Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 175: Wild slaughter

Chapter 175: Wild slaughter

The method of unsealing the spatial scroll allowed Su'en to summon a large number of rune puppets in a short time. Before the enemy could turn their gun barrels, he had already called forth a hundred puppets.

By the time the enemy noticed the commotion and turned around, he had already pulled the strings, triggering the puppets' mechanisms.

The puppets stood in two rows, eighty "Oil Gobblers" in front, and twenty "Phosphor Dolls" behind.

It was in the moment that the strings were pulled that the jaws of the two types of puppets suddenly opened wide, one spewing black oil, the other emitting a pale blue phosphor fire.

Watching the astonished expressions of the Oliver family, a fierce light flashed in Su'en's eyes as he whispered softly, "Try my physical fire magic..."

Brutally simple.

In an instant, twenty "Red-faced Puppets" spouted a beam of fire from their mouths. Phosphor fire met oil, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into twenty rampaging fire dragons, striking towards the crowd.

Twenty spread to eighty, and in a moment, there were eighty fire dragons.

The improved "Oil Gobblers" had a powerful jet force, their black tubes like high-pressure water guns, spraying black fire oil dozens to hundreds of meters away.

This spraying distance was almost no threat to most professionals. Just by keeping their distance, they could easily avoid it.

But within the space limited by the sealing barrier, there was simply nowhere to hide!

And because the puppets were controllable, they sprayed wildly as they twisted their heads.

The blue phosphor fire, unextinguished by water and growing with the wind, left flowing flames wherever the fire dragons passed. In no time, several blocks within the sealed area were ablaze with raging fire.

Aside from a few sorcerers who could control fire, almost no one could withstand it head-on.

With this round of eighty fire dragons spraying in unison, the enemy's formation was immediately scattered.

Over a hundred people fled in all directions, each beginning to shoot with their guns.


"Take him down!"

At the command, gunfire erupted.

Su'en was not afraid at all, as a hundred puppets in front of him blocked all possible angles of gunfire. He controlled the rune puppets to fly chaotically, creating a scene of demons dancing wildly.

These members of the encircling team were indeed the elite of the Oliver family. After a moment of panic, they also found cover and began to counterattack. These guys had sophisticated firearms and superb shooting skills. Even though the puppets flew agilely through the sky, with hundreds of gun barrels aiming, they were hit with a crackling sound.

Although the dolls were fortified with sturdy runes and enchantments, the wooden material of the lower-tier dolls could not withstand too many concentrated bullet impacts, especially since there were people with man-portable cannons and mechanical claws attacking among the crowd. Almost every hit resulted in an explosion.





After a round of strafing, the black-faced "Oil Gobblers" at the forefront kept exploding.

However, it was not just a simple explosion.

Like compressed gas cylinders being burst, the sky exploded with bursts of flames.

Phosphor fire splattered everywhere.

Watching the exploding puppets, Su'en did not feel sorry at all; instead, he revealed a smile that suited his intentions.

These were not the small-capacity puppets of before, but space puppets modified by him using spatial magic.

With each explosion, the space sealed within the puppets also burst. Like exploding oil drums, "boom" after "boom," black phosphor oil splattered all over the sky.

Phosphor fire splattered and stuck, impossible to extinguish. In no time, painful wails of agony could be heard everywhere.

"Ah... hurry... help me take off my bulletproof vest!"

"Damn it, my mechanical arm is burning red, someone help me take off this mechanical skeleton!"


Whether it was textiles or machinery, once contaminated with phosphor oil, they could only wait for the oil to burn out. Not everyone was a fire mage capable of dealing with this sticky burning oil; a little contamination meant burns.

And the threat was not just that.

"Oil Gobblers" that were blown up seemed to have lost their ability to spray directionally, appearing much less threatening.

But the explosion was more direct than using a spray tube, and the burning area spread rapidly, reaching an extent that was simply unstoppable.

Within this few hundred meters of restricted space, phosphor fire was everywhere.

At first, the people of the Oliver family did not notice anything unusual, but as more shattered puppets appeared and the inextinguishable phosphor fire spread, someone realized the problem and shouted, "Careful, these flames are toxic! Put on your gas masks!"


Toxic gas?

No, it was not just that.

Phosphor fire indeed produces deadly toxic gas when it burns, but that was not the main reason Su'en used so much fire oil.

In fact, Su'en did not expect it to burn or poison anyone to death.

Instead, it was to create thick smoke to obscure vision and to rapidly consume the oxygen in the space!

The burning of fire oil also required a huge amount of oxygen.

Outdoors, it might not be noticeable, but in a closed space, these tens of tons of fire oil would consume all the oxygen in the air in an extremely short moment.

This was the tactic Su'en thought of when he first heard from Sabina that the Oliver family was preparing to use "Spatial Lockdown" against him.

A closed space was not only suitable for "Puppet Theater," but it was also an extremely advantageous home ground for his "Phosphor Dolls."

Although this was a world filled with alchemy, and ancient alchemists had long been able to prepare and separate oxygen from the air, laboratory research and civilian use were two different things.In the minds of the vast majority, the concept of oxygen as a separate entity simply does not exist.

Filter-type gas masks can handle most toxins, but they can't solve the problem of oxygen deficiency. (Forget about sodium peroxide and the like in regular gas masks).

Soon, people began to experience difficulty breathing.

"Ah, I think I've been poisoned!"

"Someone save me..."


The cries of agony continued, growing fainter and fainter.

The rapidly decreasing oxygen content in the air made them gasp greedily for breath.

Then they found it increasingly difficult to breathe, instinctively wanting to remove their gas masks for a few breaths.

But then they realized that what they inhaled was poison again.

Their faces turned ashen in an instant, and they fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

The Oliver family's hundred-plus elite members collapsed en masse in the blink of an eye, like wheat being harvested.

Even professionals quickly began to show signs of hypoxia.

Some spellcasters who understood the situation shouted, "Stop shooting, don't attack those oil-spewing puppets anymore! Cast a spell to replace the air, or we'll all die here!"


The gunfire ceased abruptly.

Su'en listened to the exchanges of those around him and calmly took out a compressed air tank, connecting it to his mask.

Ordinary scavengers might not understand why they were having trouble breathing, probably thinking it was poisoning. But after all, this was the elite group of the Oliver family, mixed with alchemists from the inner city academies.

It was not surprising that they could see through it.

Using the principle of equivalent exchange to cast a spell and replace the other toxic gases with fresh air was indeed the correct response...

But would Su'en give them that chance?

Watching someone cast any wind-based spell, he raised his hand and fired several shots to kill.

Those who weren't killed were certainly elite spellcasters, too busy replacing the air to deal with Su'en.

With this move, he instantly nullified the enemy's numerical advantage by ninety percent!

Since the enemy had stopped shooting, Su'en had no intention of letting them off. With a flick of his wrist and a light shout, "Explode!"

The dozens of intact "Oil-Swallowing Dolls" burst apart in an instant, splattering oil everywhere.

Now... the fire became unstoppable.

Moreover, the burning of phosphorus oil produced a large amount of high-temperature black smoke!

As the oxygen in the sealed space dwindled, the phosphorus oil burned incompletely, creating more and more dense smoke particles. The high-temperature smoke interfered with all optical detection methods, rendering even the best night vision devices useless.

This was a physical visual barrier even more effective than a smoke grenade.

The high-temperature smoke couldn't disperse in the sealed space, and the purple light barrier acted like a glass cover, enclosing several streets within it.

Visibility dropped lower and lower,

One hundred meters...

Fifty meters...

Ten meters...

In the blink of an eye, the black fog enveloped most of the space, and in some areas, you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face.

Now that no one could see,

It was all about perception!

Su'en did this because among second-tier professionals, his perception ability was absolutely superior.

Not to mention that after the evolution of his All-Seeing Eye ability, he could still see farther than others in the dense smoke. Combined with his super-sensitive auditory perception and malice detection abilities, he could easily pinpoint the enemy's location.

Now, the enemy's numerical advantage was completely gone.

Without a clear target, even the best marksmanship and equipment were useless.

After doing all this, taking advantage of the chaos in the enemy's ranks, Su'en extinguished the light source on his body and stopped shooting.

Ignoring the fire-spewing puppets, he once again used spatial teleportation and appeared in the midst of a group of people dozens of meters away.

Due to the extremely low visibility, the professionals from the Oliver family had not yet realized that an extra person had suddenly joined their ranks.


The commander of the Oliver team clearly had a wealth of combat experience. Upon realizing that their vision was obscured by black smoke, he immediately guessed Su'en's intention.

"Be careful of enemy sneak attacks!"

"Form trios, back to back!"

"Don't shoot recklessly!"

At his command, the surviving professionals formed trios, back to back, covering each other.

This posture indeed made it difficult to launch a sneak attack.

However, Su'en had no intention of taking action himself.

With the unrolling of a scroll, another dozen puppet dolls appeared out of thin air.

This time, they weren't fire-spewing puppets, but "Nightmare Dolls."

These were a combination of the previous "Wailing Dolls" and "Giggling Dolls." After mastering the technique of dual rune inscription, Su'en created these new puppets that were very troublesome, possessing both auditory and visual hallucinogenic functions.




As soon as the puppets appeared, their limbs split open, revealing pitch-black, poisoned, sharp daggers.

With a command from Su'en's Octopus Spear, the dozen puppets flew towards the crowd.

The "Nightmare Dolls'" psychic wails, although still not very wide-ranging, required a proximity of one to two meters to affect the minds of professionals.

But... the terror was in their numbers!

The mixture of strange laughter was like ten thousand aunts babbling in one's ear, instantly driving one to the brink of mental collapse.

Moreover, the puppets, fearless of life and death, would not be deterred by knives or guns.

After the Witch's Hair was completely elementalized, the control was utterly untraceable.

A dozen puppets were like a dozen Su'ens.

They plunged into the crowd, and the sound of their eerie laughter instantly blurred the minds of those around.Then, in the moment of distraction, there was a chaotic stabbing spree.

Screams and gunshots filled the darkness.

Su'en, like a specter, mercilessly reaped the lives of those still breathing professionals.

A wild slaughter!

In the brief encounter, Oliver's hundred-plus men hadn't even had the chance to act violently before the poison gas killed the majority, and the strange puppets stabbed to death the rest, leaving almost none alive.

What was originally a space barrier meant to trap their prey had become the very death knell for these pursuers.



Wails and screams were incessant.

The Oliver family's second-tier professionals had plenty of life-saving tricks, and although they could temporarily protect themselves, they were powerless to stop Su'en's killing spree.

The thick smoke obscured everyone's vision.

With over a dozen disturbances, they couldn't discern where the real "Su'en" was.

A rash move might just result in a spatial rift suddenly appearing and severing their heads.

Moreover, everyone now knew that Su'en was a second-tier professional, so no one dared to underestimate him.

Not to mention the black scythe in hand, even in a direct confrontation, they were all second-tier professionalswhy would anyone necessarily be weaker than you?

And at this moment, they also came to a stark realization.

Were they here to hunt down the "SS wanted criminal Su'en"?


Looking at it now...

From the beginning to the end,

it was Su'en who was luring the snakes out of their holes.

Realizing this, the few surviving second-tiers were drenched in cold sweat.

The five companions who had died during the pursuit were not mere coincidences, but all within Su'en's calculations.

Although they didn't understand why Su'en was so intent on killing.

The fact was, if they didn't figure out a way, they were likely to be completely annihilated.

And now, embarrassingly, what they thought was a space barrier trapping Su'en, turned out to only control them!

They had never anticipated that Su'en would awaken such a rare spatial ability.

At this time, a soft and cautious voice came through the communicator.

"Damn, we need to find a way to pinpoint Su'en's location and take him out, otherwise, we're afraid we won't last until the barrier opens... Mr. Lloyd, what should we do now?"

Before an answer could be given, someone in the communicator suddenly said faintly, "Hey... haven't you noticed that our entire plan from start to finish has been in Su'en's grasp?"

"You mean..."


The conversation was cut off halfway, and the communicator fell silent.

Everyone understoodtheir communication channel had been intercepted.


Su'en, listening to the silence in the communicator, knew that his eavesdropping had finally been discovered, and chuckled to himself, "Only now they realize..."

But it didn't matter.

The plan was going smoother than expected.

At this point, those guys couldn't possibly turn the tables.

Now, the only uncertainty for Su'en was whether he could kill all the second-tiers in this space before the enemy's main forces arrived.

Of course, the enemies were all well-known veteran second-tier professionals, and naturally, they wouldn't be captured without a fight.

Su'en glanced at the threads drifting down from above and narrowed his eyes slightly, "The puppet show begins, huh..."

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