Monster Factory

Chapter 423: Boss, I want to buy this

Chapter 423: Boss, I want to buy this

When Tianjin said this sentence, "Anyway, I’m angry unless you buy me a cell phone."

Ye Qing has thought this requirement would be easily met. So, he opened the shopping website without saying a word, showed a dazzling array of mobile-phone pictures, and let Tianjin choose one at random.

The Electrocristalline, which was one meter high and has pointed ears, immediately came to his energy, jumped onto the chair, and looked up at the monitor at a 45-degree angle. In the end, Tianjin chose a Huawei large-screen mobile phone. Maybe it felt a mobile phone was too simple. Ye Qing also let it choose desktop and laptop computers.

The ability of Tianjin to learn was very high and in order to make Tianjin grow to the expert level as soon as possible, Ye Qing picked up the phone to call Qiu Yi the purchasing manager of the company to purchase the mobile phone and asked it to go to the bookstore to buy all kinds of books related to electronic information and coming back to bring them to him, because he wanted to read them. He didn’t mention Tianjin.

Ye Qing registered the paid information sites on the Internet in one go. After writing the Electrocrystalline account password, he let it teach itself.

After a while, sitting at the desk, Ye Qing thinking and taking his chin with his wrist, after turning on the computer and finding the high definition version of the robot’s full promotional video, and he was ready to watch the video again. The result was, he was taken aback by the number of times it was played. More than two million! This was the number of clicks from Tencent Video, and the video had only been online for less than two days. The following comments were also brainstorming applause throughout the article, saying what domestic products were mighty. So, he saw his blood boiled, and so on.

In the past, these seemingly tall promotional videos were all shot by foreigners. However, the background and characters in this promo were all China’s own. Ordinary people, of course, wouldn’t understand that was a joint venture with technical support by companies.

After watching the high-definition video again, Ye Qing had to admit it was difficult for him to shoot a promotional film that surpassed Amano Heavy Industries. But now, let Amano Heavy Industries take the lead and seize the opportunity and call on the explorers to become famous. They can make an industrial version, and it is only natural for them to wait until they have fully grasped the core technology in the robotic arm, reduce production costs, and launch a home version that tests more flexibility.

The robot of Monster Heavy Industry could perfectly simulate the movements of both arms and mechanical joints were one of the core technologies. The universal joints, similar to human joints, each could accurately locate two hundred and forty nodes to move. Now, Amano Heavy Industries, with its strong technical support, has been able to produce 96-node universal joints. When they conquer the node to more than one hundred and fifty, they will have the conditions for full competition with Monster Heavy Industries.

Solving the problem is actually simple. Let customers realize the products of the Monster Heavy Industry were better, so they can buy the products from here.

Ye Qing picked up the phone and was about to call director Ding Yin. He wanted to ask him if he could help to shoot a better promotional film.

Before the number was dialed, Tianjin, who was in a chair playing with the computer, jumped out of his chair and ran up to him and gently, pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Boss, I want to buy a digital tablet. It is said on the Internet that it is better to use software to make pictures with a digital tablet."

Ye Qing nodded and said he would buy it for him immediately.

When Ye Qing managed to join Ding Yin, and because of an urban sci-fi movie that won huge box office and fame, the director quickly accepted his request for what he wanted to do and told him: "just say it."

"Did Director Ding watch the promotional video released by Amano Heavy Industries?" Ye Qing gave a brief introduction to the robot products of the two companies and asked him how to start if Monster Heavy Industries also shoots a robot promotional video?

"I’ve seen it, and this promotional film is not popular on the Internet. From a professional point of view, this promotional film is very unqualified but even so, it can grasp the hearts of young people."

"I remember Mr. Ye also launched robot products. It was not long after the movie was released. When the movie was first made, the robot props you provided were better than the clumsy robots they announced in the film."

"It’s just..." Ding led the acting to change his tune: "Mr. Ye, I think it is difficult for us to surpass Amano Heavy Industries in response to just shooting a promotional video."

"This is a domestic robot in the eyes of the audience in the true sense. It’s a promotional film, and the shot is great. It has the first advantage. We got the first national hit in the film industry, but it’s a science-fiction movie, not that kind of real product promotion movie. I think we must change our way to think. We don’t have to shoot a promotional video. We must shoot something else."

"What about filming?" Ye Qing asked suspiciously.

"In this way, President Ye, give me two days to think about it." Ding Yin said with interest: "Of course I am good at shooting robots, which are challenging things."

When Ye Qing hung up the phone, turned his head and found that Tianjin jumped beside him again and his two pointed ears kept shaking.

"Boss, it is said on the Internet that the rapid development of electronic components is inseparable from the credit of the placement machine. If you want to make complex electronic components, you must have a placement machine. Can you buy me one?"

"You are self-motivated, of course, and I have to support you." Ye Qing smiled and touched its sharp ears like a genie: "I will order it for you now."

After ordering the digital board and a small placement machine, nothing after half an hour, Tianjin came back and forth.

"Boss, it is said on the Internet that the technical content of chips is the highest. The manufacture of chips requires a single crystal growth furnace. Would you please buy me a single crystal growth furnace?"

"Ok, I will buy it!"

A small single crystal growth furnace, the crystal furnace was about hundreds of thousands. Seeing there were more and more things that Tianjin wanted to buy, Ye Qing simply told it his online shopping account and password.

"In the future, you can order anything you want to buy directly from the Internet and tell me what you can’t buy online."

"Good boss." Tianjin ran away very happy.

With the online shopping authority, Tianjin did not find him again for the next few hours and by the end of the night, when Ye Qing was about to take a break, the mobile phone received a total of more than five million consumer bills.

Ye Qing comforted himself after putting the phone on silent: "Not bad."

Tianjin was a unique hero recruited by the most resources in Monster Factory history, with his magical stealth ability and talent learning ability made Ye Qing realize that after training, Monster Factory will also have a leader in electronic technology.

No matter how much the cost was spent in this process, it was worthwhile, not to mention that he was going to buy all industrial equipment, which was not a waste. But when he woke up the next day and watching the consumer text message reminding him that he pulled it up a dozen times, Ye Qing almost jumped out of the bed and he was ready for hemorrhage in his heart.

The online shopping account was tied to the top centurion black card in the business. Now, this Centurion Black Card has been maxed out by Tianjin! At first, there was a full balance of 100 million, and there was no shopping cap, so it maxed out. With so much money, even from the Silicon Valley of the United States, a large number of high-tech talents could be dug.

Before making a fortune, Ye Qing felt that whoever wanted to give him 100 million, except for morals, could not sell, and everything else could be sold. Now in one night, Electrocristalline helped it consume 100 million...

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