Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 184: Fifth-tier professional

Chapter 184: Fifth-tier professional

After discussing the secrets of the Black Tower, the conversation turned back to the current mission.

Qian Tiao seemed a bit tired as well, closing her eyes and saying, "Su'en, be careful when the time comes. Although Mr. Black's plans have never gone awry, I can only guarantee my own survival in such a level of combat. It's highly likely I won't be able to look after you. Be careful not to die."


Su'en listened and smiled.

Not to mention anything else, this gambling-addicted lady had always taken good care of him.

His mind was still digesting the shocking information he had heard tonight when suddenly he thought of something else.

Since the topic had come up, Su'en didn't hesitate to ask directly, "By the way, Sister Qian Tiao, does the '' symbol on your cloak have any special meaning?"

As he spoke, he traced the shape of the symbol with two S-like curves in the air with his finger.

If it were Mr. Black, Su'en wouldn't have asked, even if he was curious.

But with Qian Tiao, it was different.

If it couldn't be disclosed, she would directly say "I can't tell you."

If it could be disclosed, it meant that the information wasn't too secretive.

Upon this inquiry, Qian Tiao responded, "That symbol represents a talentS-003-Fate Controller. It's the talent that Sir Isaac awakened. A thousand years ago, it was also the emblem of a special organization in Dawn City. You must have guessed it; our organization does indeed have some connections with Dawn City, but..."

She suddenly stopped there, changing the subject, "As for the rest, you can ask the leader when the time comes."

"I see..."

Upon hearing this, Su'en thought to himself that it was indeed as he had suspected.

Back in the cursed space of the 1911 Hotel, when he saw 'The Magician' Edward giving a half-kneeling knightly salute to the cloaked figure, he had guessed that Mr. Black's "Mirror Organization" had some involvement with the special operations group of Dawn City back then.

And the symbol representing a talent didn't surprise him either.

When he saw one of the five statues at Storm Manor with this symbol, Su'en had guessed it was some kind of S-rank talent.

But what was somewhat unexpected was that Sir Isaac, hailed as a "demi-god," was the one who had awakened this strangely named talent.

Fate Controller?

Ranked even higher than his own Death Harvester, what kind of special abilities could it possess...

Su'en was curious.

But the "Mirror Organization" using this symbol to indicate their identity clearly had some special significance.

Qian Tiao didn't elaborate, and he didn't press further.

At this point, Qian Tiao seemed to remember something and suddenly smiled, "I heard you did well last time at the 1911 Hotel. The leader even mentioned you to me specifically~"

Upon hearing this, Su'en chuckled.


The "Mirror Organization's" hidden identity was Qian Tiao's biggest secret, and she had laid it all out tonight, truly treating Su'en as one of their own.

As the two chatted, the conversation flowed freely.

From the secrets of the Black Tower to alchemy, they even touched on some personal topics.

They talked until midnight, and their relationship grew significantly closer.


The next morning, Su'en woke up on time from his meditation due to his biological clock.

Qian Tiao in the bed next to him was still sound asleep.

This gambling-addicted lady really let her guard down around Su'en, her sleeping posture... was very unrestrained. Underneath her loose nightgown was just a simple pair of white underpants, which were clearly visible when lifted.

Su'en smiled, pulled the blanket over her, and didn't wake her up, burying his head in his daily work.

Flipping through alchemy books, crafting puppets, studying mechanical gadgets...

He still needed to prepare for that ambush.

Although he wasn't the main force, he had to think about how to escape in case of an emergency.

Su'en had spent most of his recent time like this, not feeling anything wrong with staying in his room.

Busy and fulfilling, time flew by quickly.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Sister Qian Tiao finally showed signs of turning over.

Seemingly having caught up on sleep after staying up for two days and a night,

She got out of bed with sleepy eyes, rubbed them, and complained, "Ah... I was wondering why I kept hearing sounds like a mouse gnawing on something in my dream. Turns out it was you, kid, tinkering with these broken pieces of wood early in the morning..."

"It's already afternoon, Sister Qian Tiao..."

Su'en thought she was talking to him and turned his head to look.

But he realized that this gambling-addicted lady had no intention of looking at him; she floated past him as if sleepwalking.

Probably accustomed to taking a bath in the morning, Qian Tiao directly took off her bathrobe, threw it on the bed, and went to the bathroom naked.

Su'en watched, touched his forehead, and returned his gaze to his puppet.

Then, he heard the sound of the shower.


Before long, the sound of water stopped.

Su'en heard someone walking out of the bathroom but didn't turn around, continuing to focus on crafting his puppet with the spider spear.

This gambling-addicted lady seemed refreshed after the shower and started dressing in the room with abandon.

She looked at Su'en controlling eight spider limbs to make puppets simultaneously and became curious, saying, "Yo~ Your method isn't bad. One person can do the work of seven or eight..."

"I am a puppeteer, after all."

Su'en replied.

He glanced up and saw Qian Tiao wrapping her chest in the dressing mirror.

He only glanced for a moment before looking away, teasingly saying, "Sister Qian Tiao, don't always wrap it up. From a medical standpoint, it's not good for development."


Qian Tiao hummed indifferently, picked up a half-finished Nightmare Doll from the table, and examined it, saying, "Your rune craftsmanship is quite good. Being able to draw second-tier runes so proficiently, you'd be considered a first-class rune enchanter in Old Lingdun."

"I'm still far from it..."

Su'en casually responded.

It wasn't false modesty; his level was indeed far from Mr. Black's standard.

The two were very close, their skin touching, and he could clearly feel Qian Tiao's body temperature.

Although this gambling-addicted lady didn't use perfume, Su'en also smelled a faint fragrance.

Hmm... the scent of soapberry shampoo.

Qian Tiao only looked for a while, seemingly uninterested in the puppet, and put it down.

She went to the dressing mirror, tied her lush green hair with a red cord, and instantly looked spirited.

Qian Tiao didn't wear makeup or dress up, so she was very efficient when going out.

She put on her kimono sleeves, covering the tattoos on her back and arms, then waved at Su'en, "Let's go~ Su'en, time to head out."


Su'en thought there was an operation, so he packed up and followed her out.


Qian Tiao took him straight to the gambling den,

And gambled big again.

Indeed, when a gambler has money in their pocket, they think about gambling.

Fortunately, the more than nine hundred thousand Qian Tiao had left from last night was lost in no time, and she calmed down.

In the following days,

The two of them honestly stayed in the hotel room.

Su'en didn't feel any different with another person around; his life was still very regular, doing what he needed to do.

Even often, when it came to knowledge in the top professional fields, he could ask Qian Tiao.

But this gambling-addicted lady was quite bored without gambling, always complaining, "I'm not happy anymore," or just sleeping in.

Hmm... and she was becoming less and less like an outsider sharing a room.


Six days later, Mr. Black's message arrived.

Finally, the entourage of Princess Theresa from the Duke's mansion set off.

Su'en and Qian Tiao left the camp and headed to the predetermined ambush site.

It's worth mentioning that the Duke's entourage did not take the three familiar routes used by the merchant caravans but chose a secret passage.

It was the same secret passage Su'en had used when he crossed over.

Su'en thought he was the only one who knew about this secret passage, but unexpectedly, not only did the people from the Duke's mansion know about it, but Mr. Black and his people also knew it inside out.

The map was very detailed.

Su'en had the eight-armed spider spear, and Qian Tiao was a top-tier professional, so their speed was very fast.

In just over half a day, they had already arrived at the ambush site.

It was a spacious stone cavern.

The area was large enough, with several passages for quick evacuation.


Su'en looked around and immediately found a suitable place to hide and ambush.

Qian Tiao pointed to the vast cavern and said, "Alright, you stay here, find a place to hide, and be careful not to be discovered. We will lead the people over later, and everything will proceed according to plan."

This gambling-addicted lady was wearing a suit of battle armor today, and her face showed an unprecedented seriousness when she spoke.

Before setting off, Su'en had felt her accumulating sword energy.

Her aura had also become increasingly dangerous.

Even though she was deliberately concealing it, standing next to her, Su'en felt as if he was next to a sharp blade, his heart slightly trembling.

The plan was already well memorized, and there was nothing else to explain, so Su'en nodded, "Mhm."

"Take care of yourself."

Qian Tiao warned him, said no more, and disappeared into the depths of the cave.

The first ambush site was not here; this stone cavern was just the killing ground.

Su'en looked at the cavern, then unfastened his armor and controlled the eight-armed spider spear to climb the rock wall.

He used silk threads to hang himself upside down on the rock wall, and the invisible zombie also hid nearby.

There were no traps here.

The plan was simple and crude; someone would attack Princess Theresa's entourage, but the actual target was a guard.

Lead the person here, then kill them.

As Mr. Black said, the simpler the plan, the less likely it is to be seen through.

The more complex the trap, the more likely there are to be slip-ups.


After hanging on the web, Su'en was like a spider patiently waiting for its prey, making no further noise.

During this time, he even saw two groups of three assassins rushing past.

He knew these were the professional assassins from the princess's entourage, sent to check the safety of the road, eliminate traps, and ensure the safety of the team.

Su'en didn't dare to be careless, releasing his perception and listening intently to the movements in the cavern.

Finally, after almost a whole day of waiting, there was a sound of earth-shattering noise from the depths of the cavern.

"They're coming!"

Hearing the commotion, Su'en instantly became alert.

The sound of battle from inside the cavern was initially imperceptible, but soon it became as loud as thunder, making one's scalp tingle.

"Shh~ That's a bit too exaggerated."

Su'en took a sharp breath.

Although he was prepared, feeling the violent elemental fluctuations in the air, he also felt a twinge of fear.

Without having seen the battle firsthand, the mere noise was enough to make his hair stand on end, let alone the terror of the fight itself.

According to Qian Tiao, ordinary third-tier professionals wouldn't even have a chance to escape under that "target"!

He took a slow breath and then reduced his presence to the lowest possible level.

He calmed his emotions, and his eyes were left with nothing but a numb coldness.


Just a few breaths after the battle noise came, several figures darted out.

Before they arrived, Su'en, hearing the rushing sound of the mechanical propulsion devices, immediately guessed that the newcomers were the super mechanical warriorsNumber 19!

Su'en didn't dare to look directly, his gaze diffused, and he saw that beside Number 19, there was also a burly red giant.

"The talent of the second stage awakening, Red Demon?"

Su'en recognized the talent of the man immediately.

But this Red Demon was much stronger than the 'Red Demon' Golan he had seen at the Cross Society!

Not only was this man's skin fiery red and his muscles bulging, but his entire body was also covered in a layer of molten lava armor, with flames spilling out a foot around him. The whole person gave off the impression of a lava giant walking out of a volcano's mouth, seemingly impervious to gunfire and possessing super strong defense.

Su'en even thought that "Fourfold Shot" might not

Moreover, beside these two, there was another person, a cloaked figure.

At this moment, a six-armed demoness with flaming hair was floating behind her, and even though her face was covered by the cloak, Su'en knew it was Qian Tiao.

At this moment, Qian Tiao revealed her six-bladed, six-armed state that she had never shown in public before, and her aura had reached its peak.

Yet, even with three top-tier powerhouses joining forces, they were being chased in a sorry state!Whether it was the two-stage "Red Demon" or Number 19, there was hardly an enemy that could last a single exchange.

With a single touch, they were sent flying backward, crashing into a pile of broken stones.

The sound of cannon fire echoed through the cave, marking the moments when the three of them were repeatedly thrown about.

Only by working together, covering for each other, did they barely avoid being killed!

Behind them, a rolling tide of golden light surged forward.

Su'en dared not look directly at the "target," but the mere presence of that golden light was like a mountain collapsing, instilling an instinctual fear of great terror in anyone who witnessed it.

If it weren't for Su'en's ability to control his emotions, an ordinary second-tier professional would have been scared into revealing themselves in an instant.

"What a domineering aura, is this the might of a fifth-tier powerhouse..." Su'en murmured to himself.

In the blink of an eye, the group had already reached the inside of the stone cavern.

The target had arrived at the ambush site when suddenly a purple light barrier appeared around the space.

"A spatial barrier?"

Su'en found it very familiar.

What surprised him even more was that at that moment, two cloaked figures emerged from the darkness nearby.

Yes, they came out of the darkness!

He had no idea what method they used, but they simply stepped out from the shadow of a rock. It was like a portal, yet there was no sensation of spatial fluctuation.

Su'en had been hiding for a day and had not noticed that within a few dozen meters, two people had been concealed!

One of them immediately cast a high-level spell, "Thorn Entanglement."

Judging by the proficiency of the caster, it was likely Mr. Black!

The other cloaked figure materialized from the shadows, his body turning into a purple ghostly light, and then his trace was no longer visiblean unmistakable sign of a top-tier assassin!


Su'en looked at the shadows on the ground and got a rough idea; the golden light seemed to be a two-meter-tall gilded giant.

Mr. Black's "Thorn Entanglement" took root and sprouted at the feet of the golden target, trapping him tightly in an instant.

But it only held for a moment before the gilded giant tore apart the entangling thorns with a single pull.

He looked around at the cursed space and said in a deep voice, "So it turns out your target is me..."

With that, his pride as a fifth-tier professional made him look down on the people before him, and he snorted coldly, "I didn't expect that after a few years without cleaning, the rats in the gutter have grown so fat..."

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