Monster Factory

Chapter 574

Chapter 574: Going to Antarctica.

Busy with the problem of how to get the energy tower, Ye Qing actually forgot to look at the Lord’s Battleship after its upgrade, suddenly he remembered that since the Monster Heavy industry has moved to step six then the Lord’s Battleship is going to be automatically remodeled in the Monster Factory to accommodate this new level. So he wanted to see what he looked like.

Returning to Longxitan Beach, Ye Qing headed for the Barren Mountain where countless secrets were hidden. This barren mountain is crescent-shaped, just surrounding the central area of the entire Longxitan factory. But if you stand on top of this barren mountain and look at it, you’ll see a barren crescent-shaped mountain, already surrounded by endless new factories.

In the Crescent Circle, only a few steel-framed buildings were built in three stages. These buildings are very small compared to the newly built factories in the distance. But that’s the heart of Monster Heavy Industry, and it’s also the anchor of Monster Heavy Industry early in its creation.

The original fence had been demolished. Ye Qing walked around the two iron trees dotted in the landscape, walked to the foot of the barren mountain, stood in front of the rugged stone wall, and gently slid over it with his fingers twice.

“Kacha ~”

After a slight mechanical movement sounded, the stone wall in front of him gently sagged, revealing a brightly lit modern passageway paved with wear-resistant green emery flooring. The air in the passage was cool, and it smelled a little of the sea.

When Ye Qing walked to the end of the passage, a huge space carved inside the mountain appeared in his field of vision. Above his head was a mountain with crisp lines and an alloy reinforced dome. Below his feet were steps. At the end of the steps was a deep, dark pool as wide as a basketball court.

It was the base’s underground dock. Ye Qing pulled out the Monster Factory cell phone, took a deep breath, and chose to recruit the Lord’s Battleship.

“Boom ~”

In the dark, deep pool, it looked like an ancient giant beast had appeared out of nowhere, the juggernaut fell into the water and set off huge waves. Ye Qing touched the salty seawater on his face and looked at the Lord’s Battleship of the Sixth Stage with a stunned expression.

The Lord Duan Battleship plunged and floated up and down in the cold sea, unlike the heavy flat shape of the previous stage, but with a streamlined shape the ship was slightly narrower and the edge lines are drawn obliquely by compared to the stern.

The longer and taller Lord Duan Battleship, the wharf carved out by the angry miners could hardly hold its body. The four water-jet thrusters were also replaced with a propulsion device similar to a jet engine. According to the Monster Factory introduction, the Lord Duan Battleship of the sixth stage has a surface sea level of 150 knots and a deep-sea level of 80 knots. One hundred and fifty knots on the surface of the water is almost hovering, and it is impossible for ships on land to exceed that degree.

On closer inspection, Ye Qing’s current Lord Duan Battleship on the sixth floor already had other propulsion technology. [Air cushion propulsion]. When the Lord Duan Battleship was sailing on the surface of the sea, compressed air is injected towards the bottom of the ship to form an air cushion between the bottoms of the ship, so that the hull is raised to reduce the resistance of the surface of the water. Thus, the strength of the hull during navigation is greatly reduced, and high navigation can be achieved. This technology is not too complicated; many soldiers on board six boats used this technology. The most prominent representative is undoubtedly the largest bison in the world on 6 boats. But there is not a single type of embarkation on 6 boats that can reach 150 knots. In addition, the Lord Duan Battleship can be loaded with a thousand tons of cargo and ride like the wind on the waves and on the sea.

The lord’s battleship returned from Nigeria a long time ago, and the diamonds that were brought back as well as the diamond reserves, after a very precise inventory, Ye Qing found that what he had was enough for about a month. With love and tenderness, he gently stroked the scarlet metal hull of the Lord Duan Battleship, that brand new battleship he had been eagerly awaiting.

The next day, Ye Qing returned to the company where he had been away for a few days. In the morning, he took care of the business of the company, and in the afternoon, from the office, he asked Kong Tao to contact the China Antarctic Scientific Research Station and ask them to pass on information. over Antarctica.

Monster Heavy Industry is today a leader in the manufacturing industry in China. It is not difficult to contact the Antarctic Scientific Research Station through the government. Of course, Ye Qing asked on behalf of the company to give him some information so that he could do some testing.

The mining of combustible ice must be kept a secret, otherwise, members of scientific expedition teams around the world will know that the Monster Heavy Industry possessed a warship far from land that could both dive and roll on ice to getting to these places. So don’t wake the bear from its sleep!


It is much more reasonable for companies to know the working conditions under which their products will perform especially in extreme natural conditions, indeed many companies do.


After receiving the request from Monster Heavy Industry, the research station was not stingy and gathered all the environmental, climatic, and geographic data of Antarctica, they also invited Monster Heavy Industry to take a research vessel to Antarctica in December at the end of the year, because December is when Antarctica is most relaxed, if they come now, they think that not only the material cannot be transported, but also the technicians who accompanied it.

Antarctica is divided into two seasons: cold and hot every year. The cold season is from April to October, and the hot season is from November to March of the following year. It’s time to enter the cold season, even members of the expedition team who are used to staying in Antarctica all the time chose to nest in the research station and avoided going out as much as possible.

With the Lord Duan Battleship, Ye Qing didn’t need to plan too much. He just had to watch out for the personnel of the science expedition teams and avoid them taking advantage of the cold and bringing enough food at the same time. He’s going to make this trip to Antarctica in person because the Lord Duan Battleship can only be driven by him alone. He could navigate it remotely through the Monster Factory cell phone, and after programming it to Antarctica Mining, Ye Qing had to focus on the operation from start to finish, but Ye Qing preferred that they went together, because it is more effective. In addition, he wanted to see the legendary Antarctica he had dreamed of for quite some time. Discover the magnificent vision brought by nature.


After two days of preparation, Ye Qing carried many supplies, and bring with him Juli and Niu Yi, the two great Monster Labors, also Qiao the Master Craftsman, and boarded the Lord Duan Battleship, preparing to go out to sea in secret.

In the sixth stage, the Lord Duan Battleship had a cockpit measuring tens of square meters and had six passenger seats. There was also an independent captain’s lounge behind the cabin. As much as the living facilities can be imagined in it, there are no better and more advanced facilities than those here.

This luxury pleasure of life is also one of Ye Qing’s motivations for visiting Antarctica, sitting in the temperature-controlled Lord Duan Battleship, shirtless, smiling at the ice and snow outside the porthole, the wind rages. This feeling is certainly nicer than going to any tourist attraction.

Before boarding the Lord Duan Battleship equipped with satellite communication equipment to go to Antarctica, Ye Qing did not forget to take with him special winter clothes from Ushidun, warm boots with electric heating, windshields, high vodka, whiskey, hot knives, chilled vegetables, steak, various types of meats, noodles, dumplings, etc. ~ The cockpit and living cabin was filled with living supplies, and even the three monsters brought a full set of cold-resistant clothing.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Ye Qing sat down in the Lord Duan Battleship, gently depressed the joystick, and plunged into the vast sea. Antarctica is 12,000 kilometers from China, and the Lord Duan Battleship has sailed looking forward to the sea, and it only took him forty-three hours to reach it.

Of course, the actual time to get there is shorter, as it moved south from the Yellow Sea and skirted the Pacific Ocean across the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, then arrived at Cape Goodenough in Antarctica. The whole route he had added to the actual route was over a thousand kilometers to avoid the South Ocean countries and Australia blocking the road.

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