Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 31 Preparation For The Journey

[ Kingdom Phantasia… ]

Dylan was preoccupied with the preparation of his upcoming journey to the human world. The strange feeling of excitement filled his heart as the day of his journey was approaching.

At last, he would be able to set foot in the human world. It was something he was dying to do for so long but he couldn't because of his overprotective parents.

The werewolf king and queen always restricted him from leaving the Kingdom Phantasia at the fear of their only son being targeted by their enemies– the rebel vampires. They already lost Princess Stella, they couldn't afford to lose their only son.

However, this time, Dominique finally granted his wish as their elite team continued failing their mission of finding the missing werewolf princess. He had no choice but to trust his son that he would be able to find Princess Stella.

"My sister… I am certain that we will cross paths soon. Wait for me… this brother of yours will definitely find you." Dylan was looking at the distance where the Northern Portal Gate was located.

His gut feeling was telling him to pass through this certain gate since he had a vision of his twin sister staying in the northern part of the human world. He believed that their twin bond was the one that triggered him to dream of her and get a clue about her current location.

After gathering his emotions and clearing his mind, Dylan continued to navigate in the dark forest, going to the stone wall house of the White Witch who was living near the gate of the Northern Portal.

Dylan would seek the help of this White Witch in order to perfect his disguise so that vampires and werewolves staying in the human world would not recognize him. He would pretend to be an ordinary human being.

That was his initial plan to ensure his safety and at the same time, he would be able to move freely without being watched by the werewolf guards.

After fifteen minutes of traversing through the forest, Dylan had reached his destination. He was now standing at the front door of the White Witch whose name was Riemc. Dylan raised his hand to press the doorbell.

As everyone could see, Kingdom Phantasia also adopted some modern technologies, and ways of living from the human world such as house structures, vehicles, electric power, gadgets, and many more.

The Kingdom Phantasia had become a mixture of the magical world and the human world. But unlike the human world, the Kingdom of Phantasia was still rich in natural resources.

A few seconds had gone by before the door swung open from the inside, then a beautiful maiden with long silver hair emerged from it. She looked so pale like a vampire.

Her hair and skin color was unique with the other witches in the kingdom. For that reason, everyone called her the White Witch. Aside from that, among the witches, she's the only one who only used light spells. She never used dark spells.

"Prince Dylan, welcome to my simple but humble house." Riemc greeted him with utmost respect, motioning him to enter the house.

Dylan returned her greetings with a friendly smile. "Lady Riemc, thank you for this warm welcome."

Riemc guided Dylan towards her small living room. He sat down on the artistic wooden chair which was personally designed by the White Witch.

As soon as the two settled down in their respective chairs, Dylan quickly brought up his main agenda. "I will be direct to you, Lady Riemc. I came here because I need your help. 6 days from now, I will be going to the human world. I need to conceal my identity as a werewolf and pretend to be a human."

​ The White Witch was stunned for a moment when she heard that. As far as she knew, the King and Queen forbade the prince from visiting the human world because of safety and security concerns.

"My prince, forgive me for asking you this but may I know the reason why you are going there despite the firm disapproval of your parents?"

Dylan flashed his charming smile and said, "I'm going to find my twin sister, and my father already approved it!"

Dylan told the White Witch that this should remain a secret between them. He also shared his plan with her. Riemc understood his intentions so she never questioned his decision anymore. She reassured him that she would keep this secret and would never tell anyone about it.

After hearing out Dylan's overall plan, Riemc invited him to enter her special room where her book of spells and potions were being kept.

Inside that room, she provided him with all the things he needed for his journey to the human world.

"Prince Dylan, use this magical perfume that I made myself. This will help you conceal your werewolf scent from the vampires and your fellow werewolves. This will make them believe that you are just an ordinary human."

Dylan accepted the perfume bottle and brought it upon his nose. Then he smelled a scent of jasmine.

Dylan crumpled his face and said, "I will smell like a girl?! My masculinity will go down several points."

The White Witch giggled after seeing the reluctant expression on Dylan's face. "Yes, my prince. Next time I will make something that is suited for male werewolves. But for now, you have to use this."

Dylan just sighed helplessly, scratching the back of his neck.

Then she picked another glass, containing a potion. "This is a Silver Antidote which will help you become immune to silver for an hour. After that, you have to drink another droplet. You need this because everyone knows that a werewolf is vulnerable to silver. If they notice that you can't get near silver or are afraid to touch any material made of silver then they will know that you are a werewolf."

Dylan nodded his head, indicating he understood her. Then the White Witch gave him a small bottle containing small white pills.

"What's this med for?" Dylan asked her.

"My prince, this is the first time you are going to visit the human world. You might encounter new and unfamiliar things while interacting with humans. You might be in trouble and experience human threats and dangers. The last thing we want to happen is you losing control and shifting into your wolf form in front of the humans."

She knew that once the werewolves would encounter great danger, their survival instinct would be activated and there was a tendency that they would shift into their werewolf form to protect themselves against those external threats.

Unlike vampires, werewolves couldn't erase people's memory so it would be troublesome for them to expose themselves to the public.

Dylan: "..."

'Do I look like a wild, aggressive, and hot-blooded werewolf to her? I am confident that I can control my wolf.'

"These capsules or magic pills will help you in controlling and sealing your wolf. If your wolf feels threatened and is about to go wild, you can take this to calm him down."

In the end, he just accepted everything she offered. It's better to be prepared than to be sorry.

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