MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 882 The Declaration Of Defiance

As the tension in the grand hall reached a fever pitch, Max stood with his chest puffed and his posture defiant yet controlled.

With a voice steady he addressed Regus as he asked " King Regus, may I inquire why Lord Vega was chosen for the mission instead of me, despite my voluntary offer to participate? "

Regus, the ever-imposing figure, regarded Max with a gaze that held centuries of wisdom and authority as he knew how to answer Max's question in a way that could pacify the crowd that he was so desperately trying to rile up as he said " Lord Ravan, no, Max! Your eagerness to serve is commendable, but leadership requires more than just bravery. It demands wisdom and foresight. Lord Vega was the most suitable choice for the mission."

Max's eyes narrowed, the air around him charged with barely-contained energy as he countered saying " With all due respect, my king, I believe my track record speaks for itself. I am more than capable of handling such missions."

The murmurs in the room grew louder, the lords and ladies exchanging glances, sensing the gravity of the confrontation unfolding before them.

Regus raised a hand, demanding silence from the crowd, however, a minute passed by and the crowd did not heed to his command which was a very irritating experience for the monarch.

" Lord Max, your accomplishments are indeed remarkable, and they have not gone unnoticed. However, as your king, it is my prerogative to make decisions that ensure the safety and stability of our society." Regus said, talking over the voice of the crowd as his words caused everyone to go silent as they awaited Max's response.

The tension was palpable as Max responded, his voice laced with an undercurrent of challenge. " Safety and stability, you say? Yet, we lost one of our strongest warriors under your command. How does that ensure our society's safety?"

The gathered lords and ladies shifted uncomfortably, the weight of Max's words hanging heavy in the air.

Regus, unflinching, replied, " The loss of Vega is indeed a tragedy, but war often demands such sacrifices. We must look beyond individual losses and focus on the greater good."

Max's gaze intensified. "And who decides this 'greater good'? You, who sits on the throne, or us, who spill blood on the battlefield? " he asked as Regus angrily stood up from his chair.



When the entire vampire society retreated within the Dimensional Battlefield, It was I! Regus Aurelius who stood back to fight Lucifer.

Even now, It's me who bears the responsibility to fight Dracula.

When the enemy leader shows up, it's me who is expected to defend the honor of the Vampire Society, so don't talk to me in such accusatory tones " Regus said as he absolutely blasted Max for insinuating that he was a coward.

A ripple of whispers spread through the room, the boldness of Regus's reply striking a chord with many.

Regus further narrowed his eyes slightly, a flicker of irritation crossing his ageless face. " Capability has never been my concern with you, Max, however, Leadership is not just about heroics on the battlefield. It's about the broader picture, the survival and prosperity of our society."

Regus clarified as with this statement he tried to score more brownie points with the rest of the vampire society as it looked like he had comprehensively won today's debate.

However, at that moment Max inclined his head slightly, a half-smirk playing on his lips. " Survival, you say? Yet, our ranks mourn the loss of a valiant warrior. A loss that perhaps could have been averted." He said as he cut through all of Regus's loud talk and brought everyone's attention back at the crux of the topic at hand.

The murmurs grew louder, with lords and ladies exchanging glances as Regus leaned forward, his voice low and threatening as he said "Are you insinuating that my decision led to Vega's demise?" He asked with a murderous undertone as at this moment Max understood that he had pushed Regus enough and that he was now on his last straw.

"Not insinuating, merely questioning," Max retorted, his tone still cordial but edged with steel. "After all, the circumstances seem...convenient, don't they? Vega, a Tier 7 warrior, second only to you in strength is now gone…"

Anyone with half a brain could understand what Max was insinuating here as Regus felt completely stupefied by how low Max had fallen.

After the death of Julian, it was only Vega who could realistically challenge Regus for the throne as he not only had the clan strength and prestige to officially challenge Regus but he was also the closest to tier8 too.

With Max suggesting that Regus had him killed to maintain an iron grip on the throne, the atmosphere turned nasty within the room.

"Convenient? Do tread carefully, Max. Accusing your king of foul play is a dangerous path." Regus said as he let his unrestrained aura cover the room, making everyone feel suffocated and suppressed.

Max, who remained defiant and unbothered by Regus's aura, spread his hands in a gesture of mock innocence as he said " Accuse? Never, my king. I merely seek understanding. After all, unity in these times, as you so eloquently put, is paramount."

"Unity, indeed," Regus said, rising to his full imposing height. " And unity comes from trust in your leader, trust in the decisions made for the greater good."

" And what of the ambitions of those who might lead better? " Max's voice was soft, but it carried across the silent hall.

A collective intake of breath filled the space. Regus's eyes flashed, a silent warning. " Ambitions are like shadows, Max. Chase them too far, and you might find yourself lost in darkness."

The hall was tense, the political undercurrents swirling like a maelstrom. Max's gaze was unflinching. " Or, perhaps, those shadows lead to a new dawn, one where the first-ranked clan might just shine the brightest."

The implication hung in the air, as heavy as the velvet curtains that draped the walls. Regus's expression remained unreadable, but the slight clench of his jaw spoke volumes.

Max bowed slightly, a picture of respect that was edged with defiance. " For the greater good, my king, may the best man lead us all- "

As Max turned and walked away, the hall erupted into whispers and conjectures. Regus, standing tall and composed, watched him leave, the chessboard of vampire politics gaining a new, intriguing complexity.

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