Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 93: The Amazing God-King Odin and Heimdall (for ‘Blue

Chapter 93: The Amazing God-King Odin and Heimdall (for ‘Blue

Chapter 93 The Amazing God-King Odin and Heimdall (Additional update for the leader of the Blue Sea Breeze)

Feeling the strong wind blowing, Su Yao expressed that he was a little careless.

Had it not been for the level 2 divine body, which greatly increased the density and defense of his body, ordinary people would probably be out of sorts by now.

Looking at his flying figure, Heimdall and Odin of Asgard's domain had strange expressions.

This child, why did they feel a sense of dj vu? Watching him fly, they almost thought they saw Thor in a trance.

He seems to be very familiar with Thors hammer? God King Odin wondered.

How can a normal Midgardian use Mjolnir so skillfully?

As the two of them watched, Su Yao flew in the direction of the God of Thunder.

In the process, he changed directions several times before finding the direction in which the car left.

Su Yao saw that the car drove to the hospital, and then Thor was carried into the hospital.

After a while, a woman named Jane and a woman named Daisy appeared at the front desk. Under the questioning of the hospital nurse, they kept telling Thor's information.

Ive never seen him before

They were recording information there, and Thor in the ward also woke up from the ward at this time.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a middle-aged male doctor with blond hair.

Hey, draw some blood.

As he said that, the middle-aged doctor was about to take action.

When Thor saw this, he immediately became angry and yelled, "How dare you attack the son of Odin!"

He began to struggle to get up from the bed.

Someone help me! the middle-aged doctor shouted while suppressing the situation.

Several people came around, but Thor pushed them away.

Quick, find security!

Security, please come to Emergency Room No. 3!

Soon, Thor was suppressed by a group of strong bodyguards, but he still shouted, "You are no match for me!"

As a result, he collapsed completely after one shot of injection.

This man is crazy, I suspect he smoked.

Some doctors complained.

The next afternoon, after a lot of confusion, Thor finally clarified the basic situation and accepted the reality.

At this moment, he was eating in a restaurant with Jane and others.

How did you get into the clouds?

How can you eat such a big box of egg tarts and still look so hungry?

Thunder God Thor was eating and drinking a human drink, and praised, "I like this kind of drink!"

Not bad, right? Daisy smiled.

Come again! Thor suddenly slammed the cup to the ground, as if he wanted another cup.

Jian and others were shocked and hurriedly apologized to the store owner.

After cleaning up, Jane couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

This is delicious, I want to drink it! Thor, the **** of thunder, had no idea what was going on and didnt think there was anything wrong with smashing the cup.

You have to speak out.

I told you.

You have to speak well and dont throw things. Dont do this next time

As they were talking, things were changing dramatically in Asgard.

In the treasure house of God's Domain, Loki is walking cautiously.

Looking at the blue treasure placed on the pillar, which is the ancient winter coffin, the box of ice, the frost giant's most precious treasure, Loki showed hesitation on his face.

Not long ago, when he and Thor went to Jotunheim to fight those frost giants, he was accidentally attacked by the frost giants, but found that not only was he not frostbitten, but the skin color of the parts attacked by the cold air had also changed.

Become like those frost giants!

As the God of Trickery, he immediately doubted his identity and suspected that he was a Frost Giant!

So, he came to the treasure house and prepared to find the Ice Box to verify his identity.

Just as he picked up the Ice Box, a sharp shout sounded from not far away.

"lay down!"

Loki recognized who it was without even turning his head. It was his father, Odin.

After a moment of silence, Loki asked, "Am I cursed?"


"What am I?"

You are my son, said Odin.

At this time, Loki put down the Ice Box and slowly turned around.

At this moment, under the influence of the Ice Box, his entire skin turned blue, and he looked like a frost giant.

What else? Loki was vaguely desperate.

He walked slowly towards Odin, sad, desperate and angry.

You brought back more than just the treasure box from the Jotun Giant Village that day, right?

Odin, who was wearing yellow clothes and with a big beard, was silent for a while and then spoke.

After the war, I went to the temple and found a baby

As he spoke, the surrounding scene seemed to have returned to the distant past.

As a descendant of giants, he was too small. He was abandoned and suffered there, waiting to die..."

Finally, Odin revealed Loki's true identity, "The son of Laufey..."

The leader of the frost giants, son of Laufey?

Loki opened his mouth to confirm with red eyes, but he didn't hear a negative answer, and he collapsed.

Why! Loki gasped quickly, You were killing people and bleeding like rivers in Jotun, why did you save me?

You are an innocent child Odin said.

However, Loki didn't believe it at all and said angrily, "No, you must have other reasons for bringing me back, what is it?" The scene was quiet for a while, and Loki shouted angrily, "Tell me!"

Odin had no choice but to say, "I thought that our two kingdoms could one day become one, bring about an alliance, and through you, form a permanent peace..."

This is also what Odin meant when he told Loki and Thor when they were young that they were both born to be kings.

Originally, he planned to make Loki the King of Jotun and Thor the King of Asgard, hoping that they would be friends forever.

But these plans are no longer in use...

Later, he really regarded Loki as his son.

However, Loki did not listen to what his father Odin said.

Loki looked uncomfortable and was unwilling to accept this answer.

Recalling Odin's behavior of favoring Thor, he became more and more sad and angry.

So, Im just a stolen object?

Lock me up until you need me one day? he asked.

Why are you twisting my meaning... Odin wanted to explain.

However, Loki didn't care about him at all, and still asked himself, "You could have explained my origin to me from the beginning..."

Everything is clear now!

Why have you been partial to Thor all these years? Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you will never let a frost giant sit on the throne of the sir!

Loki was approaching step by step, and Odin felt a little uncomfortable. He sat down and opened his mouth to say something, but before he could finish speaking, he fell into Odin's sleep.

That is to say, when the divine power reaches a certain level, the body will not be able to support it, and the divine power in the body must be adjusted through deep sleep.

Asgardians get more powerful as they get older. Odin's power of Odin is so powerful that it has reached the point where it must adjust itself through Odin's sleep at certain intervals.

His mood swings were too high just now, and he was forced to enter Odin's sleep.

Of course, even if he is asleep, he can still sense his surroundings and even the situation on the earth.

Loki was startled. After observing for a while, he hurriedly shouted, "Guards!"

Guards, come and help!

Soon, the door to the treasure house was opened, and two guards in armor hurriedly ran in.


After eating, Thor, the God of Thunder, walked out of the store, with Jane and the other three chasing after him.

Where are you going? Jane asked doubtfully.

Im going to get my things back, Thor said.

Jian and the others were stunned when they heard this, and asked in confusion, "What is it?"

Did you leave anything in the same place?

Thor nodded, "Yes, I want to find my hammer!"

A hammer again?

Jian and the other three looked at each other, almost thinking that this guy's illness was not cured yet.

What hammer? Jane asked after hesitating.

Thor, God of Thunder, walked in front and said truthfully, "Mjolnir, my Thor's hammer!"


Thor's Hammer?

Jian and the other three looked at each other, really feeling that this guy was seriously ill.

Otherwise, how could you come up with such outrageous things?

Just when they couldn't help but want to question, a voice came from not far away.

Are you looking for this?

Thunder God Thor and others looked over.

I saw a mysterious man dressed in white, standing at a fork in the street not far away.

In his hand, he held a silver hammer.

Su Yao waved Thor's hammer and looked at Thor, the God of Thunder, with interest.

My Mjolnir!

Thunder God Thor's eyes suddenly showed surprise, and then he was stunned, "Why is it here with you?"

"Who are you?"

Hmm, Mjolnir, Mjolnir?

As soon as he finished speaking, Jian and the others suddenly looked surprised and stared at the hammer curiously.

Looking left and right, they really couldnt see anything special about this hammer, it looked ordinary.

Yet such a broken hammer is called Thor's Hammer?

Jian and the other three looked at the two of them with crazy eyes.

"Who am I?" Hearing the question from Thor, the God of Thunder, Su Yao got playful and said slowly, "I am the God of Thunder!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar, the sky immediately darkened, and a thick thunder struck down.

Su Yao held Mjolnir in his hand and wore a dazzling battle suit on his body.

Looking at the man in white surrounded by thunder, Jian and the other three looked at the two of them with crazy eyes, their eyes widened in an instant.

Oh no, this is impossible! Thor, the God of Thunder, opened his mouth wide, he was in a hurry, at a loss, and his face was full of panic.

"Mjolnir..." He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to recall Thor's hammer.

Unfortunately, no matter how he called, Thor's hammer did not move at all, and it still stayed in the man's hand.

The man in white is so majestic, as if he is the real God of Thunder!

Thunder God Thor's face was ashen, like a dog abandoned by its owner, how pitiful he was.

Su Yao:

No, do you want this expression?

Looking at the man in white on the left and Thor on the right, Jane and the other three were completely shocked.

Arent they mentally ill?

Is this thunder and lightning really the hammer of Thor?

So, what is their identity?

Thinking of something, the three of them were slightly shocked.

Thanks to the Blue Sea Breeze leader for the 120,000-coin reward!

Additional updates for the leader. Today I updated three and a half chapters. The last chapter is quite long. I will continue to update tomorrow~

By the way, its the end of the month. Please give me your monthly ticket. Please kneel down and beg...

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