MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 871 Battle-Plan

Rudra rushed towards Lucifer who seemed to take a battle stance to counter Rudra's incoming attack when he used the move [ Future sight ]

********* Continuation point 1.

Rudra activated time dilation in his future sight and suddenly the flow of time slowed down around him, accelerating his pace against Lucifer suddenly causing the devil to be caught in an awkward pose while defending the first strike.

Rudra slammed siege-breaker against the devil's sword and it was pushed towards the ground as Rudra swund Excalibur towards his torso , which the devil blocked by raising his right leg vertically and blocking the sword strike using the shin guard on his feet.

Lucifer leaped backwards trying to create distance between himself and Rudra however this was exactly what Rudra wanted the devil to do, to push him onto the backfoot as he finally started his [ Dance Of Death ]

Death aura exploded around Rudra , and siege-breaker became covered in a black death fog that usually laced Hades's scythe as Rudra's movements suddenly became fluid and impossible to predict as his feet and muscles shuffled in all directions.

It was like Rudra was performing an elaborate dance instead of a series of attacks as his strikes would land in from erratic directions and while usually it would not make any difficulties for the devil, with his newfound burst of power Lucifer was having a hard time facing his dual-sword fighting style with just one hand.

In his mind Lucifer knew that Rudra's ultimate goal was going to be to aim for his right arm, which was exactly why he fought southpaw with his left arm extended and by reducing his surface area of exposure to only a small area of attacks , however the devil did not know that it was all a part of the mastermind strategist's plan who was leading him down the rabbit hole.

Right strike, feint , leg kick , sword thrust , reverse slash , headbut ....

Rudra kept performing moves forcing the devil to not get even a single Seconds time to think or counter as he was forced on the defensive.

Rudra outpaced him for the first time in this battle and Lucifer was under serious heat , having no time to realise that Rudra was progressively opening his stance up by forcing his hips to turn little by little as more and more of his body became exposed to his attacks.

The three minutes were about to go up and Rudra was nearly there , appearing to target his right shoulder only for it to be a feint as the moment the devil folded his arms to block the strike with his left arm. Rudra quickly thrusted grim reaper towards his left arm threatening to cut it off.

It was the perfect attack combo and Rudra expected it work , however at the last possible second , Lucifer pulled a hailmary on Rudra as he let go of his left sword allowing a slowed Rudra's right Excalibur attack to hit the top of his shoulder pads and cause a small gushing wound , however saving his left arm in the process as he kicked Rudra off into the distance after.

Casually picking his sword , the devil survived this barrage of attack and Rudra 's power finally ended.

The effects of time dilation were over , leaving him weak and prone to Lucifer's counter.

************** End of continuation point 1.

Rudra's mind was in a dissarray, however the sequence of events he had started were already placed into motion and there was nothing he could do to back away now.

Activating time dilation he charged at the devil slamming siege-breaker against the devil's sword and pushing it towards the ground. He followed it up by swinging Excalibur towards his torso , which the devil blocked by raising his right leg vertically just like in Rudra's vision.

Panicking, Lucifer leaped backwards trying to create distance between himself and Rudra, also exactly like Rudra's future sight , as Rudra too activated his final attacking sequence the [ Dance Of Death ] .

As Rudra gambled on only changing the final attack sequence to his advantage, everything now depended on his luck and ability to come up with a last sequence of attacks to counter Lucifer's predicted moves.


( Meanwhile Max )

Max's mobile phone was constantly buzzing and it was his sister in law Naomi.

' 27 missed calls? Shit ! ' Max panicked , he had not looked at his phone because of rushing Sophie to the hospital which was why he missed his sister in law's phone calls.

" Hello? Sister in law are you okay? ". Max panicked as he picked up the phone as a ragged. Voice answered on the other side.

" Max , i don't feel so good , I've been having a Panic attack since the feed went off , i don't know if your brother is okay or not and it's bothering me.

Can you please come home and give me some company if it's not too much of a bother? ". Naomi said with a weak voice.

Although it was a request Max felt his heart pinch when he heard her voice.

It was very frail and weak and max felt his feet move without his brain ordering them too as he felt like rushing towards his pregnant sister in law.

Usually Naomi was a fighter, and one of the best ones at that , however her pregnancy and hormones made it so that somedays she was slightly weaker and needed emotional support and since Rudra was away most of the times it was Max who used to comfort her in such times.

It was never too much , just watching news or tv together or having dinner , however his presence calmed Naomi down and took her mind off the issues bothering her which eventually helped her.

Never before had Naomi requested Max to be with her from her own voalition which is why Max felt like he needed to go at once.

However since he was at the hospital with Sophie he decided to inform her that he needed to leave at once before going home.

Peeking into her ER room , Max looked at Sophie and said " Babe, sister in law is not feeling so well, i need to go home at once. I'll be back later ".

Max had expected this to be the end of discussion and that he would be able to leave at once now , however he was wrong.

Making a face as if someone had told her that her mother just died Sophie looked exasperated as she said " SHE IS NOT FEELING SO WELL AND I AM FINE? "

Max was horrified when he heard this as he stopped dead in his tracks , looking at Sophie blankly

" GO! you don't love me anyways , go! It's only YOUR family that matters, your brother and your sister in law and YOU , it's not me who matters , I'm just your whore right? That you fuck when you feel the need , otherwise i have no standing in your life. *Sob* *sob* *sob* ".

Sophie started to cry hysterically and Max found himself dumbfounded by the situation.

' What the hell is this woman's problem? ' max's brain screamed as he became incredibly frustrated.

He wanted to leave immediately when he realised that he was dealing with a crazy chick here.

Max feared that Sophie would kill herself if Max tried to leave , however he really really wanted to be there for Naomi.

Caught in a dilemma max felt like he was living an extremely complicated life.

His heart knew the right thing to do however his circumstances prevented him from acting upon it.

He was however at a very important crossroad of his life and today was a make or break day for him depending on his choices.

Just what was Max to do?

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