Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 184: 132 Chain Calamities, Large-Scale Suit! _1

Chapter 184: Chapter 132 Chain Calamities, Large-Scale Suit! _1

Jiang Chen could understand the words of the Darkness She-Host because of the [Universal Translator].

This device translates language and thoughts into comprehensible similar words to achieve barrier-free communication.

For example, what one steps on is called the [Earth], the satellite orbiting a planet is [Moon], and the central star in a galaxy is [Sun].

However, there’s a catch to this translation method—

Both parties must have certain awareness of a thing for it to work.

Just like the incident with Master Chao.

Although many mecha pilots on Planet Blue Star, including Li Xiao, piloted their mechas to challenge Him,

He did not understand, nor did He know the concept of a [mecha pilot].

Therefore, originally, He referred to Jiang Chen as [Challenger], which was very vague.

This time, the words of the Darkness She-Host were translated to [mecha pilot], instead of ant, enemy, challenger, or the like.

This indicated She not only had seen mecha pilots but also fully understood the meaning of a mecha pilot and possessed a corresponding concept of the whole mecha pilot system, just with a different nomenclature.

This was outrageous!

Any 2nd Rank mecha pilot on Planet Blue Star had a clear awareness of their own strength.

They would no longer challenge unbeatable enemies indiscriminately like they did at 1st Rank.

Therefore, in twenty years, there have only been four challenge records for the Abyss difficulty level of Demon’s Descent.

This was obviously not enough for the Darkness She-Host to understand the system of mecha pilots.

She must have other sources of information.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s eyes shone as he firmly grabbed hold of the Darkness She-Host’s limbs, shaking them slightly.

“Who would have thought the famous legion overlord would know my identity?”


The Darkness She-Host is an overlord of the Abyss Level 2.

She has drawn the strength of an entire planet, with attributes reaching a hundred thousand.

Such formidable power couldn’t free Herself from Jiang Chen’s grasp and was tightly held in place.

After struggling forcefully for a moment, all Her other limbs had already shattered rocks and sunk down, yet Jiang Chen’s hand remained unmoving.

At this moment, She seemed to understand something.

“Just like the cockroaches in the kitchen that can never be fully exterminated and always manage to resurrect from the ashes…”

“Using a power called Abyss Rune, rampaging throughout the abyss…”

“This legion has been fighting an eternal enemy for ages…”

“Even many legion overlords have been enslaved by you…”

“Heh, the stench of you mecha pilots, I could easily recognize it even if it were burnt to ashes.”

The Darkness She-Host’s voice was chilling and sharp, yet without a trace of fear.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen’s vision brightened.

This Abyss overlord, true to being from a major organization, indeed knew quite a bit!

Her legion has been contending with mecha pilots for ages?

Shift the perspective a bit. Hasn’t the alien demon invasion on Planet Blue Star also lasted for twenty years?

Clearly, it’s highly likely that the legion is a calamity faced by some ancient civilization!

“So everything makes sense now.”

“The more powerful a civilization is, the greater the calamity it attracts.”

“Just like the original Fire Transmitter civilization, those ancient civilizations might have spanned countless years and perhaps already mastered the ability to traverse the abyss without the need for special characteristics.”

“Becoming true Abyss-level civilizations!”

“Then the calamities they faced must also be of the Abyss level, or even more terrifying!”

“Such calamities, being able to threaten civilizations of that magnitude with abyss-crossing capabilities, is only natural.”

“Just like a fierce wind blowing not just affecting the biggest bonfire but also causing ripples that affect the scattered weaker flames.”

“These terrifying calamities could also reach weaker civilizations, becoming the source of disaster for many more…”

Thinking about it carefully, there seem to be similar shadows in other Age-Old Shadows.

In Master Chao’s Star of Mutation, the source of calamity was an extraterrestrial virus brought by a meteorite from outer space.

What is the source of the virus?

In Master Luo’s Endless Demons Realm, it was the opening of the gate to Purgatory that led to an outpour of countless demons.

What lies on the other side of Purgatory?

Why did the Ice Soul Tyrant suddenly resurrect after thousands of years, acquiring the power to freeze an entire planet?

These inexplicable sources of disaster.

Perhaps each one corresponds to a horrific Abyss-level calamity!

Of course, these Abyss-level calamities currently do not affect Planet Blue Star.

However, they provided Jiang Chen with a train of thought.

[Module Set].

Under normal circumstances, modules produced by the same Age-Old Shadow, due to the same power source, are more likely to be combined into corresponding sets.

Like the [Infinite Core] set provided by Master Chao.

However, the types of modules produced by a single Age-Old Shadow are limited.

Even if the power source is the same, the attribute effects may not be a match, and they may not be able to combine to form a set of modules.

This is why, so far, Planet Blue Star has only managed to come up with a few module sets.

With fewer Age-Old Shadows and fewer options, naturally, there are fewer combinations.

Now, it seems possible to change the approach.

Different Age-Old Shadows might also have the same source of disaster!

Like this so-called Demons Legion.

It exists at 1st Rank and 2nd Rank.

Perhaps 3rd Rank, 4th Rank, 5th Rank, and even stronger Age-Old Shadows all have traces of legion calamities!

Then, Jiang Chen just needs to keep searching for the series of modules from the legion calamities.

It would be possible to assemble a complete, large Module Set!

[Demons Legion Set]!

Additionally, there’s the viral life calamity represented by Master Chao…

[Virus Life Set]!

The netherworld demon calamity represented by Master Luo…

[Netherworld King Hades Set]!

As long as the scale of the Abyss Calamity was large enough, and there were plenty of Age-Old Shadows left behind,

naturally, they could be combined into an exceptional top-tier Module Set!

“What a horrifying Legion calamity…”

“It’s clearly the second-generation angel investor after Master Chao!”

In just an instant, Jiang Chen recognized the essence of the Legion calamity.

In addition, there was a keyword in the words of Darkness She-Host that caught Jiang Chen’s attention.

“Mecha pilot enslaving a legion overlord?”

“How are they enslaved?”

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Until now, he had only heard of killing abyssal monsters, absorbing the abyss atmosphere, and producing module materials.

He had never heard anything about enslavement…

Could it be that those ancient civilizations had already researched special techniques to capture and train abyssal monsters into something like Pokémon?

Jiang Chen’s curiosity, however, touched on the sensitive heart of Darkness She-Host.

She had been relatively calm, but upon hearing his question, she suddenly erupted in rage.

“Damned mecha pilots!”

“I knew it, you have no good intentions!”

“What loyalty to the Legion… you’re nothing but a despicable swindler trying to extract information!”

“Don’t think you can enslave me!”

Darkness She-Host screamed, launching an attack.

Magic Energy fires, flesh-slicing moves, and various other techniques were unleashed one after the other.

Unfortunately for her, Jiang Chen had already pumped his force agility attribute to 250,000 and his defense to 280,000 during the rank advancement trials.

He had the crushing advantage, easily blocking these moves.

Using his formidable strength, he steadily suppressed Darkness She-Host, hoping to extract more information.

Unfortunately, regardless of whether he used gentle persuasion or threats and temptations,

Darkness She-Host, like a mad creature, was unwilling to divulge any more information.

Even after Jiang Chen demolished all her limbs and pinned her forcefully to the ground, she just sneered coldly.

“Even in death, I merely return to the Void.”

“You will never truly be able to kill me.”

“On the contrary—”

“Since you have made it here, it means your world has already caught the Legion’s attention.”

“One day, I will find your world and bring the Void Legion to destroy your civilization!”

“…Don’t forget to get in line.”

Jiang Chen found that he could no longer squeeze any more out of Darkness She-Host, so without hesitation, he shattered her body.

As a great deal of abyss atmosphere rushed into his palm,

the ever-burning flames on the planet finally began to die down.

The wailing souls also scattered joyfully.

Lines of text appeared before his eyes.

[Killing Darkness She-Host, you’ve acquired the perfect module: Magic Energy Surge (Supercharged).]

[Successfully slew the boss, ending the Abyss Calamity.]

[Number of people who cleared: One]

[Abyss level: 2]

[Rewards settlement is based on known information…]

[You have earned the perfect module: Magic Metal Shield (Supercharged).]

[You have earned the Nascent Form Mecha: Shadow Demon Spider (Excellent).]

[With the Abyss cleared, the Age-Old Shadows will now be formed from the Abyss fragments.]

[With the Abyss cleared, the new Endless Abyss will now be unlocked based on the level of the Abyss.]

[With the Abyss cleared, Endless Difficulty Level is now available.]

[First clearance of Abyss Level 2 has increased the Civilization Potential of Planet Blue Star, current potential: 23.]

[An unknown trait is brewing (Insufficient Civilization Potential, please continue to enhance).]

[Settlement complete, detaching from Abyss in thirty seconds.]

“Didn’t get the multi-limb, multi-foot modules, huh…”

Jiang Chen scanned the rewards settlement and felt somewhat disappointed.

The reason he chose [Demon’s Descent] as the first Age-Old Shadow

was not only because it was somewhat similar to [Demons Gate], but also because Darkness She-Host was a multi-limbed overlord.

Her arms and legs combined numbered more than twenty, which might have yielded corresponding multiple arm modules.

This would work well with the Three Lives Skull.

The entire Three Heads and Six Arms Set and such.

Unfortunately, while hopes were high, the desired outcome did not materialize.

“No worries, I’ll just post a trade request in the alliance market later.”

“Let everyone help me get some limb modules…”

“Not the Spider-Form Arm kind that can’t be modified, the standard limb modules won’t do, it has to be like the Three Lives Skull, allowing the modules to take extra effect…

“That way, there’s a chance to form a set.”


When Jiang Chen saw the Nascent Form Mecha [Shadow Demon Spider], with an appearance quite similar to Darkness She-Host, a thought struck him.

[Mecha pilot enslavement of abyssal monsters] mentioned by Darkness She-Host…

Could it possibly mean, creating similar Nascent Form Mechas through killing and then constructing the corresponding Mecha?

On closer consideration, it really seemed possible!

However, Jiang Chen glanced at the attributes of the Shadow Demon Spider and couldn’t help shaking his head.

“With such lackluster attributes, who would want to enslave you…”

“Truly a letdown.”

Darkness swept over, engulfing him completely.

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