Monster Factory

Chapter 381: Ordinary Iron Ruler

Chapter 381: Ordinary Iron Ruler

The longer Ye Qing and the monsters collaborate, the unique insight they have on the machinery industry. Unlike Professor Cai Chenning, who is limited by traditional technological thinking. For that after finishing the call, Ye Qing used his brain a little and came up with several unique display solutions. But there should only be one type to display that needed to be displayed, so Ye Qing should pick a seemingly simplest, but most unsolvable industrial topic to give a lesson to the Japanese University of Science and Technology.

The next day, before leaving the company, Ye Qing called a Master Craftsman to come to the office and he placed a simple hand-drawn sketch in front of him.

"According to the above requirements, can you make it?" Ye Qing rarely used the tone of doubt, which shows that the "gift" designed by Ye Qing represents what kind of industrial height.

After careful reading, the Master Craftsman nodded and said: "It can be made, but it will take time."

"Two days."

What would take two days for the Master Craftsman to do it?

It is an iron ruler, not an iron ruler with scales. It is a seemingly ordinary iron ruler that strikes at the waist in ancient times. It’s even simpler. The iron rule of the sensor has a handle by which it hooks quickly. This is exactly a long bar.

In the factory, this kind of rule like a scrap can be seen everywhere. But its only use is to resell the scrap in the furnace.

Now Ye Qing wants to make a ruler like this, there is no mistake when the gift is given?

The same goes for the nut delivered by the Japanese University of Science and Technology. Many nuts are in the scrapyard of the auto repair shop, but it was difficult to produce a suitable screw for this nut for Shanghai University for three days.

The meaning of this iron ruler is the same, it is the most ordinary appearance. But it has extraordinary nuances.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the heavy rain that just ended, and the air is blown by the cold wind brought chills which made people feel a little cold. Ye Qing walked into the company and found that some female employees even brought a down jacket to work.

"Mr. Ye is always good." When the staff saw Ye Qing walking at a steady pace, they immediately got up to say hello.

Nodding, Ye Qing returned to his office and he found an antique tea table made of rosewood in the corner. The tea table was full of variety, just invite anyone, and the person would be shocked by the quality of the superior tea service. He opened the drawer under the tea table, and under his eyes, there were neatly arranged purple sand square pots. Even if the teapot was unopened, he could vaguely smell a misty tea aroma. Compared with coffee, tasting tea seems to reflect the taste of life.

Of course, Ye Qing was not a very particularly tasting person, either at the coffee or tea tasting or both. So, he directly called Yun Shi asked her to come to the office, and then notified several managers to report to the meeting room for a day’s work.

In the work report, the company’s affairs are all fine. It’s just that sales manager Kong Tao told Ye Qing when reporting the product sales that employees counted two sales of the robot after 12 o’clock last night and found the industrial version of the explorer robot fell more than 100 units from the previous day.

The explorer robot costs 800,000 yuan. In addition to increasing battery capacity and more power, the internal structure is no different from the home version. Its price is mainly expensive in materials, and its industrial uses are faced with various complex and dangerous situations, such as highly toxic, highly corrosive high temperature, high cold and other environments where humans cannot survive, where the robots can be sent in to operate. The harsh environment naturally requires a strong shell to resist.

The shell of the industrial version of the robot is completely sintered by the Master Metal Experts using powder metallurgy technology, and the cost of light is hundreds of thousands. Nothing compares to the home version of the robot, which has been suspected after its launch.

The sales volume of the industrial version of the robot is very stable thanks to a good reputation that has accumulated. The previous daily sales volume was 500 units, which was very stable. Why did it fall a hundred units yesterday?

This is equivalent to a sudden drop of 20% in sales. But the Monster Heavy Factory didn’t receive a serious product defect report similar to Nautilus 7.

The market cannot be saturated because the industrial version of the robot has been on the market for less than a month.

"Usually, product orders will become less and less after 9 pm. We will count again from 9 pm. If the sales volume has not picked up, it means something happened that we don’t yet understand."

Kong Tao put down the sales statistics table in his hand and was somewhat worried: "Industrial robots are actually connected to family robots. If something goes wrong with industrial robots, then family models may have the same problem."

"Wait until the statistical results come out tonight, if it continues falling we will send employees to those companies that have purchased industrial robots to return to investigate the situation." Ye Qing nodded in agreement with Kong Tao.

Although the sales of the two robots were less than the fraction of the ionization purifier, their prices were high, they could bring 500 million Yuan of pure profits to Ye Qing every day. Ye Qing didn’t want them to have problems, because the money factor would affect the company’s reputation.

When Ye Qing went back to the office again, Yun Shi was already waiting outside the door. Probably because of staying up late last night, its fair-skinned skin was hung with two dark circles and while standing there waiting for him, she breathed a few breaths. Seeing that the boss seemed to be in trouble, she rubbed her eyes and didn’t dare to say hello.

"Looks like you haven’t slept all night and worked overtime last night?" he pushed open the wooden door and invited her to enter.

She subconsciously made up a reason: "Ah~ No, last night... I watched a few episodes of Korean drama." In fact, she actually flashed last night thinking of a new program algorithm in the dormitory using her hands. The computer scrutinized all night.

It’s just like playing a game, once you put it in, it’s gone. Yun Shi’s hobbies in programming are more fascinating than the strongest king’s treatment of League of Legends.

"Don’t you know you are going to work today?"

Ye Qing’s sympathetic expression suddenly became serious and stretched his face: "What is the difference between your current state and absenteeism?"

Yun Shi was nervous at three tense and looked at Ye Qing seven minutes at a loss. She never expected his own breath would suffer such serious criticism. She should fight... A few hustles, what is it? She thought in her heart that sometimes the work was tiring and it was normal for employees to breathe time to times. She had seen it many times.

"The next time I find out that you are not in your heart, I will directly deduct your salary." Ye Qing glared at her and had a very bossy style of President: "Come in, those tea sets and tea leaves you mentioned, the purchasing department has already got it."

When Yun Shi took advantage of Ye Qing’s entrance, she narrowed her mouth grievously.

Those young CEOs in idol dramas should not be very considerate to their subordinates when they meet this situation. Should they just give them half a day of paid vacation to make up for their sleep?

She considered him a friend, but it turned out to be a bad capitalist and would only squeeze employees.

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