Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 637: End of the Daunian War

Adoris thought for a moment and said regretfully, “If we base it on the usual process, they should either be already holding the quarter-finals or semi-finals. So we should not be able to watch it.”

The soldier in front of Adoris turned around and interjected, “Don't think about it. Even if this war end soon, we can't immediately return as we will need to be stationed in the various Daunian towns to ensure the safety of the officials that would govern this area. Isn't that what we did in Messapi and Peuceti before?!”

“I heard the Dauanians aren't as fierce as the Messapians and the Peucetians, so they might not cause constant revolts. Maybe we don't even have to stay here for so long.” Another soldier guessed.

“That's just your childish idea. His majesty King Davos and the Senate don't think so, right Adoris?” The soldier in front looked at Adoris.

On the contrary, Adoris just shrugged, “I don't know, but I hope everyone can go home safely and enjoy the rewards the kingdom will give us.”

“Do you think we can get an allocated land or two here based on our contributions in this war? After all, the land here is as fertile as the Sybarite Plain.”

“How do I know? You should ask the statistician of the logistics brigade.”

. . . . . . . . . . . .

While talking and laughing, the soldiers forgot their exhaustion from marching and arrived at the lower reaches of the Cervaro river more than three hours later.

Sipontum is just on the north bank of the Cervaro estuary, where several rivers meet and form a large lake.

In Alexius' sight, Sipontum has quite a good port. Thus by taking it, they would make transportation of supplies for the whole army far easier.

At this time, the herald rushed from the front, shouting, “Enemy spotted on the opposite bank, prepare for battle!”

The soldiers immediately became excited. After all, it was easier to fight the enemy outside the city than to siege a city, making this an easy battle.

Soon, the centurion ordered to change the column into a row.

Under the command of the various officers, Adoris and his colleagues faced the Cervaro river and formed a small phalanx formation.

Suddenly, they could hear a huge sigh from the front.

“What happened?”

“Alas…I heard Sipontum wanted to surrender!”

“Ah?!…” The soldiers sighed.

But the officers still warned them not to loosen their vigilance and guard against the enemy's deception.

However, the people of Sipontum really just surrendered.

Their defeat in the Battle of Ofanto and the capture of the city of Lucera in just a day made the Duanian tribes terrified at the powerful military strength shown by the kingdom of Theonia. Thus besides Sipontum, Ausculum and other towns also surrendered one after another, resulting in the Daunian War ending.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

In early November, the weather in Thurii began to cool, and the nearly month-long fanatical atmosphere caused by the Rugby Champions League in early October had just subsided. However, they would soon hold the Triumphant Return, bringing the whole city into a festive atmosphere again.

While some soldiers of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Legions were excited about the early arrival of the Triumphant Return in the camp just west of the city of Thurii, Alexius was meeting with the people from the Ministry of Military in the commander's quarter.

“What do you mean…by us having to wait here for another two days?! Our brothers have been out for more than two months and are eager to return to their home, yet you are making us wait here for five days!” Alexius complained unhappily.

“This is his majesty and the Senate's words, not mine. I am just responsible for conveying it.” Tolmides frankly said.

Upon hearing that it was Davos' will, Alexius stopped talking, but his face still showed unhappiness.

Tolmides then patiently explained, “The Eighth Legion is on its way and will arrive by tomorrow. So his majesty hopes to combine these two victories and have a massive Triumphant Return so we can avoid holding one now and another in two days. Not only will the people be tired of it, but it is also unfair to the soldiers who fought bloody battles. And his majesty was afraid that you would have differing ideas, so he specially asked me to inform you, hoping you can understand!”

Realising he had gone too far, Alexius said, “I have no objection; we can wait. On the contrary, we are delighted to participate in the Triumphant Return with the Eighth Legion led by Prosous.”

“These young officers are really amazing!” Tolmides sighed, “Like Prosous, who is less than 40 years old, yet he could take charge of a battlefield and lead the war!”

“Where is Prosous from?” Alexius asked curiously.

“He is from Argos and had arrived in Thurii just after the establishment of the Theonia Union. But because of his excellent performance at the training camp, Matonis directly drafted him into his brigade…” Tolmides had more information about the various officers as he served under the Army Staff

“It seems that Prosous kept performing excellently. No wonder his majesty boldly allowed him to take charge of the war against the Sikeloi. And I thought he was a mercenary from our Persian expedition before…” Alexius complained.

Tolmides didn't continue the topic and instead changed the subject, “These legions under your command also have many excellent young officers. Especially Patroclus, who, during the siege on the city of Lucera, had his brigade the first to enter the city. His majesty was delighted reading those battle reports. Unfortunately, he crossed out his name from the list of candidates you submitted to the Ministry of Military to be the flag bearer of this Triumphant Return.”

Although Alexius had some guesses after hearing that, he still asked, “Why?”

“His majesty doesn't want him to be too flashy as it might lead the people to think that his majesty favoured him…” Tolmides replied vaguely.

Alexius' adopted daughter Giada and Cynthia are close friends, so Alexius knew something about that. Hearing that, he smiled with understanding, “It seems I have to congratulate his majesty!”

“Alexius, I also want to congratulate you.” Tolmides smiled.

“About what?” Alexius was dumbfounded.

“Amintas' adopted son, Sthephilos, has done well in this war with the Sikeloi. Thus Prosous included him in the list of candidates for the flag bearer of the Eighth Legion in the Triumphant Return.” Tolmides said with a smile.

Ever since Sthephilos beat up Phragres, the story of “Sthephilos and Giada being lovers” had been widely spread to everyone in the military's hierarchy. And if it wasn't for Amintas transferring his adopted son to Sicily to avoid trouble, the two might have married already.

“Didn't Sthephilos serve as an adjutant of Prosous? How was he able to gain merits?” Alexius asked in surprise.

“You might not know it yet, but Prosous allowed him to lead a centuria,” Tolmides replied.

Alexius didn't expect such a move from the young and unsociable legatus. Still, whether it was intentional or not, Alexius had to accept it.

“And allow me to tell you a secret.” Tolmides approached him with an odd expression, “His majesty has informed the Ministry of Military that he would transfer Sthephilos back to Thurii.”

“Really?!” Alexius asked in surprise.

“Of course! After all, his majesty is more concerned about Giada's marriage than her father. Say, when will you invite us to the wedding?” Tolmides said half-jokingly.

Alexius then said thoughtfully, “I still have to discuss it with Amintas, but it must be after Cynthia's wedding.”

. . . . . . . . . . . .

On this day, November 5, the main road from the northern part of Thurii to the Nike Square was sprinkled with fresh water, flowers and flags as the Theonians poured in from all directions, crowding both sides of the road. The biggest difference between this time and the previous Triumphant Return is that many Messapians and Peucetians had come.

As the high-pitched sound of the salpinx rang throughout the city, the Triumphant Return began.

After the army set out from the camp and arrived on the city's outskirts, they began to march forward in four columns.

At the forefront was the flag bearer holding the flag of the kingdom of Theonia. Since the South-Italian War, the newly changed military law stipulates that the flag bearer in the Triumphant Return must be the bravest and most outstanding soldier in the war, for he would be the model for all the soldiers in the army. In addition, this honour isn't shared by officers. (Squad leader isn't an officer.)

Behind the kingdom’s flag bearer is the flag bearer of the legion, who performed outstandingly in the battle. This time, it isn't limited to soldiers: The First Cavalry Legion, the First, the Fourth, the Ninth, and the Tenth Legion all have six legion flags lined up, which is really imposing.

Following them were dozens of drummers playing the 《Victory March》, adding liveliness to the occasion.

Then the soldiers of the First Legion marched forward with their heads held high…

But just as they were about to enter the outer area of the city, the people of Theonia welcomed them with cheers and screams, bombarding the soldier’s eardrums: Some frolicking children imitated their marching, some of the enthusiastic girls chased them to throw petals, and some excited relatives and friends shouted the soldiers' names…

In such a lively atmosphere, these legion soldiers no longer knew what was happening as only a silly smile appeared on their faces. Even Adoris, who had seen the Triumphant Return many times, was now too excited. After all, this is his first participating in a way and enjoying the glory.

Among the enthusiastic audience, some began asking, “Hey, why are there two flag bearers walking at the forefront this time?”

“Haven't you read the announcement posted by the Senate? This time's Triumphant Return was to celebrate winning two wars. One is the war against the Dauni, and the other is the war against the Sikeloi. So to show fairness, they selected flag bearers from the two armies participating in these two wars.”

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