Monster Factory

Chapter 442: Holographic Technology of Monster Heavy Industry.

Chapter 442: Holographic Technology of Monster Heavy Industry.

"If you want to be in the first place, you must prove it?"

Bernard had felt there was something wrong with his ears. This was incredible, just like the Olympic shooting crown was stopped by a passerby, and the passer-by said that your marksmanship was ungood, and it was the first absurd feeling. He thought so anyway.

"Good, crooked ray, very good."

Bernard gave a thumb up, his expression looked like a lion whose spouse had been robbed: "Mr. Deputy Director since they can build the first holographic screen in China, I think you can cooperate with this worker. Anyway, your China product is famous for its low price. You can save much money."

"Mr. Bernard, hey... You guys..." Deputy Director Tong Xuanqiang felt his head would go to explode. Although Master Qiao’s words had relieved it, Tong Xuanqiang felt he couldn’t get angry at it, but such a major festival would take place in a few days.

"We have to fulfill the irresistible clause in the contract." Bernard snorted coldly and once again greeted the men, pushed the door away, and went out.

A qualified engineer is by no means simple, for example, he must master his own skills.

If he didn’t know how to grasp the weaknesses of customers, if he didn’t know how to take advantage of the situation to promote products, then he would not get a clue for a lifetime. Like him, he would sell a supporting system four million Yuan and earns a few hundred thousand commissions, so he could be well-off for one year and live in a big house for two years.

Bernard was sure the deputy director who had no idea would come after him. Tong Xuanqiang really wanted to follow it out but was stopped by the Master Craftsman Qiao.

"Holographic technology only." The Master Craftsman leaned at the door: "As much as they quote, we will quote as much as possible. It can also save you 4 million deicing equipment."

"Master Qiao, can you really make holographic projection equipment?" Tong Xuanqiang would definitely doubt if other domestic companies said this. But Monster Heavy Industry will soon become the largest industrial company in Jiangnan Province. How could the masters inside were joking on this subject?

Wanting to prove whether it could be made is easy Master Qiao called back to the company and then asked Tong Xuanqiang to wait patiently until the afternoon. Perhaps yesterday, or before yesterday, the Master Craftsman really couldn’t say that.

When Master Qiao left today, a large-size flexible thin glass centrifuge had just been produced in the factory.

The original experimental equipment could only produce thin glass two meters in diameter. If it was cut for 5.5-inch mobile-phone screens, only 300 screens could be cut at a time, not only the production capacity, could not keep up, but also the waste of leftovers was very serious. The larger the diameter, the less material was wasted after cutting the glass that was formed at one time.

Therefore, the monsters worked together to produce a large centrifuge that could produce one round glass of 12 meters in diameter.

How big is this device?

Its single centrifugal table weighed 500 tons, and the total equipment weighed over 8,000 tons. The size of the equipment was similar to that of the most important 10,000-ton hydraulic press in the heavy industry or the 40,000-ton hydraulic press. The biggest hero who could build this giant in just a few days was the alloy metal smelting center in the underground base.

Large forgings were formed at one time for the smelting center, which only permit to produce a platform with a diameter of 12 meters. If it was not for the smelting center the size of this centrifuge will be more exaggerated.


After waiting in the cold wind for half an hour, the engineer Bernard and his companions did not wait for the deputy chief more. Waiting like this was not good, so he greeted his companions and went to pack up in the middle of the stadium.

As he said, installing a holographic projection system required too much-complicated equipment. A holographic projector needed to be equipped with a set of independent computer hosts to process images, and they have to install 22 projectors.

After a long time at noon, Bernard finally couldn’t sit still. He came making more money, and he really wanted to pat their buttocks away. But he was the first to have it. Seeing the last holographic projector placed in a special metal storage box, Bernard sent a message through an interpreter, saying he wanted to see the deputy director.

"Boom~ boom boom~"

Dozens of heavy black container trucks drove in along the stadium gate. The heavy trucks lined up in a row, and the loud motives completely covered Bernard’s voice. When the heavy trucks drove along one side of the aisle and entered under the audience stage, one of the heavy trucks separated and drove toward Bernard.

The heavy truck stopped, and the deputy director, who hadn’t shown up for a few hours, and the worker who had been blowing up the stage to the sky walked out of the office talking and laughing. The deputy chief said hello, and all the workers who had gone out of the trucks fulled the stadium.

Following the instructions of the Master Craftsman, they opened the door of the container heavy trucks and lifted at once one-peace tall silver-white metal box.

Bernard had noticed the front of these metal boxes was printed with a monster logo that was shining brightly in the sun. This logo was not strange to him, and it was from the well-known heavy industry company logo in China. He didn’t know much about this company, but the company’s logo was so unique that anyone would never forget it when he saw it for the first time.

Then a metal box was opened, but there was a circle of people outside surrounding it. He could not see what was in the metal box. But he could tell from the firecracker-like laughter of the deputy chief that it must be a good thing. Then the Deputy Chief and the little old man walked towards him. Taking a deep breath, Bernard thought that he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Then don’t blame it for slaughtering it again on the glass deicing system. After all, he had been doing it for a long time, and he also had to calculate the working hours.

"Master Qiao, is this the holographic screen you are talking about?" Deputy Director Tong Xuanqiang walked to the heavy truck that was only a few steps away from Bernard and others. Without asking the workers to help, he couldn’t wait to climb up and open the container door.

In the huge container, there was only a large-size glass that was so transparent that it did not exist, and it was fixed in the middle. This piece of glass, which was less than one centimeter thick, was not surrounded by any frame, only the bottom, with a silver-white streamlined metal support platform.

"Wait ~ what’s the situation?"

Bernard was completely stunned this group of people actually came for real?

It was just what a holographic screen, and it didn’t even have the necessary projection equipment.

"It’s 7.5 meters high and 11.5 meters wide. It’s a bit bigger than that of any 3D company’s product." The Master Craftsman rushed to the side of the engineer Bernard with a tangled expression, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Key. We don’t need a projector."

"So powerful!"

Looking at the work efficiency of Monster Heavy Industry, the deputy director’s eyes almost couldn’t hide his smile: "Master Qiao... Can you... Test it?"

Master Qiao waved his hand, and a dozen workers immediately came over to build a ramp for the container. Then they got into the container and carefully set the holographic screen to the ground.

There was no debugging, nor did any complicate supporting measures. The power cord was connected to the socket of the performance stage, and a young technician who looked very energetic had directly connected the holographic screen with a laptop computer and then connected to the promotional USB flash drive carried by the deputy director.

"It’s ready to play."

"What? It’s impossible." Bernard, who was almost silly, covered his mouth and exclaimed in his heart.

Holographic imaging technology is the most complicated technology in all playback systems. How could it be like watching a movie at home, inserting a USB flash drive, and then holding popcorn to enjoy watching?

Bernard did not believe it, as did the engineers who came with him.

This holographic screen with a silver-white metal base did not conform to the principle of holographic technology that he knew. He stared at the device, ready to see what moths it could release.


Bernard suddenly realized that in the middle of the silver-white metal base, there was a familiar product logo. This logo was the same as the metal box logo neatly placed under the stands, a mighty monster with a hideous face.

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