Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 95: Su Yao, who has mastered the power of prophecy

Chapter 95: Su Yao, who has mastered the power of prophecy

Chapter 95 Su Yao masters the power of prophecy

In the palace some distance away from here, the three warriors of Immortal Palace were also very anxious at this time.

Thor was expelled, the god-king Odin fell into Odin's Sleep, Loki took power, and forbade them to go to Thor. How could this make them not anxious.

Compared to Loki, they think Thor is more suitable to be the king and the king!

And Asgard may face war soon, which makes them want Thor to come back even more.

Because last time Thor and Thor broke into Jotunheim without permission and angered the Frost Giants, the Frost Giants had vague thoughts of provoking a war.

In order to prove that only he is more suitable to be the king, Loki has begun to think about how to perfectly solve the country of frost giants.

He wants to prove to Odin that only he, Loki, is more suitable to be the king of Asgard.

In the palace.

Fandral, one of the Three Warriors of Asgard, walked anxiously, Volstagg lay eating and drinking, and the other two were silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

After a while, while they were talking, they were going to find Thor.

Suddenly, a guard wearing armor opened the door of the palace and walked in.

The guard said, "Heimdall needs your presence."

After he left, Fandal and others immediately became anxious.


Himdall wouldn't have heard them and wanted to disobey Loki's order and go find Thor, right?

Even though the Three Warriors of Asgard and Sif were feeling uneasy, they still had to go.

After a while, they appeared at the Rainbow Bridge launch station, and Heimdall saw them appearing and immediately started questioning them.

You actually want to resist Loki, our king?

Broken the promise you made as warriors and committed treason to save Thor?

The scene was silent for a while.

The goddess Sif admitted, "Yes."

"Okay." Heimdall nodded, and then walked outside without saying anything, as if he was angry with them.

"Will you help us?" Sif couldn't help but ask.

Heimdall walked and said, "I am loyal to the kingdom and cannot open the bridge for you."

After saying that, he walked straight out of here.

Seeing him leave, Fandral asked, "Isn't this guy difficult to deal with?"

He was thinking about whether he could defeat this guy and force him to open the Rainbow Bridge.

However, as the gatekeeper of the divine realm, Heimdall's combat power cannot be underestimated. Even if the four of them go together, they may not be completely sure.

"What should we do?" Volstagg, a tall and muscular man with red hair and a red beard, asked.

Suddenly, Sif patted Fandral and pointed behind her.

The four people looked over and saw a golden sword inserted in the center of the hall, where the Rainbow Bridge was opened, and this sword was the key to opening it.

A white electric light flashed on the sword, and the Rainbow Bridge was activated!

Sif and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Soon, their figures disappeared here.

Loki in the temple naturally noticed the opening of the Rainbow Bridge and walked straight towards the God's Domain Treasure House.

He used the God King's scepter, the Eternal Spear, to release the Destroyer armor that guarded the treasure house. It was a black armor that could move on its own, similar to a sentry robot, but it was much scarier than them.

The energy beam emitted from the head will turn Asgardians and Frost Giants into ashes instantly if they are shot, even if their skin can withstand bullets.

Compared with it, the Sentinel robot can only be regarded as a child.

Dont let my brother come back.

Destroy everything!

Loki thought about it while giving orders to the Destroyer Armor.

He was also planning to go to Midgard. He was supposed to go there before, but he was delayed for a while because of the Frost Giant incident.

He was going to see that good brother, and at the same time he was going to see Mjolnir.

He also heard the curse spoken by his father Odin before he threw the hammer.

He also wanted to try and see if he could lift Mjolnir.



A huge beam of light fell from the sky. It was the energy beam from the Rainbow Bridge.

When the light dissipated, the figures of the three warriors of Asgard and the goddess Sif appeared here.

The four of them walked towards where Thor was. Along the way, they attracted a lot of onlookers from passers-by.

Is this the Renaissance?

Mom, these people are dressed so strangely!

The four men wearing battle armor and holding axes, swords, and shields instantly attracted strange looks from a bunch of people. Because of the frequent occurrence of strange phenomena, the members of SHIELD who came here to investigate also noticed the four people walking on the street, but they did not pay attention to them.

There were many people wearing strange clothes, and they thought these four people were attending some kind of Renaissance carnival.

In a shop, Thor had just recovered from the loss of Thor's hammer abandoning him and was fiddling with things when he suddenly heard a knock on the glass door.

Jian and the three of them turned their heads and looked over together, and suddenly saw four strange people wearing ancient armor.

Vostagg shouted in a loud voice, "Found you!"

They pushed open the glass door and rushed towards Thor, the God of Thunder. Thor also looked surprised and hugged them.

Jian and the other three looked at them in disbelief.

Thor, God of Thunder, patted Hogan on the shoulder and introduced him immediately, "He is my friends."

He turned to look at Hogan and the others, and said slightly excitedly, "I'm so happy to see you."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of something, "Are you here to take me back?"

Sif and the four of them nodded.

Thunder God Thor thought of something and said in despair, "You shouldn't have come."

Why? Sif said excitedly, Thor, do you know how difficult it is for us to come down here? Why dont you want to go back with us?

The three warriors of Asgard, Hogan, Fandral, and Volstagg, looked at him in astonishment.

Thunder God Thor was silent for a while and said a few words that shocked them.

I am no longer the God of Thunder. I was deprived of my divine power by my father, and I still have Mjolnir...

Thor was disappointed and said, "It even abandoned me and recognized a Midgardian as its master!"

Do you know how easy Mjolnir is in that persons hands? Its like he is the God of Thunder and I am a waste

After saying this, the three warriors of Asgard and Sif opened their mouths wide, with expressions of confusion and disbelief on their faces.

Quake has recognized a Midgardian as its master?

It doesnt obey your orders? How is this possible?

Who is that person and why is he recognized by Quake?

A series of questions came out of their mouths. They were shocked and puzzled. They really couldn't figure out how Quake would recognize a Midgardian.

Especially, if there is also the curse of God King Odin, this is probably designed for Thor's experience, but even in this case, can it be lifted by a mortal in Midgard?

They are a little doubtful about life.

In their eyes, they are gods, and the Midgardians are mortals. A mortal raised a weapon that should belong to a god?

Even if Thor said this himself, they still didn't believe it.

Thor, take us to find that person. He must have used some trick, otherwise how could he be recognized by your hammer... Vostagg shouted.

Sif and others also nodded, expressing that they wanted to meet the Midgardian who was recognized by Thor's Hammer. Maybe they would be able to see something by then and directly see through the Midgardian's trick!

Not to mention they were stunned, Loki, the **** of trickery who had already quietly come down and was hiding aside, also heard Thor's words.

A man from Midgard lifted Mjolnir? Loki expressed disbelief and secretly said, My stupid brother, do you know what you are talking about?

At this time.

Speaking of the Midgardian, Thor, the God of Thunder, suddenly thought of something, and his bearded face gradually became filled with shock.

"Hey, my friends, do you know what the Midgardian said to me before he left?"

What did you say?

Xif and others were stunned, not understanding what he meant.

On the other hand, Jian and others on the side had their eyes widened, exclaiming in disbelief.

In the doubtful eyes of Sif and others, Thor, the God of Thunder, said slowly, "He told me that you will come down from God's Domain to find me."

Xif and the others didn't react at first, but when they figured it out, they were startled and surprised.

A Midgardian, actually knew they would come down?

At this time, Thor, God of Thunder, said in disbelief, "He also said earlier that Loki would hunt me down."

Sif and the others looked at each other, slightly frightened.

They did not completely disbelieve this statement, but rather had some doubts about it.

Based on what Loki did before, it is really possible that he will hunt down Thor!

If what he said is true

How does he know all this, a Midgardian?

Fandal and others didn't know how to describe their mood at this moment.

As gods, how could they one day find a Midgardian mysterious?

Don't talk about them anymore, Loki, who was invisible at the side, suddenly lost his calm expression and cracked open.

His thoughts were actually predicted?

At this moment, he found that he was actually afraid of a person from Zhongting.

Midgardener, who are you? Lokis eyes were solemn.

Whether it was for Thor's Hammer or these predictions, he felt it was necessary to find this person, meet him, and see what he was like and what kind of person he was.

A man from Midgard actually knows a lot about Asgard, and can he still tell how things will develop in the future?

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