Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 96 Jealous

Marceline sped off to the company as she was worried about Xyon. She still couldn't believe that Kira would try to hurt Xyon. She wondered what he did to offend her vampire bodyguard.

Upon entering the Zhou Empire Building, she immediately headed to the rooftop where Kira and Xyon were talking. She asked Aunt Brianna to help Xyon but when she called her, she told Marceline to come as soon as possible.

'What if Kira won't listen to Aunt Bri?' Marceline was dashing to the elevator.

After a few minutes, Marceline reached the rooftop. Aunt Brianna was standing by the door side. She couldn't open it as Kira locked the door from the outside.

"Aunt Bri, where are they? Is Xyon fine?" Marceline asked Aunt Brianna anxiously.

Aunt Brianna shrugged her shoulders as she had no idea what was happening on the other side of this door.

Marceline had no choice but to try her luck. She took a deep breath before kicking the door. With her strength, the door swung open in just one kick from her.

Without any delay, Marceline rushed out only to see Kira holding Xyon by his collar. Xyon could no longer breathe. He was powerless against Kira.

"Kira, Nooo!!! Put him down!" Marceline ran in their direction.

Kira continued lifting Xyon by his collar. He just stopped when Marceline grabbed his wrist as soon as she reached his spot.

Kira flicked his gaze from Xyon to Marceline. His expression darkened further when he sensed that Marceline was worried about Xyon.

'Is she mad at me because I touched this man?' Kira asked himself, tightening his grip on Xyon's collar.


Xyon's clothes started to tear off because of the force Kira exerted on his grasp.

"Kira, let him go, NOW!" Marceline commanded him.

Kira ground his teeth while narrowing his eyes. He was giving Xyon a deathly glare.

"B-Big… B-Boss…" he tried to call her, feeling relieved to see her. He felt like he saw his angel who would protect him against the devil.

Kira suddenly let go, causing Xyon to fall on the ground with his butt hitting the floor first.


Marceline immediately approached Xyon, showing some concern for him. He was like a little brother to her, that's why Marceline was worried about him.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Xyon put on a pitiful face with his teary eyes. He was rubbing his neck as he tried to catch his breath. He just nodded his head as a response to Marceline.

"What a crybaby… So unmanly!" Kira murmured, still looking daggers at Xyon. Meanwhile, Xyon just glared at Kira.

He already knew that Kira was a vampire. Xyon was also aware of the existence of werewolves, witches, and other supernatural beings.

After helping Kira in his mission to save the other vampires, Marceline decided to tell Xyon the truth about the existence of those creatures.

Xyon was overwhelmed at first. But later on, he was able to condition his mind to accept the truth. Besides, he believed his Big Boss so he didn't doubt the words coming from her.

Marceline pinched Xyon's cheek and asked him, "What did you do to offend my bodyguard? He would not do it unless you did something to upset him."

Xyon pouted his lips while putting on his puppy-eye look. He shook his head frantically.

"Big Boss, I didn't do anything… Your bodyguard is a bully! He suddenly attacked me without any reason." Xyon sounded like a child being bullied by big kids. He was trying to get sympathy from his big boss, Marceline.

Kira was about to pick him up but Marceline stepped into the middle to stop him. He became more upset seeing how Marceline was being protective of Xyon.

"Leave now, Xy. We will talk about this later. Aunt Bri is waiting inside. Go with her and treat your wound," Marceline said, motioning Xyon to leave.

Xyon just nodded his head before standing up to leave. When they were now left alone, Marceline confronted Kira.

"What were you trying to do? Why did you attack Xyon?" Marceline asked him, lifting an eyebrow.

"Why are you getting mad at me? What is your relationship with him? Why are you being protective of him?" Kira asked her back, instead of answering her question. He didn't hide his annoyance and displeasure towards Xyon.

Marceline knitted her eyebrows into a deep frown, confusion resurfacing in her emerald eyes. "Why do you hate him? What did he do?" She asked him again.

"Xyon is one of my trusted men. Of course, I will care about his well-being. Besides, he is not our enemy. He is our ally." Marceline explained to Kira, answering his questions.

"You haven't responded to me yet. Now, answer me," she demanded, staring intently into his eyes with a questioning gaze.

"He likes you…" Kira said, looking away.

He couldn't understand why he was not able to control his temper. He was so curious about Xyon aka Mr. X. He seemed so important to Marceline. He saw how Marceline depended and relied on Xyon for the past few days.

When he bumped into him in the hallway, Kira tried to exchange some casual conversation with him. Then suddenly, Kira got an idea of reading Xyon's mind.

That's the time Kira found out that Xyon had a crush on Marceline… that he liked her that's why he was doing his best to accomplish every task Marceline was giving him. He wanted to impress his Big Boss. He admired her so much.

For some unknown reason, Kira suddenly felt mad. He was jealous of the close relationship between Xyon and Marceline. She was always looking out for him. She was cold towards other employees but not to Xyon.

At that certain moment, he started to hate him. Kira was not able to control his negative emotions. He lost his mind momentarily, emanating a chilly aura that frightened Xyon to the core.

Sensing the dangerous aura coming from Kira, Xyon immediately called Marceline for help. He knew that his Big Boss was the only one who could protect him against this vampire.

He tried to run away from him but Kira moved so fast as he grabbed Xyon by his collar. He thought that Kira would throw or push him from that rooftop or even strangle him to death. His sharp nails dug into his flesh, scratching his neck. Fortunately, Marceline came on time to stop Kira, otherwise Xyon would not only receive a scratch but a much more serious injury.

Meanwhile, Marceline suddenly giggled upon hearing Kira's last words: 'Xyon likes you!'.

'Don't tell me he is jealous?' Marceline couldn't hide the glow of happiness on her lovely face.

Kira's expression turned uglier when Marceline just laughed at him.

"Do you like him too?" Kira asked her, looking so upset.

"Yes, I like him," Marceline stated matter-of-factly, teasing Kira further.

A cold glint flashed through his eyes as he grabbed her by the waist, pushing her on the wall.

"I told you that I wanted your loyalty! You can't like another man. Are you being unloyal to me now, Marceline?" Kira called her name with a stern voice. He was truly mad right now as he didn't call her Boss Lin or My Lady.

Marceline was not intimidated by Kira's rage. Instead, she was enjoying his reaction. She assumed that Kira was jealous of Xyon. She laughed because she found the idea very funny.

Xyon was like a younger brother to her. She didn't see him as a man with whom she could have a romantic relationship. So Kira's jealousy was baseless.

She gazed up, pulling his tie as she played with it. A playful smile could be seen on her face. She tiptoed, bringing her face closer to him. Her lips were almost touching his lips.

Kira remained still, just looking at her with his piercing eyes. He was anticipating a kiss as his gaze fell on her red kissable lips.

Marceline raised her free hand, gently caressing Kira's cheek as though she was appeasing his jealous heart with every stroke of her fingers on his skin.

"Don't accuse me of unfaithfulness, Mr. Alaric," Marceline mumbled, her voice so soft. "There's nothing wrong about me liking Xyon."

Kira clenched his jaw while tightening his grip on her waist the moment he heard that. But Marceline was not yet done talking so she continued.

"But between the two of you… I like you more." Marceline's lips already touched the corner of his lips. She intentionally avoided Kira's lips just to tease him.

"See… I'm kissing you like this… which I haven't done to him. This only means I like you more than him." She explained, consoling Kira. She let her lips touch his jawline, raining sensuous little kisses on his flesh.

And just like that, Marceline was able to appease Kira's jealous heart. But she awakened his flaming desire inside him.

Could no longer bear her teasing, Kira grabbed her chin as he pressed his mouth to hers. A rough and aggressive kiss held her captive as she succumbed to the forceful domination of his lips.

There was deep passion in his kiss as if telling her that she only belonged to him. Parting her lips, Kira moved his tongue over hers with rough thrusts.

He was ravishing the sweetness of her mouth and Marceline was just going with the flow, responding to him with the same eagerness and need.

The intense kiss lasted for several minutes until they were both satisfied. The two were panting heavily after they parted from that passionate kiss.

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