Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 163: Bonjour

Chapter 163: Bonjour

After Barbara went up, as expected, the frequency of the four strange deaths increased.

Su'en harvested again and again, and the formation was on the verge of collapse.

But the closer he got to victory, the more cautious he became.

It was common for the boss to use a powerful move before dying.

The four strange puppets were completely harmless, but Su'en didn't feel any joy. Instead, a sense of unease grew stronger in his heart.

He looked at the increasingly dense ghost mist in the restaurant and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Since there were already other enemies in the cursed space, there was no need to hide. Su'en thought for a moment and took off the "Oz Ice Man's Shroud" wrapped around the abomination corpse, then wrapped it around himself.

Although it would consume some lifespan, he felt that this was the safest way.

However, it turned out that Su'en's caution indeed saved him from a major crisis.

Just after harvesting the soul fragments, the ghost species, "Hanged Corpse," failed to gather enough souls to successfully condense, and the sacrificial formation completely collapsed.

Almost at the same time, a piercing scream suddenly came from the end of the corridor.

It sounded like nails scratching a blackboard, causing goosebumps all over.

In an instant, a two-meter-tall strange nun rushed down from the second-floor staircase, full of killing intent!

Its speed was extremely fast, as if it teleported.

Su'en had just seen the strange nun with a green face at the staircase a hundred meters away, but in the blink of an eye, she had already appeared in front of him.

Now, the only one standing in the large banquet hall was the abomination corpse.

The target of the old nun was clear, she wanted to kill the "culprit" who destroyed her formation.

With a slap, the abomination corpse, over three meters tall, was directly sent flying. After the sound of bones cracking and muscle tissue breaking, its huge body flew out and crashed into the ruins, breaking a load-bearing pillar and shattering a wall.

"What power is this!"

Su'en quickly lowered his gaze and didn't dare to look at the terrifying monster just a few meters away.

He didn't even dare to determine its level.

With such terrifying power, the abomination corpse could hear the sound of bones cracking. Su'en felt that his body probably wouldn't be able to withstand even a single blow.

Moreover, its almost teleportation-like speed couldn't be avoided.


Fortunately, the shroud was a "sealing object" that isolated all energy fluctuations.

Su'en, who was standing against the load-bearing pillar, narrowly escaped disaster.

But the strange nun seemed to know that someone was nearby. Although she couldn't see, she reached out her hand and kept groping in the air...

Su'en watched as the strange nun got closer and closer. Even if he was calm, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat from the oppressive feeling that made his soul tremble. This nun had completely become a demon. This was not a normal aura at all, but the aura of a "super-tier creature."

Su'en's eyes became serious, and his mind quickly thought about how to deal with the current crisis.

His most powerful move was the Black Scythe.

But with the nun's speed, it was impossible for him to have the opportunity to swing his knife.

He didn't even dare to provoke the abomination corpse to test if it was still alive.

Just at this moment, there was movement at the staircase.

Su'en looked over and saw two disheveled figures coming down.

One had a large hole in his abdomen, and the other had a severed arm.

Only two of them?

The one with the hole in his abdomen was Edward, the "Magician." The wound seemed to have been hollowed out by a claw, but it was temporarily held together by a black spatial power, preventing the blood from flowing out.

Barbara had a severed arm and her face was pale, looking extremely weak...

Su'en's heart sank as he looked at their injuries.

Could these two heavily injured individuals defeat the strange nun?

"The boss has indeed gone berserk..."

Su'en didn't dare to determine, but he could roughly guess.

If it hadn't gone berserk, the battle wouldn't have suddenly ended after being deadlocked for so long.

At this moment, the noise made by Edward and the others coming down immediately attracted the attention of the strange nun.

It didn't search for Su'en anymore and rushed over in a rage, seemingly teleporting with each step.

A resolute expression flashed across Barbara's face, and a strong pink aura surged from her body as she met the nun head-on!


The old nun reached out and pierced Barbara's chest, causing black blood to spurt out.

But at the same time, Edward behind her was rapidly changing his hand gestures for his magic, and a mysterious octagram formation lit up under his feet.

His face turned pale, as if he had used some forbidden technique to the point of overloading.

In that split second that Barbara fought for, his condensation spell had already taken shape. He clapped his hands together and solemnly shouted, "Spatial Secret Art: Midnight Seal!"

With this spell, it was as if all the lights suddenly went out, and the entire corridor became pitch black.

And the space near the position where the strange nun stood turned into a viscous asphalt-like substance.

The space turned into black fluid and slowly adhered and compressed onto the tall strange nun's body, completely restricting its almost teleportation-like speed in place.

Edward controlled the nun, but couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

It was probably because the overloaded spell caused him to lose control of his injuries, and the wound on his abdomen suddenly burst with blood.

Edward wanted to condense the mage seal again and use a killer move, but it seemed very difficult...

"A good opportunity!"

Su'en, not far away, saw this and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

He didn't care about exposing himself and decisively reached out with a cross-shaped void, pulling forcefully.

The abhorrent zombie still had a faint breath, which meant that it was not dead yet!

Su'en didn't care about the condition of the zombie, he pulled the black scythe and swung it towards the neck of the sinister nun.

Now that the sinister nun was under control, this was the only chance!

The black scythe swung down, and a spatial crack appeared instantly at the end of the corridor, on the neck of the sinister nun.

"Bang!" A head fell to the ground.

No matter how tough the sinister nun's body was, it was cut in two in front of the spatial crack.

Su'en breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Edward felt relieved as well.

Barbara also relaxed and slowly closed her eyes.


Since they had started, there was no room for any luck.

Because he didn't see the gray mist, Su'en didn't dare to be careless and rushed up, directly pulling out the Oil Swallower and Phosphorus Fire Dolls to burn and scorch the body of the sinister nun.

And because he was close enough, he also harvested the gray mist on Barbara's body.

"You obtained 3 fragments of 'Contaminated Barbara's Memories'."

"You have stripped off a fragment of obsession and obtained the 'Advanced Succubus Contract'..."

"You have gained some memories, Mental Magic Proficiency +11..."

"Mental Power +4.1"

Su'en didn't have time to digest what memories he had just stripped off, and an unexpected event happened as expected.

Just then, the temperature around them suddenly dropped significantly.

Edward, who was sitting on the ground, turned pale, as if he sensed something, and muttered in despair and unwillingness, "Did I fail again..."

As soon as Su'en heard this, almost reflexively, he took out the golden card from his pocket and shot it out.

At this time, the "ghost mist" around them became denser and denser.

The black energy gradually gathered on the body of the sinister nun on the ground, extinguishing the flames.

This headless corpse slowly stood up again.

At almost the same time, an indescribable will seemed to descend on the body.

That momentum grew stronger and stronger.

Just a glance made Su'en feel as if there was a mountain pressing on his forehead. It was a kind of terrifying horror that wanted to bury him in the dust, something that couldn't be looked at directly or described!

But this pressure only lasted for an instant, and the overwhelming pressure suddenly dissipated.

Su'en was overwhelmed, as if he heard someone whisper, "Finally, it's out..."

He didn't know how long had passed,

Su'en's gaze focused again, as if he saw a dim yellow light shining from the endless abyss of darkness.

It was not dazzling enough, flickering as if it could go out at any moment.

But it dispelled the darkness, step by step, becoming brighter and brighter.

More and more real.

There was nothing else in Su'en's field of vision.

He just watched as a person in a golden cloak, holding a quaint hexagonal copper lamp, slowly walked out from the end of the darkness.

The copper lamp dispelled the darkness and sucked in the strands of black smoke.

The surroundings returned to the original appearance of the hotel corridor.

The person in the golden cloak took out a box, condensed a ball of flame glove with one hand, reached out, and seemed to pull out something black from the body of the sinister nun, quickly stuffing it into the box.

"Click" The box closed, and that terrifying feeling that made people's souls tremble disappeared completely.


Su'en saw the person clearly and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "He really came..."

The golden patterned cloak was naturally the symbol of Mr. Black's organization.

The appearance of the copper lamp was also very familiar, it was the "Furnace Lamp of Vogang".

It turned out that they took the copper lamp for this moment.

What surprised Su'en was that not only did he recognize the person in the cloak, but even Edward, the "magician" on the opposite side, seemed to recognize the person or the cloak at the moment of his death.

A fanaticism representing honor and loyalty appeared on his face, then he struggled to stand up, and actually knelt down on one knee towards the person in the cloak, performing a knight's salute with one hand protecting his chest!

The person in the cloak glanced at him, nodded, and seemed to approve of his actions.

Edward's life dissipated.

Now, Su'en couldn't understand.

An NPC from a thousand years ago showed such a great courtesy to a modern person?

What... special meaning does the cloak have?

But there was no malice, they were friends, not enemies.

Su'en didn't think too much about it.

In fact, when Mr. Black gave him this card yesterday, he guessed that today's spatial exploration would probably end up like this.

That powerful organization must have come for the "Curse Source" of this cursed space.

This big boss must be killed.

Without this factor, Su'en wouldn't have dared to act so boldly.

Although it looked dangerous, all the "accidents" were actually expected.With a sigh of relief, Su'en finally relaxed.

The cloaked figure glanced at Su'en, pausing for a moment, seemingly surprised that he could achieve this much.

His tone was devoid of any emotional fluctuation, only offering a kind reminder, "The space will collapse in a quarter of an hour, be careful. There might be trouble when you leave."

"Alright, thank you."

Su'en didn't say much.

The cloaked figure didn't say much either, carrying his box and heading up the stairs.


Watching the figure leave, Su'en casually harvested the grey mist from Edward's body.

Obtained 'Contaminated Edward' Memory Fragment*2

You have mastered some 'Spatial Magic Techniques'...

You have mastered some Magic Techniques...

Mental Power +1.6

He didn't go upstairs or anywhere else.

He just watched with anticipation as a light slowly gathered on his corpse.

Materials were being produced, but they might not necessarily be the advanced materials he wanted, they could also be implants...

These few minutes felt incredibly long.

However, his anticipation eventually came true.

A glowing hat appeared on Edward's corpse.

Magician's Top Hat

Quality: Gold

Description: Who knows what might be hidden inside a magician's hat, perhaps a whole world?

Cursed Feature: You can pull out something from within a certain range from the hat, but a random item of equivalent energy will be sucked into your body;

Explanation: Can be used as a material for job advancement, significantly enhancing skills, agility, medium resilience, super high perception attributes, and understanding of spatial abilities after advancement; Fusion requires a high containment value, it is recommended that a dark spirit power value of 18000+ has a higher success rate;

Evaluation: Compatibility 96%; This is a very rare high-quality spatial material;

"Phew... It finally came out."

Su'en looked at the identified attributes, his eyes trembling.

Looking at the attribute introduction, skills, agility, perception... and spatial abilities.

This advancement material was a perfect match for him, just as he had expected!

Moreover, the surprises didn't stop there.

Not only did Edward's corpse produce materials,

A strange puppet also condensed on the body of the headless witch.

Thanatos' Death Substitute Puppet

Quality: Legendary

Description: A life borrowed from the Grim Reaper, dare you use it?

Cursed Feature: After a blood sacrifice, the puppet will take a fatal attack for the host; But after resurrection, you will hear whispers from the unknown in the next month, that is the voice of the devil's temptation; You may learn some high-level demon secrets from it, but there is a high chance of causing mental disorder.

Explanation: A replica artifact, used to exchange souls with the Grim Reaper for a chance to be reborn;

"Legendary" quality, another treasure of the forbidden level.

Seeing these two items, a smile gradually appeared on Su'en's face.

This trip to the space was worth it.

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