am a local native who has never been outside of Gwiju since I was born! “This is my first time setting foot in Hanam!”

“You have excellent acting skills. “If someone I don’t know sees it, I’ll be fooled.”


The rumbling noise spread.

The eyes of the people around them turned cold as they looked at the middle-aged man.

Dragon King, a blood relative of a small and medium-sized family and a hero of the martial arts world.

There was no need to say which side the middle class people would trust more.


The young Taoist monk, who had a very surprised expression, soon turned up the corners of his lips and smiled.

It seemed like he felt a sense of joy at the sight of a middle-aged man in a corner.

I immediately turned my gaze in his direction.

“Same goes for you. “Ma Yeok-jin, a member of the Baeksu-gak (白壽閣) branch of the Demonic Cult.”


“I had no idea that two ganjas would engage in a play with each other.”

“Dae Daehyeop.” “I think you’re misunderstanding something.”

“You seem to have the same reaction as the warrior over there. “Did you practice beforehand?”

Hyogajang’s warriors lined up behind the middle-aged man.

The disciples of Park Saeng-mun lined up behind the young master.

He had a blank expression on his face, as if he didn’t understand the situation.

I said, snapping my fingers before they could say anything.

“Suppress him.”

Cheonan police officers came out from all over to arrest a middle-aged man and a young monk.

The middle class people were perplexed by what had happened so suddenly.

The young Taoist lying on the ground shouted with a red-hot face.

“Great! Something is wrong! “I am not a demonic cult!”

“You can prove your innocence later when you are interrogated.”

“Interrogation! “Why should I be questioned for what I did wrong?”

“It’s too late to give up. “No matter how hard you deny it, nothing will change.”

“Jang Moon-in! I feel so wronged! “Don’t you know?”

A young monk being dragged away screaming.

While Park Saeng-moon’s disciples watched in confusion, Woo Ga-jin took him away and disappeared.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man bowed his head as if he had given up on everything and walked along following Bangcheoksam’s guidance.

“here is……?”

The two people who were taken away soon entered a space blocked from the outside.

This is a fantasy camp created by Sima Yun, who received instructions from me earlier, together with practitioners from the three families.

No one outside would know what was going to happen here from now on.

“Let’s begin.”

I signaled with a glance to Seo Ho-seon, who was waiting next to Sima-un.

A young Taoist monk, who felt an uneasy premonition, begged for his life with a pale, exhausted face.

“Please save me! “I was wrong!”


“please! Please forgive me just this once!”

* * *



A scream that strangled the hearts of those who heard it echoed throughout the area.

The warriors of Hyogajang who ran through the crowd looked dumbfounded.

Park Saeng-moon’s disciples who arrived later also widened their eyes as if they could not believe it.


Although it was not visible, it was not difficult to guess what was going on inside the formation.

Interrogation to obtain a confession and extract information.

There was no reason for such horrendous screams to erupt unless they were being subjected to terrible torture that involved cutting flesh and breaking bones.

The middle school people were whispering as they looked at them frozen in shock.

“I never would have thought that there were demonic sects hiding in the Allied Forces.”

“It is indeed the Dragon King. “You knew in advance the disguised identities of the demonic cultists.”

“But isn’t it strange?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m talking about that line. Just looking at it, it looks like it was installed to block the space so people don’t know what’s going on inside, but aren’t the screams of the gangsters coming out intact?”

“It’s probably a warning.”


“A warning to those who may be hiding further.”

“her. “I never thought about it from that perspective.”

Hyogajang’s chieftain clenched his fists tightly.

My fingernails dug into my skin and blood flowed.

‘That can’t be possible!’

I couldn’t believe what the Dragon King said.

As my embarrassment subsided, my anger rose.

A blood relative of a proud family was being taken away and tortured by Cheonan Gambu officers.

As he said, he was a person who had never left Gwiju since he was born.

He’s a magician who infiltrated?

It made no sense.

‘Damn it!’

While swearing in my mind, I turned to the side and saw Park Saeng-moon-joo with a similar expression to me.

A trickle of blood flowed from his clenched mouth.

My eyes widened, and I felt like I was about to jump into the camp at any moment.

Looking at him, he also seemed to be convinced that the monk’s disciple had been falsely accused.

Hyogajangju, who calmed his excitement by taking deep breaths, approached Park Saengmunju and opened his mouth.

“Moonju. “I have something to say.”

* * *

Late at night.

About a dozen guests came to the command barracks.

Surprisingly, the leaders of the two warring martial arts groups came to see me together.

I offered them a seat with a soft smile on my face.

“Cheonan Inspector General.”

“Please speak.”

“I will ask you directly. “On what basis did you decide that our Cheon’er is a member of the Demonic Cult?”

“There is no basis.”


Is it because an unexpected answer came back?

Park Saeng-moon-ju’s eyebrows rose sharply.

After taking my gaze away from him, I looked back at Hyogajangju and asked.

“I guess Lord Jang came to see me for the same reason. “To request proof that the family’s warrior is a member of the Demonic Cult.”

“That’s right.”

A piercing gaze fell on me.

Instead of giving them the answer they wanted right away, I paused and tapped the table with my index finger.

Elder Park Saeng-moon, who could no longer bear it, spoke as if he were angry.

“Let me be clear. “It makes no sense for Cheon’er to be a member of the Demonic Cult.”


“I can say this with confidence because I have been watching Cheon-ah since she was a child. “That child has no contact with the Demonic Cult.”

“Do you really think so?”

“yes. “I will risk my name and, if necessary, my life.”

At Master Noh’s resolute remarks, I inwardly exclaimed in admiration.

I could feel his upright heart.

In the past, I felt a similar sensation while looking at Chayun’s dojo.

“You said it yourself a little while ago. “They accused Cheon-ah of being a devil without any basis.”


“No matter how much you are a martial arts hero, there are things you can and cannot do. Park Saeng-moon will never overlook this incident.”


“I swear. “If you don’t give a proper explanation, you will be held back until the end, even if it means the sect is ruined.”


“We might look funny. But in the end, everything goes back to normal.”


After waiting for Master Noh to finish his speech, I tapped my palm loudly.

Sima Yun, who had been waiting in the back, seemed to disappear outside the barracks, but soon returned accompanied by two men.

The middle school students who recognized their identities let out cries of surprise.


“Hwigyun! “Are you safe?”

A confused emotion appeared on the head of the family.

They seemed to feel uncomfortable seeing them without any scars, let alone any traces of torture.

Park Saeng-moon-ju also seemed to feel strange and narrowed his eyebrows.

I cleared my throat loudly, drawing their attention, and bowed my head to them and offered them an apology.

“First of all, let me say I’m sorry.”


“I knew from the beginning that these two were not demons.”

Pa Gyeong-woon, a member of the Demonic Cult’s Foreign Academy Cheonil-gak.

Ma Yeok-jin, a member of Baeksu-gak, a member of the Ma-gyo Outer Academy.

These were all identities and names that I came up with spontaneously.

Even though I was a high-ranking member of the Demonic Cult in my past life, I have no way of remembering the faces of the members of the Outer Circle one by one.

“I used Chief Hyoga and Park Saeng-moon to establish discipline in the Allied Forces. “I promise to compensate you sufficiently for this.”

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