Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Chapter 78: Worldwide Influence

Chapter 78: Worldwide Influence

A.N.: Hello there.

First of all, you guys have no idea how happy I was reading everyone's comments about my return. It really touched my heart.

I should've returned earlier, but a fun fact... I was kinda waiting for the new phase of the MCU to drop to have more source material and let's say that I was incredibly disappointed!

They fucked up, man... Now like Miles once said "Imma gonna do my own thing"

Thanks too to the people supporting me in the P.a.t.r.e.o.n, it really gives a boost of motivation.

Ah yes, just remembering that I will try to post weekly, but with smaller chapters. It will go like that unless some unforeseen circumstances happen.

If anyone wants to support me or read chapters ahead... patreon . com / Evans 269 (without the spaces)

I also noticed that many people liked my other fic(Potential Man), good to know that was not a fluke. Maybe I should post the others.

Now, enjoy~


Helena P.O.V.

' much Eidolon's efforts in treating kids in hospitals are proving themselves 100% effective, his actions divide opinions 50/50 in the public.' The reporter continues her nonsense on the TV.

Hector's decision to step up and heal children unsurprisingly received a lot of positive responses, until not. At some point "thank yous" become "why". "Why don't you save the adults too?", "Why don't you heal the other diseases?", "Why didn't you do it at that hospital?", "Why...", "Why...", "Why...".

My eyes don't leave the TV when the image changes and shows a mother(probably) crying.

'...I'm not trying to take away the miracle that he created...' The woman says between sobs, ready to take away the miracle that he created '...but if I could I would like to ask him... How does he choose... How does he choose who is saved... and... and why my little girl... Why he didn't choose my little girl?!' She ends in tears, showing the Picture of the little girl in question

"..." The mood is heavy, I'm afraid of looking, but I need to see... I need to see what kind of face Hector is making right now. Wait... Why I am hesitating? Am I afraid of seeing him hurt?

I side glances, seeing Hector sitting in his customary chair, Shego in his lap acting like some sort of comfort girlfriend, and Hector...

"..." He is calm, and no, I don't he has that calm anger. I know him better now... He is calm-calm. Calm aloof.

He observes the happenings on the TV with a calm, but unblinking expression, reaches for his drink, and acts like what is happening has nothing to do with him.

"..." Should I ask? Fuck it, he always answers what I ask "So... You look surprisingly calm about this whole ordeal..." I comment. As expected, he turns to me and goes to answer. Even without me saying the question, he knows what I am asking.

"I can't change it now, I was prepared for this and... I'm surprisingly used to this." He answers with a casual shrug.

I asked for an answer and gave me three.

I can understand the first two, but when he gets used to the whole world hating on him?

"During my first travel, I kinda become the enemy of the world..." He chuckles with a fond smile even if it doesn't go well with what he is talking about. Wait a minute, is he reading my mind? No. But damn him and his capability to read people "In the beginning was hard. So hard, that I surprised myself with how much I was caring."

He continues "I thought that I was above that. 'Words can't hit me' type of thing, but there's a certain power in the negativity of so many people, you know? I even second-guessed myself if I was doing the right thing, it was a constant pendulum-like process where I was swayed by people's opinions and my own. The process ended up strengthening my Will."


"Now I'm used to it. I will not close my eyes or ignore it as many would advise. I take their views and internally confront them with my own, and in the end, I conclude that their opinions can't shake my resolve. I'm not wrong. And no... That's not me being self-centered or arrogant. I am really not wrong on this." His unblinking eyes continue to stare hardly at the screen

"Absolutely! You're saving people! They are conveniently forgetting or ignoring that if you did nothing, more people would die. Bunch of ungrateful entitles son of bitches." Shego comes in his defense, caressing his hair like a mother spoiling her child.

Even though she is weird, I can't argue against her argument but it's not like I can't understand the feelings of the people that Hector didn't save either.

"Feelings are irrational..." Hector exteriorizes my thoughts "They made peace that reality is cruel, that their loved ones will die and this is simply the way of the world... Suddenly a new light shines in the Horizon, a way out... And they are not happy anymore with that peace. It's understandable that they are angry. I can accept their irrational hate. I'm prepared for that too." He continues very maturely, his face still full of steeled resolve

"..." Damn, this guy... Is he really a 16-year-old? "You're kinda cool, Hector." I decided to say, a little playful smile on my face

He turns to me, and finally, his calm smile returns to substitute his stony expression. I am glad I said that then.

"Thanks, I try." He comments cheekily. In a little more light-hearted way he continues "And again, I was prepared to all this... And I'm not only talking about the mental strain that this whole situation would bring... Huhu~" He chuckles while hugging Shego to return her affections.

"What do you mean?" I knew it. This guy never makes a move before thinking many steps ahead.

"Well..." He trails off, likely to tease me "As much all of this was born from my purest intentions to help people, you can't blame me for using the opportunity to proceed with my agenda."

He then points to the TV, which is still showing people complaining about Eidolon not going there or there.

"For example, a good chunk of these people are paid actors..." He says with amusement in his eyes

"...for real?"

"Yep." He says popping the 'p'

"So you're gonna unmask the motherfuckas?" Shego asks, finding the whole situation more fun now

"Why now? Heh~ Let them talk more, let more of them appear, let more people say bad things about me... When the truth comes out the guilt of the masses by badmouthing a good guy like Eidolon will be unbearable, I bet." He chuckles again "So unbearable, that next time they will give him the benefit of the doubt even though all the media is against him... Even though maybe he really did something bad..."

"..." Okay... Is this guy good or bad?

"Your potential is wasted in being a hero. Become an evil mastermind instead..." Shego jokes... I think?

"Cortana already has all the files and receipts of the people behind this smearing campaign, just let them give us more material. Not only that, as I'm acting as Eidolon, I make sure to act like my healing powers are limited in some way, even creating another persona to take more the blunt of this whole 'Jesus spectacle'."

"The Panacea thing?" Shego asks

Like in cue, the TV shows what we are talking about.

After a certain point, Eidolon started appearing in the hospitals with a helper in tow. A smaller figure is covered from head to toe in white robes, even the face is covered by the hood, and some red crosses are highlighted through it.

In some videos was possible to see Eidolon instructing the smaller figure on how to heal people.

"It was a duplicate with different proportions." Hector says. I was in doubt if was a new companion or not. "People would guess that someone with such a heavily medical thematic persona is a better healer than Eidolon, and he is teaching her the ropes so that she can take from here."

Yes, exactly. This is exactly what people are saying.

"People are so hung up on the 'no one is perfect' teaching, that their mind can't come up with the idea that Eidolon is good at everything. I even acted like is strenuous for me to heal people." Hector explains while sipping from his drink

"So, this Panacea person that doesn't even exist will eventually become the target of messianic adoration and devilish criticism." Isabela, who just entered the room comments, at the same time that she brings some snacks to us.

"Exactly. Slowly people will go back to picture Eidolon as the guy who punches villains and saves people from buildings on fire. It's association, a normal human brain's way of perceiving the world and learning." He says while thanking Isabella with a smile

After eating some snacks he continues "There's a bunch of other long-term benefits like people starting mistrusting media and government, inspiring people and etc. Ah! I even gave the first step in a certain project..."


Far away, in a dangerous part of London.

A homeless man hyperventilates even though the night is cold, it doesn't need to be a doctor to guess that he is sick.

"Oh my~ You appear to be suffering, my good sir." Suddenly the homeless feels like the night gets a tad darker.

Looking up he understands that the night didn't grow darker, but a huge man blocked the light from the lamp post.

It's a ridiculously tall and lanky man, over two meters in height, wearing all black and a top hat, carrying a cane in his glove-covered hand. The more striking feature is the black crow-like mask on his face. People can recognize the style, it's a plague doctor mask.

The homeless man whimpers in fright, mustering all his strength to crawl away backward.

"Oh, a little rude but not understandable. My appearance does not make a good first impression, right? Haha~" The tall plague doctor laughs good-naturedly even though he looks really scary "Fret not, my good man. I'm a gentleman on a mission, the fact that you started on bad terms will not deter me."

Finishing speaking, the plague doctor's hand reaches for the homeless man making him burst into a cloud of gore... before the homeless man is reassembled again.

Completely fine. The process was so fast and painless that it made the homeless man think that he was imagining things. He checks his body with his hand, his heatly hands that now move without problems... He is healthy now.

"For so long I have hidden myself because of this unsightly appearance and equally unsightly power... But seeing some youngsters so eager to change the world made these old bonés incapable of staying still... I will do the little that I can." The plague doctor says equally to himself and to the homeless man "Have a good night, sir." He tips his hat to the still-shocked patient before walking away in the darkness, seemingly merging with it.

He never waited for the "thank you".


"You created another persona?" I ask in a little surprise, he always goes a step beyond.

"A plague doctor, really?" Shego asks in disbelief

Hector laughs "It needs to look scary and have a villain-like power... I want people to start accepting that a person's character is more important than their appearance or their potential to harm."

"So you created the Plague Doctor, to act like he was inspired by Eidolon's actions. At the same time that reinforces that a positive attitude can bring rewards to the normal people, and also shows that is not that scary to come out of hiding to the metas." Isabella analyzes. Like Shego, I sometimes forget she is smart.

"Right again, Isabella. The first step is always the most scary, so why shouldn't I take it too?"

"Pfft. Not only you're inspiring but you're faking the inspired people. That's so scummy." Shego laughs.

Hector laughs with her "It's to give them the courage. Someone needs to take the risks... I can only imagine how hard was for the first black person to participate in 'white places' till it became normal. I want a world where you can see a person with 5 meters and another that is pink from head to toe in the street and not even bat an eye because is normal. If I can inspire some metas to use their abilities to help a little in their local communities, maybe floating to save a cat from a tree, swimming to help some fisherman, AND making the people accept it like normal... I will use any underhanded tactic that I can!" He finishes with that same resolve again. "And of course, Eidolon will be there to help, to mediate, to make it work!"

"..." This guy... "You're cool, Hector." I say again, the timing making a good joke.

He laughs loudly this time "Thanks, I try."


Saeko P.O.V.

Keeping my breath steady, I hit the hot metal in a good rhythm, ignoring the heat and concentrating on the task at hand.

Who would've thought that I would take blacksmithing as a hobby? But here we are... May I should've seen this coming, liking swords is related to like swordsmanship, and blacksmithing is simply a step away from that.

The weirdness must come from my still lingering "normal sensibilities" as Hector calls it. Before I would not have imagined holding a 20 kg hammer in one and hand and hitting a piece of hot metal hundreds of times in a minute.

And again... here we are.

That grandfather of Hiyori-san in the World of Pirates was a blacksmith, so Hector made him teach me a little.

Talking about Hector... Mid-swing I glance at my side only to see he watching me like someone would watch a movie. Lying on his side, not even blinking. He notices my eyes and he smiles at me.

"..." I love that man.

Even though he is strange... He arrived, saw me working on the forge, and said "Wrong! You should cover your breasts with bandages!" and made me change my forging outfit. "I don't make the rules..." He said

And that's why I'm here with my bosom wrapped in bandages, a high ponytail, wooden antique sandals, and loose pants.

Well, the heat doesn't bother me, and being on the receiving end of his appreciative gaze is pleasant enough.

Finally, I go quenching the future blade in my hand.


"Looks good... No cracks, the for mis good too." Hector suddenly appears at my side and gives his Opinion "Maybe you have a hidden talent on this..."

"And to think I almost choose cooking as a hobby." My joke makes him smiles

"I bet your cooking would be equally good."

"Hmpf, you're simply patronizing me."

"It's a boyfriend's job, and it doesn't mean I'm lying. You know that I'm an honest man." The quirk of his lips makes me laugh.

"Honest in some things, not so much in others..." I roll my eyes

"I'm honest about you." And he aggressively grabs me by my waist, pulling me closer and initiating a deep kiss.

We are too strong to care about safety protocols here, and... too "hungry" for care anyway.

As expected, and as welcomed, his hands travel through my back, not caring about the sweat, unwrapping the bandages... Ah, now I understand. Ufufu~

But he doesn't take it off completely, he lets the bandages loose around me, showing a little but not everything... Hector likes this style, he sometimes never takes my clothes completely, maybe is a fetish.

We continue this make-out section, not caring about the surroundings, mostly me because I know Hector can take care of it. His hands slowly travel lower, grabbing my butt and pulling me even closer, closer enough that I can feel the shape of his body clearly, and I bet he can feel mine now.

I can also feel a certain part of his showing itself to "play"~ Fufu.

He suddenly stops the kiss, I would be at a loss if not for the loving way he looks at me. He passes his hand through the side of my face, admiring me with a warm smile.

"You know, Saeko? Are you feeling lonely here?" He suddenly asks while fixing some strands of hair


"Yeah, in my quest to be a good boyfriend, I was pondering... I am afraid if I am letting you here alone, and only coming here to have intimacy... I hope that I'm not giving you the wrong impression." His face gets a little unsure, maybe even sad.

"No! Obviously not, we talk every day and when you come here we always do a lot of other things... Intimacy is just a bonus." Then I grab him strongly "A bonus that I enjoy very much~"

"Heh~ I enjoy it a lot too." He smiles while feeling my butt "I just want you to know, that if you want to live with us, you can. And you can visit at any time, ANYTIME, call me to hang out or ask Isabela to teleport you. It will not be a problem, okay? Don't think that you're being a burden or anything." He assures me with a hug

"I will remember it." I nod

"Good, it's just that I remembered..." He pauses his words while still caressing my face "...when my parents died I was alone."

I hug him tighter, to him know that I'm here.

"That night I discovered how lonely an empty house is... There are no lights except the ones that you turned on yourself. You only notice how silent a house is when that background noise that you're used to disappears... The steps, the doors opening, faucets, TV..."

"..." I know what he is talking about. I can't deny that I felt the same sometimes, in this huge traditional home.

After a long pause where we just enjoy each other company, he speaks again.

"Do you believe that in the beginning, I didn't like very much a certain aspect of my power... Exactly the part where I can bring people to me, bring you all." He chuckles in a self-deprecating way "How foolish I was... I can't even imagine my life without you all anymore." He smiles lovingly at me and pulls me in a big comforting hug.

"..." I should be enjoying the hug, but I can only think about one thing...

I can only imagine Hector all alone.

Images flashes in my mind. Him, sitting in his usual chair in the living room... But the lights are down.

He sits all alone in the dark, there's no Shego on his lap, or Cathulhu, or Isabella, or Helena.

The lights are down because he is alone and he doesn't need lights to see in the dark, I can imagine him acting that way.

He sits all alone, in his Eidolon body suit, because he is more Eidolon than Hector at this point. No one can relate with him and he needs no one.

He stays there, looking at the empty space with a stony expression, because there's no reason to laugh. He stays in silence because there's no one to talk to.

All alone in an empty, silent, and dark house.

My chest tightens at the image, and I hug him tighter in response

"I'm so glad that I'm here with you, Hector." I say, trying to convey all my love through these words and hug.

"I'm the one that is thankful, Saeko." He hugs me back


Third Person P.OV., X-men Mansion

Jean reads a book on the Garden of the mansion, surrounded by some friends. The choice of place to hang out was owed to the fact that today is an important day.

Some time ago, Eidolon asked Professor Xavier to arrange a meeting with Magneto, so that the three spearheads of the Meta question can discuss. The first face-to-face meeting between them...

And the day is today.

"Bunch of bastards..." Kitty huffs while scrolling through her phone "Isn't like obvious?? Eidolon is saving people! Not everyone that dies is his fault!!!" She exclaims in indignation

"Yeah, he is not their slave." Rogue agrees

"I would not be surprised, and I would not even blame him if he stopped." Jubilee sighs "He doesn't deserve this..."

Jean sighs too "He is simply too good... He set the bar too high, so people are expecting too much of him."

Illyana opens her mouth to give her piece "He should have done nothing then, if this is the retribution."

"But that would not be Eidolon! Eidolon doesn't give up!" Kitty says with resolution, pumping her fist in the air

Rogue smiles at her friend's antics "I'm not gonna lie, a part of me would like to see him simply stop, you know? 'You guys don't like me? Okay then' and then disappearing."

"Saaaaaaame! I would feel so vindictive!" Jubilee exclaims "Am I a bad person?"

"I think that is a very normal reaction..." Jean laughs. She can't deny that she thought the same sometimes. "But I don't think we need to worry, he must have a plan... He is a smart guy, so he should've known how this would go and did all the same." She comments

"Makes sense." Jubilee agrees "What do you think, Rogue? You're the one that had Eidolon inside you here. Hehe." She teases the gothic mutant with a smug smile

"Shut up..." Rogue pouts embarassedly before coughing and burying any embarrassment and starts talking "And to answer your question... I can tell he is the cautious type that thinks a lot. So yeah, Jean should be right and he knew that people would act this way, and has a plan."

"But what type of plan involves you being hated by half of the world?" Kitty wonders

"The type that puts him on the forefront of any criticism that our race can receive..." Jean guesses "Ororo and Dr. Hank commented about this, right? Eidolon went public so that he could change people's views... So whatever hates they have for the metas, that are previously without direction, now found an outlet on Eidolon."

"I'm not understanding... "Jubilee frowns "But he was already doing that by being a hero, healing kids just exacerbated it."

"He should have stuck with being a hero and punching people." Illyana says again

"Oh!" Kitty realizes "The metas that can do a lot for the humanity!"

"It's what I think too." Jean nods

"?" Jubilees still hadn't cached up

"He is taking the criticism for all the metas that could make the world better but does nothing." Kitty explains in a loud voice

"Oooh~" Jubille finally understands "But we do nothing because they don't let us!"

"People are irrational..." Jean sighs again

"So they hate us if we appear and hate us if we don't appear... Sounds legit." Rogue huffs and rolls her eyes

"Sounds entitled." Illyana corrects.

"No one said that is not complicated." Jean laughs mirthless

"Argh, the more I think about it, the more it sounds hopeless!" Kitty falls back on her seat

"That's why Eidolon is cool." Illyana makes a rare show of admiration for someone "I would not put that much effort in other people, especially the ones that hate me."

They all nod in different levels of agreement.

The casual talk continues a little more before they finally hear a thunderous sound in the sky, of something breaking the sound barrier.

He can teleport, but this way he can warn that he arrived... Eidolon lands on the Garden in a superhero landing.

Then he straightens himself, at his full 6'4", white hair slicked back in a man bun, a half mask covering the lower half of his face, and a mantle billowing in the wind.

After that, he raises his arm while holding his mantle, and from there, like a portal, two women and a dog get out.

Shego looks around, half interested and half not giving a fuck while Cassandra stops Rover from running around.

"Oh, hello girls..." Eidolon greets with his deep voice the incoming residents of the X-mansion "How are yo- eh?"

To his surprise when they approach Kitty goes a step further and hugs his torso, her head only reaching his chest.

"..." Everyone looks at her strangely, Shego in particular gives her a pointed look.

"There, there~ These people don't know what they say, Eidolon. You're a good guy." Kitty comforts him with little taps on his back.

Eidolon can't help but find it funny and cute how she is practically buried in his mantle, even the now-alive mantle is hugging her back a little.

"Thank you, but I'm good, I was prepared for the hate." Eidolon says warmly, giving Kitty some taps back on her shoulder "Haters are everywhere, no good comes from listening to them, but is nice to have one positive reaction. Thank you again."

"Anytime. You did nothing wrong." She reinforces, not letting him go.

But he does not care too much, one of his talents is rolling with the absurd situation, so with Kitty still latched on him he greets the other girls, and the other people from the X-mansion are approaching.

"Oh my god, it's Lady Jade!" Kitty exclaims, still attached to Eidolon "I am a fan!"

"Really? First time meeting one..." Shego smiles strangely '...that is glued in my man'.

"Lady Jade doesn't make public appearances like I do, mostly helping to deal with criminals from the underworld." Eidolon explains.

Shego mostly acts like a hero with Helena, you will not find her in the street and have the opportunity to ask for an autograph.

"Hi, Shadow! What's with the dog?" Kitty finally notices Rover "He looks cool!" Her eyes shine, finally releasing Eidolon from the hug.

"Does he bite?" Jean raises a hand at Rover, like hesitating to touch him

"No, but releases concentrated blasts of energy." Eidolon says with mirth

"..." They don't know if he is joking or not... No, he is obviously not joking.

"Nah, I'm kidding. Of course, he bites too." He says dismissively "But only enemies."

Some give nervous laughs to the menacing dog, but Cassandra reassures them with a "Good boy" and some pats.

Professor Xavier finally rolls at them "Hello, Eidolon. I hope we have a fruitful discussion today." He greets amicable

"I guess Magneto still hasn't appeared." Eidolon comments with amusement

"I told you we should have waited a little more." Lady Jade huffs

"Heh~ It's just a power play. I wait, he waits, everyone waits and the meetings don't happen." The hero says diplomatically with a shrug "Let's concede on that, let the guy arrive in fanfare. I bet he enjoys arriving flying in a saucer, and hovering slowly while looking down on us." He says to laughs "I even practised some catchphrases to the moment."

As was scripted, they heard a sound coming from above. Looking up they see the man himself arriving with two of his people, Sabertooth and an unknown guy with a punchable face.

The international terrorist is garbed in his full glory of red and purple, a helmet obscuring his features, but is possible to see his eyes looking down on them while he hovers to the ground slowly.

"Told you..." Eidolon whispers at them, making them laugh a little, Taking away the pressure of the man arrival "Time to my catchphrase..."

Stepping forward Eidolon says in a strong voice that reverberates all over the place.

"Our long waiting meeting has come at last..." Minus one of his list of references to make, from Darth Vader nonetheless 'One day I will have the chance to say: I'm surrounded by fear and dead men'.

"Nice execution, impactful... 9/10." Kitty whispers to him while he discreetly gives her a thumbs up.


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