Monster Factory

Chapter 634: A gang of unbelieving scientists.

Chapter 634: A gang of unbelieving scientists.

At the national laboratory directly affiliated with the Department of Energy — Lock Haven Nat ional Laboratory — in New York City, USA, materials physicists led by Lakis met with scientists in electronic engineering. These scientists won the Westinghouse Science Genius Award and have published countless articles in the "Scientist Journal" when they were young, frowning for almost half a month.In this cutting-edge laboratory of global science and technology, especially in the fields of physical and chemical properties of materials and environmental and energy research which has reached the world's first level, there were six sets of wastewater treatment systems produced by Amano Heavy Industry arranged in a row in a very clean and dust-free test area.Each set of sewage treatment systems here is surrounded by a thick lead plate constituting its body, and the interface circuits for detection are put together, and the active demagnetization ring is assembled, and the scientists on the side wore fully enclosed electromagnetic isolation suits.Behind these scientists were five coils of silvery-white metal that reflected light. These are coils made of circles with perfect geometry; they are made of high purity silver wrapped in a shiny non-magnetic alloy.The shape of these pure silver coils was different from the two coils in the sewage treatment system which has melted due to a short circuit. It seems that these scientists realized that the structure of the previous coil posed a fatal problem.Scientists wearing EMI suits were discussing something in front of a brand new coil. Every now and then they scratched their heads and thought about it, but their hands kept stumbling across a cumbersome isolation helmet.Wearing this type of isolation suit, they could not eat or drink and spoke through the suit's built-in microphone to communicate.At first, no one complained. Then they proceeded to complain: "Is it necessary to wear these suits against this equipment?" There isn't even a radioactive material above 100 Microsieverts in there.However, after an abnormal fluctuation of the ionization position occurred, no one objected to it and even a layer of soft lead baffle was hung on the important parts one by one.This was all due to the schematic of the wastewater treatment system submitted by Amano Heavy Industry.The importance of the wastewater treatment system did not need to be overstated. The Environmental Protection Agency thought since Amano Heavy Industry could do it, and the United States, which is more powerful in science and technology, can do it. In addition, the drawings are available, and they can fully perform the secondary R&D and make improvements based on the technology of the Amano Heavy Industry.It has been half a month since the ionization technology research team has created this wastewater ionization system. Even Lakis, a scientist who has conducted developed research on carbon nanomaterials, was drawn into the group.During this time, they discovered three extremely serious technical flaws, but unfortunately, they were unable to fix them temporarily. Lakis, the team leader, therefore decided to solve the most important coil structure first.So far, they have used technology obtained from Amano Heavy Industry, and based on their understanding of the electromagnetic field, they have reproduced five coils with different structures.Now they will test if any of the five coils can work stably all the time."Turn on the electromagnetic trap and start from N° 1." Lakis, who was in his 50s and expected to become the next Nobel Prize winner, said haggardly through the built-in helmet."Heard, the case for test item N° 1 is open."Following the report from the helmet, a few high-speed cameras slowly fired at a high point in the test area, aimed at the side of the first pure silver metal coil."Heard, the electromagnetic trap is activated."In response to this sentence, a pure black induction hob with a diameter of over five meters and similar in shape to a radar cauldron antenna device was slowly suspended from the end of the pure silver metal coil.Electromagnetic waves are real, but they cannot be picked up with the naked eye.Lock Haven's national laboratory, which had a strong technical force, in a very short time regardless of financial resources, produced a large-scale receiver capable of picking up electromagnetic waves and being able to display them on an instrument placed on a support.With this device, scientists can very intuitively distinguish the mode of operation of each coil structure.When the electromagnetic trap was in place, the test officially entered the countdown."Ten… Nine… Eight…!"With the countdown, the scientists who were already out of the danger zone couldn't help but take a step back and when the countdown hit Zero they had retreated to a corner in their isolation suits.At the moment the coil was activated, there was no large pulse; only invisible electromagnetic waves bombarded the sensor, causing the emission of dazzling purple light from the special induction coating. The instrument silently recorded the activity of the electromagnetic medium, but it did not persist for tens of seconds. The originally regular magnetic field on the instrument suddenly turned into a chaotic line and I am very afraid that Archimedes will not be able to find the law if he will come.After a minute, the purple light was gone, and after a short electrical inspection, scientists found that this extremely expensive coil had melted by a third. If only one turn is melted or broken, the whole coil will be scrapped, not to mention a third?"Test number 02!" Lakis clenched his teeth.After the same preparation procedure, the test of coil N° 2 has started.This time the pure silver coil made with tens of millions of dollars was shorted and melted without even holding back five seconds."Test number 03!" Lakis's forehead was already covered in drops of nervous sweat.Ten minutes later..."Test number 04!" Lakis's heart was already bleeding."Test number 05!" Lakis's voice was already full of despair.God did not let it down, and the last coil device was successfully destroyed, and the moment it was destroyed, a magnetic field with a force of 22 T exploded. Not only the coil was destroyed, but also the electromagnetic receiver which could only withstand 12 T at the limit is destroyed.This sentence was expressed vividly at that moment: "In just one afternoon, the group led by Lakis nearly lost the US $ 60 million in test materials."You should know that Lock Haven National Laboratory's annual research funding is between $ 400 million and $ 500 million. Although this project is temporarily paid for by the Environmental Protection Agency, the financial management must follow this experiment which was led to failure. Without the financial backing of the Department of Finance and the Environmental Protection Agency, the Lock Haven National Laboratory would be unable to manage the cost of these failed tests one after the other.After failure after failure, the summary is failure.In the room equipped with many advanced experimental instruments, the isolation helmet removed, Lakis crouched on the ground with a decadent face."I underestimated the technical difficulty of this system. Five failed experiments told me that the coil structure made by Amano Heavy Industry is much more perfect than the redesigned one. At least some of them can work continuously for several days. ""But the coil structure of Monster Heavy Industry which can work stably for a long time, and really distant from that of Amano Heavy Industry, and this shows the technological distance between China and us.""The software is not good either," another scientist who was specialized in the field of electronic engineering could be not silent: "The disassembled program chip of the ionization purifier of Amano Heavy Industry cannot at all pilot this system.""I think the real system should be one that can adjust the current through the coil and the intensity depending on the pollutants in the water at any time, to create magnetic fields with different modes of electromagnetic positions... at the Right now, I have no idea. I'm afraid only Chinese people can write software that can control electromagnetic fields."Lakis pursed his pale lips, straightened up, and watched intently. Review the working model of the magnetic field picked up by the instrument just now.They were endless lines that constantly change shape. The more Lakis observed the more mysterious and unpredictable the magnetic field became. It seemed that the trajectories of the sunspots he studied are as uncomplicated as these lines.Seeing the end...Lakis was dizzy, and he moaned in pain: "I can't take it. Why can Monster Heavy Industry do it, but we can't?"Note: Thanks for reading.Translate Books are not easy, I hope book lovers who haven't subscribed will want to subscribe.

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