Masters, Are You Going To Imprison My Sister?

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Dont cry.

I was always weak against my sisters tears. Its been the same since childhood. Isnt everyone like that? When a child much younger than me bursts into tears, Im doomed, and Ill either bring a toy to pacify the child or hand over a snack.

But there was a day when it rained that I really couldnt stand her face.

That day, Yuria cried so long, so much, she couldnt even tell if it was rain or tears that flowed down her face. She grabbed the black umbrella rolling on the floor, the rain-soaked hair, and the coffin that contained the icy body as she cried out, Mom, Dad. I still cant forget her moans. Behold, among the partially missing memories, this memory clearly revealed its form

That day, I thought that I had to protect this delicate and weak child several times younger than me.

Seeing your crying face reminds me of that day, and the events that happened in the mansion that followed with disgust.

Okay. I will tell you.

So please dont cry in front of me

Then I will

So please stop crying. It was wrong of me

I have no choice but to apologize to stop those tears.

Im sorry for being selfish. But really It was really all because I was thinking of you, sister.

Like a clown saying unintended things and acting like a fool.

As if she wanted to say something, she opened her mouth but then shut it again. She replied, wiping away the tears with her hands.

Are you really going to tell me? That isnt a lie?

Yeah, really

Now I really have no choice but to say it.

There was no other way. If I try to avoid answering, shell get angry, and if I give her the same reason, she wont believe me. Unless I tell her the reason for my actions, there will always be fights and they might get violent over time. There is no time to fight.

So, Layla, tell her now.

You know I have no choice but to speak. And my sister is begging me to tell her

Oh? This is for the best.

I couldnt be sure of this the whole time I grabbed my sisters hand and dragged her to the bed. She seated next to me as I organized the story, I had to tell her in my head. It took a long time for me to open my mouth, as constant thoughts flooded over me while I was organizing. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. And looked into my sisters blue eyes. My face reflected there was very distorted. She looked very distressed, like someone stabbed her a with a knife.

Sister, I met Alexander at the Dukes birthday party.


Yurias expression darkened in an instant.

He didnt do anything to you?

The previous quarrel made it clear that she didnt trust Alexander at all. She probably never will. From my sisters point of view, the loyal dog who was waving his tail at the Count suddenly changed his attitude and made her escape and gave her money to leave for a foreign country. I wouldnt trust it too.

He didnt. Dont worry, Alexander is a trustworthy person He even helped us.

But I was different from my sister. Before escaping, there was a story I had heard from him, and was able to trust Alexander a little.

I cant remember the details of that story, so its hard to tell my sister.

That person told me. I dont know why, but the Duke said she wanted to be friends with Count Nigor. She plans to invite a lot of people to this mansion in the future.

Just hearing Count Nigors name made my sisters body tremble. She clenched the blanket tightly.

When I saw that, I regretted it deeply. I had made her scared just because Im telling her. What is this situation? Why am I was trying to solve it on my own

Sister, are you okay?

Just as I was about to stop talking, my sister raised her head.

Dont worry. Im fine.

Cold sweat dripping down her face. She looked at me with the fear she was struggling hide. Those blue eyes shone brightly.

Yeah, I got it. And?

As I stared into those eyes shouting at me, I felt strange.

What are you trying to say? I dont get it.

Unwilling to look any further, I lowered my gaze.

He said he doesnt seem to have forgotten you yet When the Count sees you, I dont know what he will do.

We cant stay here any longer. We have to run away.

So you. Why didnt you tell me earlier? If you had, I would have been able to write a resignation letter. If you just said  I am.

Yuria sighed.

Okay, lets go. Youre right. If the Count comes we cant be here anymore.

My sister jumped up from her seat. She approached the drawer, opened the compartment on top, and as soon took out the quills and ink I had been given.

To be honest I Its hard to believe what the Counts aide said. But because you believe him, I will too.

Then she pulled out a resignation letter from the paperwork she was holding. I watched her as she put resignation letter on the desk and put the ink on a nib.

Can I just use this?

Ah, yes. I think you can write it down and give it to the head maid. She submitted the resignation letter and said we had to leave in three days. Then sister Were leaving the mansion, right?

Then after we leave, are you planning to go to the other nobles who hate Count Nigor? Where are you planning to go? Do you have any ideas in mind?


Then lets think together. Originally this was  We should think about it together.

Soon, my sisters resignation letter was in my hands. I looked down at it and burst out laughing. I couldnt help but laugh. It was so easy to convince her. I was just barely telling her the reason and she was ready to go all out.

When I explained the reason, my sister accepted the situation so easily and wrote her resignation letter. Plus, she didnt seem as shocked as I thought she would be.

I thought my sister would cry when I told her about the Count Nigor matter. She was terrified and trembling, thinking he was going to catch her. I thought she was going to cover her ears and yell at me to shut up.

But it wasnt.

So, have I been stupid all this time? Did I foolishly hide the secrets and act like an idiot? no. No, no, no, no! My sister is just trying to pretend shes okay because Im watching, and she must have been very shocked inside. Its just that she doesnt show it. So, I have to protect my sister, right?

When we were young, when boys played tricks with her, she didnt know how to resist, and cried rivers, same at our parents funeral, and also when we escaped from the Counts mansion. My sister is a weak person.

She has always been. So, its me who is the strong one and the one that has to protect her.

As if trying to convince me to admit I was stupid, my sister followed up.

Layla. Do I look good?

I looked up at my sister. uh? What the hell happened? My sisters face could not be seen clearly, as if there was a mist in front of me. My vision was blurry as if I was wearing wrong power glasses. I couldnt tell what my sister was doing, whether she really was okay or not.

I am not as weak as you think. Even if you say things like that, I wont cry or run away.

Then dont hide anything from me in the future.

You too It will ease the burden if you are not alone

I couldnt answer. For now, I was forced to reply, but, if possible, I will not mention the Count to my sister. That was how I was protecting my sister. Yuria looked down at me and rubbed my hands softly, and then turned away from me.

I changed into my pajamas and went into my sisters bed. Its been a long time since I was a kid to sleep together in the same bed.

And hugged each other to sleep.

As I closed my eyes, buried in the warmth, my heart felt at ease. I wish I could live happily with my sister for the rest of my life like this. Thats all, its just a small wish. Why, why is it so hard to live?

Who wants to conquer the world? Or did I say I wanted to become the richest person in the empire? As I thought about it, tears welled up. To hide from her, I gently fell from her arms and wiped away my tears.

There was no need to be in the dark again. After all, were escaping from this mansion now. There was no way to meet Count Nigor, nor to see the faces of the masters. Finally free, The freedom Ive been dreaming about . I grabbed Yuriaa hand and fell asleep.

And I dreamed being trapped. Someone sitting with a chair in front of the gate to my cell stared at me with a blank look. I yelled at him to get out. Someone reached out and stroked my cheek. It was a man. He had red eyes. It was a very unpleasant dream; I couldnt come to my senses for a long time after waking up.

But the reason I didnt pay much attention to my dreams was because today was a perfect day. I woke up in the morning, my sister was smiling as usual, and a delicious chicken sandwich waiting for me at breakfast. Besides, I was reluctant to meet the three masters, and I never met Isley.

Even when I went to clean his room, it was empty, and the clothes I had usually taken out were laid out on the bed in a meticulously organized state. Arthur didnt call me to look for the cat, and I didnt see Osses flirting with my sister.

Even though my friends were sad that I had to leave, they talked happily about what to eat at the farewell party. With Lemon, who was always arguing with me, I shared stories about the resignation letter that had spread, and stories of everyday life.

The head maid took back the resignation form, gave detailed instructions on what to do before we left, and beckoned us to leave.

But even though everything was going smoothly, I felt uneasy.

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