Monster Soul Online

Chapter 172: The Heavenly Dragon Resistance Gathering Party

Chapter 172: The Heavenly Dragon Resistance Gathering Party

The background noise gradually died down, and Silas burdensome task of maintaining two conversations came to an end. When he looked for the source, he realised that the one who organized this party had arrived.

Lone Wolf stepped up onto the stage, wearing brown wuxia clothing with embroidered gold lines. At long last, the gathering party that everyone had been waiting for was about to start.

Lone Wolf swept his gaze across the attendants, before looking at the script Hermit and Ratri prepared for him. However, he shook his head and crumpled it.

Welcome, everyone, to the Heavenly Dragon Resistance gathering party. Its not in my nature to drag matters on, so I will just get to the point. The reason why we are here today is clear. The Heavenly Dragon Guild is expanding its influence and bullying people. Alone, we are weak, but together, there will be nothing that we cant do. So, lets join forces and oppose the Heavenly Dragon Guild, oppose Montra!

Naturally, everybody already knew the purpose of this gathering party. However, they didnt expect Lone Wolf to suddenly cut to the chase without trying to set the mood.

Below the stage, a man dressed like a scholar raised his hand and stood up. My name is Pachee. Im just an ordinary player. Regarding what you said, may I ask you a question?

Brother Pachee, your question is welcomed. Please feel free to ask.

In my opinion, the Heavenly Dragon Guild is an almighty guild. Even if we join forces, there is no guarantee that we can win against them. May I ask what makes you, Sir Lone Wolf, confident that you will win? The Heavenly Dragon Guilds chance of winning is higher and submitting to them will yield us more monetary benefits. On what basis do you think we should join your Victorious Wolves Sect rather than their guild?

First things first, Brother. You need to understand that we are not asking you to join the Victorious Wolves Sect. What we are going to do is form an alliance. All of us will still have the freedom to do anything we see fit. Only, we will direct our weapons at our common enemythe Heavenly Dragon Guild.

Oh, so its my misunderstanding. However, Sir Lone Wolf, you still didnt tell us what is it that can ensure our victory if we were to form an alliance.

I can just tell you in one word. The thing we have that makes us superior to the Heavenly Dragon Guild is Virtue!

Lone Wolf declared it without hesitation, and Beluga slammed his palm on the table in a good mood. As for everyone else, they had started gossiping among themselves.

Another man stood up and raised his point. We want a more concrete basis! Virtue is intangible! And it isnt helpful in battles.

There were many voices agreeing with the mans statement. If Lone Wolf replied with the wrong words, the party might just end here and now.

Lone Wolf swept his eyes across the yard and waited until silence fell once more. Then, he replied with his resounding voice.

Who told you that virtue is not useful? Even Sun Tzus The Art of War states that the most important factor in war is virtue! One should treat people with benevolence, justice, and righteousness! The Heavenly Dragon Guild lacks this very core element. No matter how almighty they are, they will, one day, perish!

Listening to such words, Asura couldnt help but become interested. He turned to ask for Sebastians opinion, who was the smartest among them.

Virtue is necessary for battles? Really? This is the first time I have heard this. Did you already know this, Sebastian?

Sebastian nodded.

Although people say virtue is important, in reality, there is no such thing in wartime. Wars are a matter of brutality and cruelty. Kill or be killed. A clash of opinions. Virtue is, in fact, only something that pushes soldiers forward. You can say that its a sort of goal. If soldiers fight while thinking that what they are doing is for a noble cause, they think they are heroes. On the other hand, without it, they would only be mere bandits. There is a difference in morale and pride between having and not having a noble goal, and that greatly affects the amount of work you put into achieving the goal. Ultimately, in battles, the so-called virtue is a deciding factor that drives people to strive for victory.

Oh, I see, replied Asura.

Yet, below the stage, another man yelled, We still need something more tangible!

Lone Wolf replied, Thats the reason we are all here today. True, virtue without strength may be useless. But, with all of our forces combined under the same virtue, even the Heavenly Dragon Guild cant stand a chance against us all.

Pachee argued again, The Heavenly Dragon Guild has the Magic Emperor Montra, the Two Monarchs that are on par with the Four Emperors, and the sublime Five Dragon Warlords. I even heard a rumor that the Shadow Emperor Zero has joined them. How can we possibly stand up to them?

First of all, about Zero, I can confirm that rumor. He indeed has become a member of the Heavenly Dragon Guild. The Blue Pigeon Guild researched it and assures us of its validity.

The rumor of Zero joining the Heavenly Dragon Guild wasnt a secret. However, given their past conflicts, people couldnt bring themselves to believe such a rumor. However, that changed with Lone Wolfs words. With both the Blue Pigeon Guild and Lone Wolfs confirmation, it was revealed that the unbelievable rumor was, in fact, the truth.

Pachee continued, Thats worse for us! How can we fight the Heavenly Dragon Guild at this rate? They also have a large-scale army under them, ready to mobilize.

The answer is simple. There is no need for strategies. The countermeasure is our unity! We will join forces, share information, collaborate, train with each other, and compensate for what others lack. Just one month is enough for us to become stronger!

Beluga stood up. Excellent! After hearing Lone Wolf, we, the Mountain Thieves League decide to fight with you!

Belugas declaration echoed throughout the party.

Nednapha pushed her guild leader down and whispered, You spoke too soon, Boss. At the very least, we should wait and see what benefits our guild will get from forming an alliance.

Beluga shook his head. If we only focus on the benefits, how are we any different from the Heavenly Dragon Guild? Even if this deal nets us a loss, we are still in. Having a chance to do something virtuous is already a fortune.

Beluga shared his thoughts without lowering his voice. As a result, everybody could hear him clearly. Sila felt that this person was direct and blunt, yet sincere.

Hearing that kind of reasoning, Nednapha stopped arguing. With Belugas words, if she still insisted, wouldnt that imply that she was an unjust, selfish person who disregarded virtue?

Nevertheless, what everyone was seeking wasnt some vague concept like a virtue. Indeed, everyone here disliked the Heavenly Dragon Guild in some way. However, they also wanted a chance for victory. There would be no point in joining the losing side of the battle.

We still need more concrete proof that we can win, or at least a plan.

In that case, I can honestly tell you that, aside for virtue, we also possess what the Heavenly Dragon Guild has. Regarding funds, we got a lot from our trading. About strategies, we have many skilled people in our team. And if we all form an alliance, we will not have to worry about their army. Our combined forces can easily surpass the Heavenly Dragon Guilds. Even better, our alliances members will be everywhere, thus, we will have an advantage regarding flexibility when maneuvering.

The people down below him turned to discuss this with each other, and Lone Wolf remained silent so they didnt feel pressured.

You can decide for yourselves. Join us if you want, but we wont ever force you. Today, we, the Victorious Wolves Sect, will just treat you all to a meal. Please consider my words while enjoying it. Even if you decide not to join us, your belly will at least be full, Lone Wolf said jokingly before going to the main table.

Ratri and Hermit immediately approached him.

Leader, why didnt you stick to the script? That script was a persuasive speech that Ratri and I tried hard to come up with. It mentions the benefits that we can share with them within our tolerance level, asked Hermit.

True, by giving them benefits, a lot of groups might join us. But that doesnt prevent them from abandoning us when the opposite side agrees to give them more. This is way better. I want people to join us because of their virtue.

Beluga interrupted. Dont worry, guys. Even if our alliance only consists of the Victorious Wolves Sect and the Mountain Thieves League, we can still win against the Heavenly Dragon Guild.

Despite Beluga stating this with confidence, everyone knew that he, too, should feel restless inside.

Sila stood up. Hello, Mister Lone Wolf. Its been a while.

Hey, Sila. You have gotten a lot stronger since the last time we spoke, it seems.

You can tell? Sila wondered. As an internal utilizer, most of his power was kept within him. Others shouldnt be able to gauge his strength easily.

Nope. I just see that youre brimming with confidence. Moreover, as I trained under Mister Poluk, I can tell that Sila must have been through a lot of training as well. Since Mister Poluk alone is already that strong, you, who have been training under the other two Slime Guardians as well as Mister Poluk, are undoubtedly getting stronger.

Sila nodded at Lone Wolfs words, though he didnt think he should explain to Lone Wolf that, among the three Guardians and the King of the Slime Kingdom, Poluk was the kindest. Among those four, some taught him directly, some taught him by having him overcome trials, and some didnt teach him anything and instead gave pointers. Regardless, all of their words and actions were extremely useful for Silas growth. When he thought that these four people werent members of the Wulin Masters Association, Sila was reminded that they lived in a vast world.

Everybody turned their heads to Sila. No one could tell how strong Sila was, and they were naturally curious, including Sila himself. He wanted to test how strong he had become.

Mn. I can tell that you are quite strong, but since Lone Wolf said so, you must be extraordinarily strong. Lets have a spar some other time, Beluga smiled at Sila.

Sure, Mister Beluga.

Nednapha looked at Sila and tried to evaluate him. She had seen him display his strength once, so she was comparing the current Sila to the one she saw before. In her opinion, she didnt think he had gotten much stronger, especially when considering how little time had passed.

In fact, it was normal for people to be unable to recognize Silas current strength. Sila was an internal utilizer and he had mastered his version of Divine Raiment, thus achieving perfect energy concealment. Only supreme figures at the level of the Slime Guardians or the Slime King would be able to see through his strength. While not to the same extent, Lone Wolf and Beluga could tell that Sila had gotten stronger with their intuition and experience.

Sila, from now on, when you go anywhere, you will need to be more careful. Its likely that players will attack you even more.

Lone Wolf gave Sila a warning.

They have been trying to do that for a long time, havent they? What has changed?

It is different now, because of this thing.

Lone Wolf placed an octagonal ring on the table. Everyone recognized it with a single glance; everyone except Sila. Even though he was the one most affected by it.

What is this ring?

Cloudy Dragon Ring, an S-grade item. It is now the most popular item from the Heavenly Dragon Guild. The wearer can break through to Marquis Rank easily, and when they kill a slime-race player, they will have the qualification to promote to Lord Rank once their level reaches 1,000.

A slime-race player?

Sila frowned. The condition was oddly specific.

You understand now, right? Montra intends to use other players to hunt you down, so you have to be careful. Our problem at hand is figuring out how Montra managed to craft this kind of item. Its an S-grade item, but he can somehow mass-produce it. Our people are investigating right now but there is still no progress.

Nednapha also said, Our people, too, are investigating this matter, but, likewise, we have yet to make any discoveries. Its an S-grade item that doesnt show a downside, so we still dont dare to equip it. However, based on our speculation, more than fifteen percent of all players are already wearing this ring, and the number is steadily increasing.

Cloudy Dragon Ring... Cloudy Dragon? The Cloudy Pearl that dropped from the dragon...?

As Sila muttered to himself, Varee called out to him.

What are you saying?

Sila hit the table. Everyone turned to him.

I see! Its the work of the Cloudy Pearl. Since its one of the Gems of Catastrophe, this kind of thing should be possible.

Hermit came closer to him and asked, Mister Sila, do you know something about it?

Sila was considered to be Montras number one enemy. Even the rings directly targeted Sila. Everyone didnt know what kind of enmity existed between the two, but they all knew one thing for sure: Sila possessed something that made Montra wary.

I dont think I can describe it well enough. Please let me just go and call the specialists.

Sila was about to leave, but Hermit gestured him to stop.

The party is large and you may lose your way. Mister Sila, if you want to call someone, please tell us the names, and I will order our people to go get them.

Is that so? In that case, please go to my previous table and invite Julia and Bluebird to join us.


Both exclamations rang out simultaneously. The first belonged to Varee, who was wondering how Julia got out from the mansion, while the second one belonged to White Swan, who didnt understand how Bluebird was related to this matter.

Hermit called one of the Victorious Wolves Sects members to get those two. Meanwhile, Varee poked Sila.

Sila, how can Julia go outside? And how is she related to the ring?

Julia is Silas AI maid at the mansion, right? Isnt it impossible for her to leave the attached residence?

Ratri remembered Julia, so she was curious as well.

I speculate the reasons that Julia can leave the mansion and Montra can mass-produce S-grade items are the same. Has anyone here heard of the Gems of Catastrophe?

Sila asked, but, to his surprise, everyone shook their heads, including White Swan; even though her guild leader, Yardpirun, possessed one of them.

How is Blue related though? White Swan asked.

Bluebird possesses Information Analysis, a high-tier inspection skill, so I think he should be able to help us inspect this ring. Moreover, he also knows about the Gems of Catastrophe.

White Swan felt as if her dignity was damaged. Bluebird, who was always only eating and sleeping, turned out to possess information she didnt. Even worse, he even had a high-tier inspection skill.

Soon, Julia and Bluebird arrived at the table. Bluebird even came holding a bowl of noodles in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in the other. Watching one of the vice-leaders of the Blue Pigeon Guild acting gluttonous in front of other important figures, White Swan felt ashamed and hopeless.

Julia greeted everyone, including Varee.

Greetings, Madam. Its been a while.

It is. Julia, its good that you have a body. You look very cute.

Thank you for your compliment, Madam. By the way, may I ask for what reason Master summoned Mister Bluebird and I to this place? How can we help you?

Bluebird slurped some noodles before replying. Oi, Sila. Im not your henchman, you know? If I do not hurry and go back, Burapha might take all the food for himself.

White Swan was annoyed and stood up. Burapha wont do anything shameless like that! Dont compare yourself to him! Even though you are not his henchman, how much of his money do you think you have spent? Dont complain over every little thing!

Bluebird showed a bewildered expression. Why did you have to shout? You have no manners, you know? All I ever did with Silas money was eating. Its something trivial and no one would ever keep track of that.

Hearing such words, White Swan snapped. However, Julia, who had been listening to their conversation, suddenly spoke.

Regarding the bookkeeping, the total amount of money spent on Mister Bluebirds food is 12,196 gold and 692,450 silver, sir. For the record, this amount only covers food costs, not including overhead ones. As for the labor cost, my cooking, Im happy to inform you that its completely free, sir.

Bluebird almost choked on the noodles in his mouth. Julia was a system AI so there was no way her calculation was wrong. Meanwhile, the others wondered how in the world a single person could manage to be prodigal to that extent.

Bluebird sent a melancholic gaze at Julia, but she seemed to be confused about why Bluebird looked at her, since all she did was answer his question.

Next, Bluebird took a side glance at White Swan, to which she immediately replied:

Thats your personal problem! The guild is not responsible for your debts.

Bluebird gulped down the noodles and turned to Sila.

What can I do for you, Master...?

SinlessSinless 2:04PM

Chapter 173: The Clash of Opinions

Bluebird was clearly in low spirits. An empty bowl was in front of him on the table. It took him a while before his eyes regained their liveliness and shone with energy. He puffed out his chest, exuding the aura of a professional newshawk. The vibe he gave off was completely different from before.

To be honest, Sila had only seen Bluebird in this state once; it was when he met him for the first time. Since then, he had never seen this side of him.

Blue, I want you to tell everyone what we know regarding the Gems of Catastrophe.

Sila, are you sure? Its one thing to tell you information regarding Montra since this information is included in the deal. However, the same doesnt apply to everyone else. Sure, its your right to share the information with anyone you want, but let me warn you that if this information is shared, it will bring you more harm than good. Bluebird stopped and said to everyone else, Sorry but I need to bring this up first, so please understand.

Sila was confused. It will cause me more harm than good? What do you mean?

Bluebird opened his system window and sent a message to Sila for him to read alone.

Realizing that it was a secret, everyone waited patiently and didnt mind Bluebirds action, though they were more curious about the gems.

Bluebirds message was: Yes, you will. Thats because only three players have the Gems of Catastrophe in their possession at the moment. The first is Montra, next is Boss, and the last one is you. For the former two, people cant easily offend them. However, you are an individual player. If this information gets out, people will realise the grand value of the gems and they will stop at nothing to hunt you down.

Sila sent a message back. It said, How will that change anything for me now?

It will be different. Currently, only enemies and some of the neutral parties are targeting you. However, when it comes to sublime power and great benefits, people will do whatever it takes to obtain them. Even your friend might become your enemy. Killing you is one thing; youll only lose some levels, or maybe a rank. However, for them to obtain the item you possess, they need to force you to personally hand it to them. Naturally, they will use dirty means. In the worst case, they will target not only you but everyone you hold dear.

Sila was shocked to see the message Bluebird sent back to him. However, once he turned his head back and looked at the people waiting for him, he made a decision.

I dont know about others, but I trust everyone here.

Lone Wolf objected. If it will put you in a bad spot, we dont need to hear it.

Beluga agreed. Sure, I dont know what kind of items these Gems of Catastrophe are, but even if we dont know about them, Im sure we can come up with a countermeasure anyway.

Their intentions were clear; they didnt want to cause trouble for Sila. As such, Sila had an easier time deciding.

I have decided. Blue, please share the information regarding the Gems of Catastrophe with them.

Bluebird nodded and started to explain. The Gems of Catastrophe are speculated to be ultimate-tier items and the top secret of Monster Soul. As far as I know, the number of players who are aware of their existence at this time is less than ten. This number already includes Sila, Boss, Montra, and myself.

There are twelve gems in total. Each of the gems possesses tremendous power that cant be measured. Even our guild, the Blue Pigeon Guild, has only come this far thanks to one of the gems in Boss possession.

This was the first time White Swan ever heard of this. Meanwhile, the others still doubted the power of the gems.

Nednapha asked, Could you please tell us how much power they hold? And, what can they do?

Bluebird answered with a professional look, Extremely tremendous. The extent of their powers covers almost anything you can possibly think of. Each of their powers is seemingly bottomless. I know that you are finding what I said hard to comprehend, so let me put it this way. Do you all know about Orichalcum?

Hermit replied, We know. Orichalcum is a mysterious, legendary mineral. No one knows how to get it aside from accomplishing the systems quests. At present, the only holders of it are Montra and Miss Varee. Oh, I heard that Mister Sila also has it now as well. This mineral can be used to create a powerful, or rather, an ultimate weapon. It is the highest-grade item discovered to date. Are you telling us that the Gems of Catastrophe are on par with it?

Although everyone had yet to know what the gems could do, they were starting to feel concerned. If there were as many as twelve items that were comparable to Orichalcum and Montra got a hold of some of them, it was clear that they would be in an extremely disadvantageous position. However, Bluebirds next statement caused an upheaval.

Not on par. Far from it. If I were to compare Orichalcum to the Gems of Catastrophe, the power that the single gem holds is enough to make Orichalcum not be any different from the cheapest health potion.

I-Impossible... Ratri gaped. However, looking at Bluebirds expression, everyone knew that he wasnt joking around.

Tell us. What exactly can these gems do? asked Beluga.

That depends on each gem. Each of the gems holds a different power, though identically almighty. Its power is a conceptual ability that can be put into a single word, yet have many interpretations. For example, Presence, or Life.

Life was referring to Julias Ocean Heart Aquamarine. As for Presence, Sila guessed that it must be the ability of the gem that Yardpirun possessed. It enabled her to completely merge her presence with her surroundings. If she got serious, no one would be able to detect her. It was as if her presence never existed to begin with.

Sila explained, It may be hard to understand. Please take the gem I have for the example. The gem that I have is the Ocean Heart Aquamarine. Its conceptual ability is Life. This ability can grant life to inanimate beings, including an AI like Julia.

Julia added, This ability can be used in diverse ways without limits. Only, it depends on the users interpretation of the word Life. As for me, for now, based off my thoughts I can use it to grant, revive, and sacrifice life.

She picked up a spoon on the table and a blue aura enveloped it. Soon, the spoon began to jump around and dance as if it was a living being.

Ratri was shocked. T-This is absurd. Such a short word can be interpreted in several ways. To think that it can even be used without limits...

Everybody agreed with her. They thought that such an overpowered item shouldnt even exist in the game. Just one of them could easily break the games balance beyond repair. Right now, everyone was thinking the same thing: that the name Gems of Catastrophe was truly suitable.

Hermit asked, And am I right to assume that Montra has one of them? If that is the case, we will have to hurry and assemble people to search for the gems. At the very least, we have to prevent him from getting more of them.

Bluebird shook his head. Its already too late. We have confirmed that eight of the Gems of Catastrophe are already in Montras possession. Two belong to Sila, and one is with Boss. Only the last one is missing.

Eight gems?!! Montra has eight of this kind of overpowered item? This is too fraudulent!

Ratri was shouting while Beluga, Hermit, Nednapha, and Lone Wolf showed worried expressions. Lone Wolf turned to Sila and asked a question.

Sila, may I ask how you found two of them?

Everyone was also curious, so they attentively waited for the answer. Sila recalled the events of acquiring two gems and explained.

I got both of them by mere chance. I got the first one from killing Leviathan above the ocean. Bluebird and Burapha were with me. The gem I got from it was the Ocean Heart Aquamarine. For the record, it was once an event item in the event Seeking for Beginning Towns Best Couple, though Varee and I had to give it back to the host at that time. As for the second gem, it was attached to a ring that I purchased from a shop in Grea City for 500,000 gold. After that, I had to unseal the ring with the help of the Transcendent Unsealer in Beginning Town in order to obtain the gem. Actually, I should have another one, which is the Cloudy Pearl, from killing Pythia. However, Montra snatched it from me in Beginning Town.

Wait, you just conveniently purchased a single item worth 500,000 gold? asked Ratri.

I know that it was expensive, but it couldnt be helped. Its a ring for keeping Lookhin inside. Sila showed a black ring on his finger.

So you got them by chance, Lone Wolf turned his head to Bluebird. What about your boss?

Boss didnt explain the details, but it wasnt different from Silas case. It was by pure coincidence.

Lone Wolf wondered. In that case, how did Montra find the gems?

He probably got them by chance as well, no? asked Ratri.

Hermit shook his head. No way. Just one or two might be the work of chance, but eight of them is too many to simply be luck. Moreover, if we consider that Montra could manage to snatch one of them from Mister Sila, it means...

Montra possesses the knowledge of how to acquire the Gems of Catastrophe?! Ratri exclaimed.

Sila strongly nodded. That should be the case. At that time, Montra explicitly threatened me to give him the gem that I got from the Wind Dragon. It is clear that he was fully aware that Pythia would drop one of the gems.

So, lets find out how Montra came to know such information, said Ratri.

However, Nednapha shook her head. No, I dont think that will be the best course of action. That information is no longer important. Montra already has eight of them, so it wont make a difference if he gets one more. We will be wasting our time trying to find out how he knows about them. I think we better come up with countermeasures instead.

Im thinking the same thing as Miss Nednapha; we should focus on the problem in front of us. First, about this ring. Mister Bluebird, I heard from Mister Sila that you might be able to inspect this ring in greater detail.

Hermit handed the ring to Bluebird, to which Bluebird used his Information Analysis on it.

Cloudy Baby Dragon Ring, an S-grade item. The wearer will get twice as much money and experience points from killing monsters when wearing this ring. The wearer can breakthrough to Marquis Rank without experiencing a bottleneck. However, the wearer cant possibly breakthrough to Lord Rank by any means, except successfully killing a slime-race player. One percent of experience points and money the wearer earns while wearing the ring will be transferred to the person who wears the Cloudy Mother Dragon Ring. Furthermore, the wearer will die instantly if the ring is unequipped...

Oh, it really has hidden options. Well, we should be fine as long as we dont unequip the ring. One percent seems negligible anyway, said Ratri.

Hermit showed his concern. Even though its just one percent, if it comes from thousands of players, it will be quite huge.

Bluebird interrupted. I havent finished yet. There is one more option, and thats that the wearer of the Cloudy Mother Dragon Ring can forcefully remove any Cloudy Baby Dragon Rings in their line of sight.

W-What did you just say?! exclaimed everybody.

What a brutal move. If we were to wear this kind of ring and encounter the Mother Ring, we will die instantly, said Hermit.

Beluga laughed. What a sly move, that damn Montra. Its good that we discovered his plan beforehand. Otherwise, we will lose the war event as soon as it starts.

Why? Its just dying once, isnt it? asked Sila.

The next war event will be your first one, right, Sila? You should know that you will have only a single life during the war event. As soon as you die, you will be removed from the event and be forced to wait until the war event ends. Wearing this ring spells instant death to us, explained Beluga.

Hermit pondered. Mn. In that case, we need to tell everyone and have them remove it. Dying now is better than dying during the war event.

Beluga smirked. I dont think so. Rather, to efficiently utilize this ring, we can wear it for the time being to farm money and grind experience points. Then, we will remove it just before the war event starts, and wear replicants that we make, but without the options. We can fool Montra into believing that we have fallen into his trap this way.

Lone Wolf agreed, True, this plan sounds better.

Everyone wanted to continue the conversation. However, killing intent was suddenly aimed at them. Thus, they stopped talking and looked at a group of players coming to their table.

Lone Wolf was the host of the party, so he stood up and greeted the incoming group.

Excuse me. May I ask for your names, and what business do you have with me?

A bear-like, muscular man in wuxia clothing with a giant axe strapped to his back stepped forward and put his palms together to salute.

We are merely a group of no-name players who happen to have a question to ask.

Dont hesitate, Brother. This gathering party was organized so that we can collaborate with each other, so all questions are welcome.

The man cleared his throat and said, Among the group at this table, we are not doubting the strengths of Lone Wolf, Beluga, or some of the others. We know that everyone at this table is an important figure and all of you are the keys to making the alliance advance in the right direction. However, were sorry to say that were doubting the ability of this man, Sila. How does he have the right to sit together with you?

Sila is my guest. Moreover, he is well qualified to sit at this table among us leaders.

If thats really your answer, Lone Wolf, then we are totally disappointed in you and are sad to inform you that we will have to reject your invitation to join the alliance. Its clearly wrong to choose people based on intimacy rather than true skills. No matter how big or how great the organization is, with such discrimination, we will have no way to win against Montra. If that is the case, we better take our chances and fight alone instead of following you.

The man said with a loud voice with the intention of letting everyone else in the gathering party hear the conversation. As such, people began to gossip and there was clearly signs of opinions clashing. Some even stood up and prepared to leave.

I dont judge people with intimacy. Rather, Sila is truly qualified to discuss the direction of the alliance with us. He is armed with virtue, strength, allies, and wealth.

These words of yours, anyone can say them. However, who can ensure that they arent hollow and fabricated? For this kind of matter, we should decide it by putting it on a show.

What do you mean?

Honestly, we dont care about wealth, virtue, allies, or that kind of stuff. The key factor that can lead us to victory is nothing but true strength! And thats the only thing we will believe in. So, I propose that he will have to show his strength to us through a match!!

We have all gathered here today in a peaceful manner. Moreover, Sila is a guest like all of you. Im afraid that it wont be appropriate to...

No problem, Mister Lone Wolf, I accept his proposal...

Sila interrupted Lone Wolf and stepped forward.

Thats right. By accepting the challenge, I admit that you are more manly than I thought.

The man complimented him, while Lone Wolf sent a sound transmission to warn Sila.

Sila, this can be hectic. We still dont know his purpose. He might explicitly mean what he said, or maybe he is the enemys spy trying to cause a ruckus. To be safe, we shouldnt start a conflict in the party.

Using qi, Sila sent a sound transmission back.

I understand. But, instead of avoiding the challenge, we might as well show them that we arent afraid of them. This way, not only will we stop them from proceeding with further actions, but we will increase the morale of the players in the party and put a stop to those who are still hesitant to join us.

The man jumped and soared to the stage. Sila waited for a moment to impart some words to Julia before following the man, landing on the opposite side of the stage.

Everyone sitting at the main table locked their gazes on the stage. Meanwhile, Julia asked them to sit with a gesture before imparting the message Sila left her.

Master said that he knows you all might still be unable to understand what kind of power the Gems of Catastrophe hold, so he will use himself to demonstrate it to all of you, in commemoration of us all deciding to join forces and oppose the Heavenly Dragon Guild.

Julia spoke with an innocent smile and gestured toward the stage, as if this development was simply the exhibition of a new product.

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