Master of Beasts

Chapter 1667: Guardian

Chapter 1667: Guardian

The chaotic howling sound spread from the cracks in the space, and the figures of monsters whizzed out from it. The corpses of the Canglian Fire Demon clan that had not yet landed, were torn away by them and swallowed into their abdomen.

That scene was quite bloody.

"What... make a mistake!"

One by one monsters appeared between the sky and the earth, and Xiao Yang suddenly froze in place, his face full of horror.

So many monsters?

He stabbed the monster den?

"This is going to be finished!"

The Yulong King's wings stretched, and Xiao Yang stepped on the ground, moving around like lightning, black thunder and ice ridges falling on the path he passed.

The strength of these monsters is unexpectedly strong, and the weakest one is the seventh-order Void-level, the eighth and the ninth, and it is countless.

There are not so many top-tier spiritual virtual powerhouses in the entire continent!


After grabbing a few palms, Xiao Yang fled to him. A sturdy monster roared up to the sky, and its body instantly swelled to the size of a thousand meters. It was slapped with a palm.

"Water God Light!"

The road ahead was blocked by a few monsters, Xiao Yang immediately used the water divine light, and the speed soared exponentially, but the monsters like the sea did not allow him to escape at all.


The sound made was ambiguous, and the giant ape-like monster grabbed a monster casually, like throwing a stone, and threw it towards Xiao Yang.

"Boom boom boom!"

Potholes were smashed into the earth.

Xiao Yang was quite embarrassed to hide.

"Master Mo, hurry up and use the heavy prison gate, or I will be planted here!"

Xiao Yang yelled as he wiped the blood on his face.

"This area is weird."

Master Mo frowned and said: "Except for those space cracks, the entire world is perfectly sealed. My ability can't be used for half a point. It stands to reason that in the continent where the strongest is only the Holy Emperor, no one should be able to do this. ."

"Blocking the world?" Xiao Yang gritted his teeth.

"People in your mainland have never been to thousands of planes, not only above the holy emperor, there are even stronger levels."

Master Mo leisurely fascinated: "This existence is called Domination. Hundreds of planes disintegrate within a single thought. It is said that the current world was created by the ruler who opened up heaven and earth, and only he can reach the perfect sealed space."

"Of course, that master has fallen for hundreds of billions of years."

The light in Master Mo's eyes diminished slightly: "When he fell, his body was divided into four dominating Origin Qi. If the spirit beast swallows these dominating Origin Qi, it might also be able to use his abilities."

"So what?" Xiao Yang's figure flashed.


A giant fist like a mountain smashed down, and the earth collapsed. The giant ape-like monster was even more bloodthirsty in its eyes, and the offensive was like a strong wind.

"There is no reason." Master Mo spread his hands.

"You play with me!"

The corners of his mouth twitched, Xiao Yang frantically used magic weapons, and he used almost all life-saving methods, but there were more and more monsters surrounding him.

"no solution anymore!"

After being hit by the giant ape monster, his chest sank a little, Xiao Yang coughed up blood, his fierce gaze suddenly turned to the turbulent space crack.

Probably, this is the only escape route.

"Hey, don't mess around!"

Seeing Xiao Yang's hydrofoil rushing towards the space crack, Master Mo yelled in horror: "These space cracks may lead to any place, maybe it is an endless abyss, maybe it is a dark space, it will kill people!"

Even Jieyan has something to fear.

There are too many weird and powerful existences in thousands of planes.

"Do you have any other way!" Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Master Mo's face changed, and he sighed helplessly.


Seeing that Xiao Yang was about to enter the crack of space, thousands of monsters leaped up together in an extremely shocking posture.

"What's that over there!"

Outside the restricted area, Feng Jiuyuan stared.

Duan Lingyun was also dumbfounded.

Xiao Yang was just about to enter the crack.


A huge black light suddenly swept away, Xiao Yang stopped abruptly, a plume of red blood ran down his scalp, and thousands of monsters in the sky burst.

After a while.

A demon claw covered with scales protruded from a crack in the space. The only surviving giant ape monster was caught by it. The crunching chewing sound and the howling of the giant ape monster were extremely loud.


Xiao Yang's throat rolled hard.

what's the situation?


The devil's claws covered with scales smashed to the ground heavily, and the entire restricted area of the heaven seemed to shake, and a huge figure of ten thousand feet slowly appeared.

On its back, there was a sharp bulge, and the claws that fell on the ground were extremely sharp, staring at Xiao Yang's two eyes like a giant wheel.

Black Devil Dragon!

"Does heaven kill me?"

A huge mountain-like black devil dragon was in front of him, Xiao Yang secretly smiled bitterly.

The Black Demon Dragon ranks third among the thirty-six demon races. It can blast and kill a spirit beast of the same rank with a single blow, and it is powerful in combat.

Moreover, there is a part of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi on the claws of this black devil dragon.

The source of heaven and earth, the symbol of the quasi-emperor.

He's probably planted!


As if playing with prey, the corner of the black dragon monster's mouth evokes a cruel curve, with fierce giant claws, continuously exploring around Xiao Yang.

However, it just doesn't shoot.

Obviously, he extremely enjoys this feeling of controlling the life and death of others.

"Eight-pole splitting lightsaber!"

Moving back quickly, Xiao Yang swung his palm fiercely~~ the eight lightsabers scattered and flew.

The demon claws were raised, shaking the lightsaber into light spots, and the black devil dragon looked at Xiao Yang jokingly.

"Can't even the octopole splitting lightsaber cause any harm at all."

Xiao Yang's complexion turned pale.

This is already his strongest attack method, but for the semi-emperor-level black devil dragon, he doesn't even have the qualification to tickle. Right now, Medusa is still sleeping.

How can he survive!

Demon claws covered with scales swept over, shaking Xiao Yang's mouth with bleeding, and his internal organs surged.

at this time.

"I just drank a pot of wine secretly, and there was such a big incident here, dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty."

Accompanied by the distressed sound, the claws of the black devil dragon instantly solidified there, and a brilliant wheel of light rushed from a distance.

The light wheel chopped across.

The body of the Black Devil Dragon was full of cracks and torn apart.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yang was stunned.



The gorgeous light wheel of time smashed to the ground. In the middle of the light wheel, there were countless rotating hourglasses, and an indifferent spirit beast stood in front of the light wheel.

"Quasi-emperor-level monster? Fortunately, it's just advanced, otherwise he will run out, it may be another demon slaughter."

Picking up the magic crystal of the black devil dragon, the old man who fell from the sky mumbled: "Just a devil slaughter is enough to make people headache. I heard that the killing **** has been arrested for decades without success."

"Under Xiaoyang, thank you senior for helping." After recovering from the shock, Xiao Yang arched his hands.

"Oh? There are still people here. It's trivial, not enough."

Waved indifferently, the old man just about to leave, suddenly turned his head, his eyes were shocked: "Boy, what did you just say about your name? Say it again!" ()

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