Master of Beasts

Chapter 1629: Xia Zhen disappeared

Chapter 1629: Xia Zhen disappeared


Hearing this terrible place name again, Xiao Yang couldn't help but ripples in his heart.

For the people of Four Regions, Dizhou has always been a symbol of mystery and power. Not going there for a while in this life seems to be a great regret.

Xiao Yang felt a little strange about this mentality before, but he didn't think much about it.

But after listening to Master Mo's account, he thoroughly understood.

This is the lower plane, the longing for the higher plane!

Although the Spirit Beast Continent is vast and rich in resources, it is not in the same order of magnitude as Dizhou. Regardless of the number of strong people or the level of cultivation, it is not a world at all.

The people of Dizhou treat the residents of the Spirit Beast Continent as if Ling Xu overlooks the Spirit Emperor.

This gap...

As big as the sky!

"It's time to go." Xiao Yang smiled faintly.

Today, the development of the Star Alliance is in full swing.

Under his guidance, powerful alchemists and formation wizards continued to appear.

Sword King Nanchen also stayed.

Coupled with the protection of the ancient blue soul chapter, as long as it is not a true emperor, there is no way to help the Star Alliance.

After preparing for a few days, Xiao Yang was about to leave.

A big event.


"Leader, this is the sales of elixirs and magical instruments in recent months. According to your instructions, even if the demand is huge now, we still sell them at the usual price and never take the opportunity to increase the price."

In the hall, Su Ze presented a booklet.

Turned a few pages.

"How are the acquisitions of Black Scale Origin Crystal and Xu Lingshi?" Xiao Yang closed the booklet, placed it on the table aside, and looked at Su Ze.

"Eight hundred black scale source crystals, three hundred virtual spirit stones."

"So few?" Xiao Yang frowned.

Black Scale Origin Crystal, an eighth grade ore, after being tempered and combined with special ore, it can increase the hardness of the wall several times, and can resist the bombardment of a true emperor-level spirit beast at the highest.

As for the Void Stone, it can make the Heavenly Star Palace move quickly, even reaching thousands of miles in an instant.

But to achieve these two points, the demand for the quantity of ore is extremely high.

At least 10,000 of each.

"I will continue to think of ways." Su Zelian said.

"Leader, are you really going to Dizhou?" Yu Ji hesitated for a moment, looking worried.

Dizhou is not a four-region, it is dangerous, and if one is not careful, it may be planted there.

Among the four realms, those who have been to Dizhou do not know the geometry.

Can you come back alive?

Very few!

"Leader, otherwise you will think about it again?" Someone started to persuade.

It has been less than half a year since the Star Alliance was formally established. Although it seems to be thriving on the surface, its foundation is not stable after all.

Most of them came for the identity of Xiaoyang Eighth-Rank Alchemist and Eighth-Rank Refining Master.

In the unlikely event of Xiao Yang's accident, the Star Alliance will undoubtedly collapse!

"I thought it over clearly, and I don't have to persuade it anymore."

Xiao Yang raised his eyelids slightly and said: "In the Star Alliance treasury, I have left six seventh-order void-level spirit demon puppets, each imprinted with the soul of the sixth pavilion master. In addition, there is also an eighth-level spirit demon puppet. Its soul imprint was only branded on Su Ze. During the time I was away, the Star Alliance was temporarily in charge of Su Ze."

"Insurgent, cut!"

Everyone was chilling.

Xiao Yang was very considerate.

It's no wonder that these few days have been behind closed doors in the refining pavilion, because it turned out to be for the creation of the spirit demon puppet.

"Anything else?" Xiao Yang said.

If the Pu Mohua was not destroyed too much, he could build two of the eighth-order spirit demon puppets.

For a while.

No one answered.

"In this case, then..."

Halfway through the conversation, Xiao Yang's pupils shrank sharply, and the cold hair on his body stood up at this moment, and a fatal sense of crisis surged into his heart.


Taking a shot of the tabletop, Xiao Yang stood up.

A black light flashed on the seat.


"Break it to me!"

Yu Ji and Su Xiao hurriedly released the spirit beast attack, and the fierce offensive fell, the silver figure was unmoved, and rushed straight towards Xiao Yang.

It was a tiny spider, silver all over, without any breath of life.



The closed eyes opened, the flames swept through Nan Chen's body, and the Yan Ring Sword Master who rushed out quickly cut the silver spider from the middle with a wave of his sharp sword.

What is unexpected is.


The spider's body split into two halves, spraying out two strands of black sap.

The Yan Jie Sword Master's complexion changed wildly, half of his body was immediately eroded by the juice, and the people in the hall rose with coldness.

Very toxic!

What a strong corrosive ability!

"Damn it!" Nan Chen's face was ugly.

The violent toxicity prevents the sword master of Yan Jie from moving, otherwise as long as the stick is cut off, further erosion can be prevented.

It was Xia Zhen who made a decisive decision and smashed the corroded part of Yan Ring Sword Master.

Can do this, she is now a seventh-order Lingxu.


Taking out the spiritual power of ten million pieces of spirit jade, transforming it into the spiritual power of stars, after Xiao Yang healed the sword master of Yan Ring, he squatted down and looked at the two halves of the spiders on the ground coldly.

next moment.

"Not good!" Xiao Yang's heart beat wildly.

A gloomy door opened out of nowhere, and Xiao Yang kicked the two halves of the spider in. A hundred miles away, the explosion sounded loudly.

"Exactly...who did it?"

Seeing the black mushroom cloud rising in the distance~~ Su Ze's face was slightly stiff.

So careful thought.

First, let the spider magic weapon sneak attack on Xiao Yang. The sneak attack failed. The venom will be sprayed at the moment of destruction. What's more terrifying is that the split into two halves of the body will cause a violent explosion once it is closely observed by someone.

Three sections!

No one can stop an assassination of this level except Xiao Yang.

"The leader is still great, knowing that there will be such a day, a space connection point will be set up a hundred miles away." Yu Ji wiped his cold sweat, and looked at Xiao Yang admiringly.

The same is true for others.

Nanchen nodded secretly.

Only Xiao Yang twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

He did not make any preparations, the dark gate is the heavy prison gate of Master Mo, if it is not a last resort, it will hardly be opened.

These people...think too much.

"How can this thing escape the blockade and sneak into the Heavenly Star Palace."

As soon as Su Qing said this, everyone's bodies trembled.

In case there is another time, can they still be so lucky?

"Don't worry, I'm sure this is the first and last assassination."

Picking up a piece of debris, Xiao Yang sniffed lightly: "The mixture of black flame crystal and emptiness spirit world stone, no wonder it can escape everyone's detection."

Void spirit world stone, a rare void substance.

Refining so much, at least one 8-rank refiner is required, and it takes a hundred years.

In order to assassinate him, the other party also paid a lot of money.


When everyone was rejoicing, Su Ze looked around and his hair was horrified: "Where is Xia Zhen? Where did Xia Zhen go? She was here just now!"

After sensing it, Xiao Yang's expression changed wildly.

Xia Zhen's breath completely disappeared.

The opponent's goal.

It's Xia Zhen!

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