Mob Yandere

Chapter 163.3

Chapter 163.3

[Part 3/4]

Escaping by flight was impossible because we had to fight a muscular demon that was coming at us from above. The rusty giant sword was getting closer.

"Just accept it, hold on!!"

"You say that so easily, ugh, oh!!?"

Kaede complained at the same time as I stopped the giant sword. The cursed Tant, our last hope, successfully blocked the greatsword that was more than a hundred times its size, creating a thunderous metallic sound. Kaede, who was burdened by the impact, screamed. At the same time, the demon opened their large mouth.

"!!? Cover your ears... what?!"

I expected a roar, but it was completely different.

The intense smell of alcohol made me almost feel drunk. It was even more potent than the blue demon from somewhere far away, but it was also more dangerous.

Click clack. A sound like a flintstone echoed from deep within the demon's throat. If I looked closely, I could see that its Adam's apple was rubbing against something in the darkness.

"Get away!!"

The breath of alcohol turned into a torrent of flames immediately. It was like a flamethrower. The intense crimson flames spread vigorously in all directions. We jumped out of that storm.

"It's hot, so hot...!?"

"Hit it! Quickly! Put out the fire!!"

Kaede and I were both engulfed in flames. My whole outfit was burning. It's so hot, so hot...!?

"Hey Kaede! You too! Your hair, your hair is on fire!?"

"Oh no!? Dammit, my precious hair!?"

Even Kaede's wet crow-colored hair was on fire. With a click of her tongue, Kaede boldly chopped off her hair with her hand like giving it a wolf cut.

"That darn sake-smelling demon!! I'm going to kill them...!?"

"Darn it, it's not working. It won't go out!! The alcohol has soaked into our clothes!!?"

I shouted on top of Kaede's scolding. The alcohol content seems too high, and maybe it's a different type altogether. It was highly volatile and flammable, like kerosene or something. It was impossible to stop the clothes from burning like this.

"It's no use...!! Kaede, drop me! Quickly!! Quickly!!"

"Ugh, I'm not going to drown, you know!!?"

The rope that connected me and Kaede came undone. I fell. I plunged into hot water. It was hot, but thankfully it was starting to cool down a bit and was better than flames.


My vision was covered in bubbles. I was disoriented in every direction, but even in that state, I managed to pull out another rope. The rope extended on its own, capturing something and anchoring it, then I pulled it up with force.

Puha, ah!!? Haa, haa... This place!?

I lifted my face from the water's surface, gasping for air. It seemed the rope had tangled around a large tree branch extending from the water's surface. Perhaps Kaede had intentionally aimed for that spot to drop me... Regardless, I followed the rope towards the large tree, keeping close to avoid being swept away by the water's flow. I desperately surveyed the surroundings to understand the situation.


Looking up, I saw Kaede repeatedly clashing with a giant demon. She flew through the sky with ease, but the demon's physical abilities were beyond reason. They leap easily matched her flying distance. They dashed across the water's surface with tremendous splashes. Although she was inferior in flying, the battle was evenly matched... with Kaede gradually wearing down.

"Neither side seems too optimistic...!!"

And if I raise my gaze further, I'll see the Tengu forces engaged in a desperate battle against the myriad Mry (youkais). Maintaining a constant altitude, the organized Tengu continue to defend, but they are still becoming exhausted. There's no sign of retreat or withdrawal, but they seem to be feeling anxious. Following the agreement, they altitude maintain and deployment area, remaining in the danger zone reachable by the rays.

As I thought so, a shadow covers me.


Realizing that the giant tail covered in scales is directly above, I swing the rope. The purposeful rope stretches flexibly and coils around a large tree a hundred paces ahead, lifting me up. Immediately after, water splashes. The tail that had been slammed onto the water's surface crushes the place where I had been moments ago into a complete mess.

"Huff, huff... Damn snake!"

I climbed another large tree and faced it. Because I'm climbing up the tree, it's not as high as before, but I still come face to face with that damn snake. Its intelligent gaze observes me.

(Well, that's an interesting thought. Using the rope in that way.)

The serpent expressed its admiration. As I appeared in the serpent's gaze, it peered from beneath my tattered clothes, along with my bare skin.

The binding beneath my clothes, or rather the dense binding of my entire body, is not a mere hobby. It is a rational and necessary act.

It is the result of further advancing the taping imitation carried out in Tsuchigumo's nest. The Tengu's long rope, which can consume spiritual power and freely change its length, hardness, thickness, and thinness. In a sense, it could be utilized as an enhanced exoskeleton. It not only supports my worn-out body but also enhances my physical abilities.

"Haha. It's too early to spoil the surprise. Peeking is not good, you know? Filthy eavesdropper...!!"

I bitterly curse the fact that the seeds of my plan have been exposed.

(I am allowed to do so. That is what it means to be a god.)

Mocking laughter echoed directly in my mind.

"You're so arrogant. Even though you've lost everything, you dare to act all high and mighty...!!"

(Don't get cocky, kid...!!)

Clearly bothered, the snake immediately opened its massive jaws and spat something out. I leaped and avoided the numerous trees that jutted out from the hot springs. There was a squelching sound. Just like the baby snakes before, it must be some kind of corrosive liquid...!!

"Hah, you're not very creative, huh!? Yep, it's the same old idea as that shitty spider...Uwoooo!!?"

As I mock and provoke the snake with tactics similar to the Tsuchigumo from the other day, it swung its tail in response. In the hot springs, the long tail swung from behind me.

Silently, it passed over my bent head. Then, once again, it swung, ripping out and overturning trees from their roots. It was a complete surprise attack.

"You bastard!!?"

Surviving by a hair's breadth from the first strike, I stood up and hurriedly leaped from branch to branch, avoiding the second strike. It was a nimble maneuver, like a monkey jumping from one tree to another.

(It seems you moved swiftly, evading my attacks! I should have hurt you to the point where you couldn't move properly...!)

The snake god pursued me relentlessly, its gaze fixed on me. Will it... come for me!?

As radiant light overflowed from its throat, I released the steam stored in the conch shell.

The beam swept through the surroundings. By compressing the steam in the conch shell, I turned it into a rocket projectile aimed at the giant serpent. The Destruction Beam was a powerful technique. Clearly, it could target those who had infiltrated its range. Therefore...!

(Too slow!!)


Immediately after, the giant snake opened a third eye above its head. Against my will, my body recoiled under its gaze.

(Is this... its authority!?)

The words "frog stared down by a snake" flashed through my mind. My body felt as if it had turned to stone, likely due to the restraining authority. However, even so...!

"Sorry, but I won't stop...!!"


Something was approaching me, threatening my body like a snake. The booming sound coming from behind was probably an attempt to crush me with its tail. Unfortunately, it missed.

And then, there was no next attack. The snake's movements became visibly unsettled. Taking advantage of that, I released even more steam and quickly reached the face of the giant snake.

I was ready to fight...!!


I launched myself at incredible speed towards the snake, causing it to widen its eyes and tilt its body. I swiftly sliced through its third eye with my Tant. In an instant, I had passed through its rear and clicked my tongue.

"Darn it!! Tsk!!?"

I evaded the beam that the snake shot as it turned around using the remaining steam. I dodged it, and that was the end of it. I had used up all the remaining steam.

I aimed for the forest protruding from the surface of the water and landed there. After landing, I rolled around in a defensive position and ended up in the water. I quickly crawled out of the water and prepared myself with the Tant in hand, expecting the snake to launch another attack.

And the expectations were betrayed.

(Is my snake eye not working? How foolish. Can such a thing...?)

When I got up, what I saw was the appearance of a giant snake that made me feel like I was seeing something unbelievable.

(I've fallen. It can't be helped that you didn't turn into stone, but I can't even restrain you... Is it because of your body's characteristics? No, that's not it...)

It was confused about the ineffectiveness of its powers. And the loss of its third eye hurt more than anything, but the snake calmly began to consider the situation, like a deity.

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