Monster Factory

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

General Pablo and his soldiers watched the carcass of this CMB bus shattered and torn off . The debris was flying, not completely disintegrated as expected, but completely revealing another layer hidden under it . It was a steel beast that no one had ever seen and could imagine . The pure black wedge-shaped composite armor covers the whole body . The body of the car had a flat diamond shape . The front of the car was sharp and angular . The four hidden all-terrain tires were combined with the other four to hold the giant steel body firmly .

As the process progressed while roaring with a powerful momentum that is beyond description, coming at fifty meters away, it was the best firing distance for various weapons .

But General Pablo and his men were completely annoyed . They couldn’t believe that a CMB that wasn’t even accepted by the scrap factory, after removing its shell, was hiding a powerful beast that was beyond imagination .

The roof of the chariot quietly turned over with two sets inexplicable weapons like diamond-shaped gemstones with long water drop shaped tubes .

"Which country produced this chariot?" Frightened and angry, General Pablo pulled out a rocket launcher from the armored off-road vehicle, lifted it, and aimed . He was ready to use hollow charge ammunition to pierce the body of the tank and create a large hole in the bowl all at once .

His finger hadn’t pulled the trigger yet, and the front of the tank in front of him which had a multi-faceted like a crystal shone brightly in the sun .

"What’s that?" General Pablo looked at the polyhedral crystal suspiciously . At the next moment, from the side directly in front of the polyhedral crystal burst out a straight beam that was dazzling than the sun and his eyes burst into an unimaginable sharp pain in an instant . So, he covered his eyes and didn’t wait for the screaming to roar from his throat .

In the automatic platform at the top of the tank, two hidden heavy machine guns suddenly jumped and exploded a fiery dragon that was clearly visible to the naked eye and tore the chest of General Pablo hidden behind the bowl .

The team that was still fighting in the previous moment fell into a panic like at the end of the world in the next second . Howling, they fled around and fled futile bullets at Heavy Armor No . 1 with their weapons in hand . Now, they finally understood what kind of despair the warriors of the vulture tribe faced at the beginning . Whether it was an assault rifle or a rocket, any weapon hitting this giant steel monster could not splash any waves . The more, the two heavy weapons on top of this giant monster were more terrifying than infrared heat tracking . The horrible bullets they shot in one hit, made a fiery trace in the air, hit their vehicles and their bodies fiercely, and made their most desperate roar .

More than a dozen pickup trucks were in a mess, huddled together like headless flies . They all wanted to run away, and no one was allowed . As a result, the heavy armor rushed more than tens of meters away quickly . As if a tiger rushed into the flock, less than two tons of pickup trucks, one after another rolled in the air .

An armed truck was the first to escape . Unfortunately, the joy hadn’t continued due to a sudden vent, the Heavy Armor No . 1 flicked the rear of the truck, letting the gas oil spillover .

After half an hour . . .

The Heavy armor No . 1 had completely crushed and broken the frame of the armed truck, and the armed truck ignited and continued to follow the road toward General Pablo’s residence which was killed at the beginning of the fight and only a few pickup trucks were patronized by the god of luck have fled .


General Mopu who was surrounded by armed forces in all directions for dozens of days, finally, looked at the stars and the moon at 2 o’clock in the afternoon local time and received a satellite call from Ye Qing .

On the phone, Ye Qing told General Mopu that the diamond acquisition team he had sent had passed the blockade and was about to enter the city .

"Mr . Ye, your team can really enter the city?" General Mopu almost bit his tongue out, and he was startled: "It is impossible! The armed forces have surrounded the city into watertight buckets . Can your team infiltrate into it without knowing it?"

"General Mopu, we won’t change magic . . . " Ye Qing sighed and laughed: "Nature is clearing the way all the way, destroying all enemies who dare to block the road, and heading to the city with fairness and integrity . Our team enters from the south . You inform the defenders in the city to don’t have friction with my people . "

Enter by south! The force that blocked the south side of the city was his old counterpart General Pablo!

General Mopu felt his heart went to jump out of the body . He bordered on the area under General Pablo’s rule . If General Pablo’s military power was eliminated, the territory of the last one would undoubtedly fall into his own hands .

This terrifying good news gave General Mopu the illusion of happiness he dreamed of . He impatiently awaited the arrival of the team of Ye Qing in his office decorated with wood and ivory as if he were waiting for his wife to give birth .

Pending the arrival of Ye Qing’s team, he dared to consider sending people to the south of the city to investigate quietly . After walking for a while, General Mop had suddenly slapped his forehead and quickly pulled a key from his closed pocket . Pushed away a large oil painting hanging on the wall to reveal the safe embedded in the wall . Entered the password with some trembling, then inserted the key and rotated two times . The safe opened and a transparent diamond that could make insane countless women lay quietly on a pure black velvet cushion . A diamond that weighed 372 grams or 1,860 carats .

A diamond will last forever . If non-ordinary people dared to look for this diamond, a hundred lives were not enough for these criminals .

"General, General . " Coming from the outside, the Chinese-speaking logistics supervisor hurried into the office: "Mr . Ye, Mr . Ye’s team is here . "

General Mopu picked up the diamond and ran for the outside faster than the logistics supervisor .

"Hurry up and arrange for people to go south to investigate and see if General Pablo’s team is still there . "

As soon as he ran up the stairs, General Mopu felt a slight vibration across the ground . When he looked out the open door, a dark figure roared and blocked the door . It was a steel beast he had never seen, as soon as he saw it for the first time, he couldn’t help but praise .

This steel behemoth covered with black wedge-shaped composite armor couldn’t have any clean and intact place . The body of this product was filled with traces of hot metal splashes all over the body .

These were the traces left by the deformation of the balls and their spraying like drops of water during the impact at high speed supersonic . There were only traces and General Mopu actually had found the center of these traces without any depression . . . The bullets could not make dents, and they only left the light gray color of lead .

In addition, several other large spatter marks on the mouth of the bowl made General Mopu’s mouth grow and falter for a long time .

These were the marks of the perforating bullets with a hollow charge which could penetrate tens of centimeters of homogeneous steel sheets . But in fact, they had only removed the shallow armor layer from this tank . When he saw these larger areas made by explosive devices, General Mopu was afraid to guess what the tank had experienced on the way toward his mansion .

This was the medal that has gone through the smoke and war, this was the hymn written by technology and industry .


With a slight sound of mechanical movement, nearby the side door of the tank, a door was opened .

The Master Metal Expert renamed Jin Liuhai, walked out of the chariot with ease followed by a vigorous Monster Labor with an expressionless face and explosive muscle bulge .

General Mop greeted the two warriors into the living room with the most enthusiastic gesture . Shortly afterward, the logistics supervisor came to the report with anxiety: "General, the same good news as the thunder . The armed forces that blocked the southern part of the city were all wiped out on the highway . " The logistics supervisor held up his mobile phone with an expression of ecstasy more than 50 million won: "General Pablo was also eliminated" .

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