Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 72: Blackened Phoenix Female Piano

Chapter 72: Blackened Phoenix Female Piano

Chapter 72 The Blackened Phoenix Female Piano

A huge flame-red laser appeared and hit a sentry robot in an instant.

The next second, the sentry robot was thrown away by the laser, and then the luster of diamond appeared on its body, trying to change its form to avoid the blow.

Unfortunately, facing a collection of almost countless laser beams, it was obviously beyond his upper limit, and most of his body was directly destroyed.

With a bang, it fell to the ground and did not move for a long time.

Looking at this scene, the audience and netizens looked surprised.

It can fly so fast and still reflect energy?

The sentry robots were destroyed like this?

Also, the feeling the boy gave them at this moment

Heaven and earth seem to coexist with him, and all things seem to be unique to him, and they look a little unhuman...

Coupled with the strange accompanying music, countless audiences became nervous instantly.

Fortunately, the next scene made them relieved.

Seemingly realizing that they could not attack together, the sentry robots changed their strategies tacitly and began to attack Su Yao with lasers.

A streak of red light flashed across the sky, accompanied by Su Yao who kept dodging.

Had it not been for the increased speed of floating flight, he might have been hit.

Of course, if this continues, it will be a matter of time before he is hit.

Seeing him dodging left and right, the audience and netizens were a little happy.

Haha, no matter how powerful you are, you still cant defeat the large number of sentry robots?

Whats the point of killing one or two sentry robots? If you have the ability, kill a bunch of them!

At this moment, not to mention the high spirits of the audience and netizens, even Dr. Bolivar and Base Director Alessandro, who were spying secretly, also felt excited when they saw that the Sentinel robot had the upper hand.

The first battle with the mutants went well. Are you going to win?

Black Particle Experience +1

Black particles appeared in Su Yao's hand, and then shot like bullets at a sentry robot eighteen meters away.

Even though this sentry robot reacted quickly and its body was transformed into diamond, it still could not withstand the attack of black particles.

Amid a harsh cutting sound, the sentry robot had a large, dark hole in its chest, with firelight flickering inside.

Another one solved?

Cant you absorb and analyze this ability? Dr. Bolivar looked at the Sentinel robot with a somewhat stunned expression.

While Alessandro and the others were secretly surprised, Su Yao frowned.

There are too many sentry robots. Even if he solves two, there are still more than ninety sentry robots. Even if he stands still and asks him to clean them up, he may not be able to clean them all.


Use full sunlight!

However, the consequences of using sunlight are very clear, that is, almost all the light energy in the body is consumed. If a new sentry robot appears, we will not know how to deal with it.

Su Yao believed that he would not overthink this. It is very likely that the government departments have already made such arrangements.

So, at this moment, he was a little hesitant, wondering whether to use the sun.

At this time, while he was dealing with the sentry robots here, the X-Men also found the missing Phoenix Girl.

The strong sunshine at noon shines down

Qin Zheng, Margaret and others faced the sun and rushed towards the sensed location. Suddenly, they saw Professor X Charles, Magneto Eric, Wolverine Logan, Chris and others blocking the front.

Qins expression was complicated.

Qin, come back with us. Professor X moved his wheelchair and stretched out his right hand, his expression full of sincerity.

Margaret came out, chuckled, and replied, "She is no longer a child, she can be anywhere she wants."

"No..." Professor

He discovered that psychic power could not enter this woman's brain at all, just like Eric wearing a psychic shielding helmet.So, he was very confused.

"Qin..." Wolverine Logan stood up and wanted to say something.

Qin looked at them and said calmly, "I think I'm fine now and don't need to go back."

Logan was about to step forward when he was wrapped in a huge force of telepathy and flew backwards.

With a bang, he fell to the ground far away, and the sky was filled with dust.


Storm flashed lightning with her hands, and then the electric beam flew towards Qin, trying to stun her.


Bright white lightning streaked through the air.

Qin was wearing bright red clothes, with flying red hair, her eyes were slightly black, and wisps of energy lines appeared on her face.

She quickly raised her hand and shot away the electric beam on the spot.

Boom, the electric beam hit the ground far away.


Storm and others were surprised.

Magneto Eric waved his hand, and a silver chain flew from the far corner, and then flew towards Qin, trying to tie her up.

Then, a scene that surprised everyone happened. Qin just raised her head and glanced at the chain, and then the chain froze in the air, unable to move at all.

Magneto Eric frowned and secretly exerted his strength.

However, no matter how he used his abilities, the chain did not move at all in mid-air.

Even I cant deal with your magnetism.

Qins red hair was flying, and she looked at Magneto Eric with a pair of dark eyes. Her face was full of joy, and her laughter reached everyones ears.

This feels good.

As she laughed, the surrounding houses rose from the ground, and the scene was extremely scary.

Boom, boom, boom!

Qin raised her hand, and the silver chain flew away.

For a time, Wolverine Logan and everyone else were shocked.

At this moment, Qin seems to be invincible and looks extremely terrifying.

Not only could Professor

Even more than a dozen surrounding houses were lifted up easily.

Moreover, they have reason to believe that this is not the limit of Qin.

Professor X Charles knows this very well.

When she was a child, Qin's telekinesis was able to lift an entire town's cars, let alone now.

At this time, Margaret was still adding fuel to the fire and said with a smile, "Qin, I have already told you that you are so talented that they cannot match you or understand you."

You are the most special being on this planet!

Faced with the unknown that is beyond their control, they will be afraid and even try to control you. Dont believe them. Follow your heart and do whatever you want.

Margaret slowly seduces.

Qin, dont believe what she says. Professor X, Charles, tried to say something.

Magneto Eric on the other side saw this and changed his approach.

He looked at Qin who was surrounded by black energy and said seriously, "Do you remember the first time we met?"

You know what I see in you?

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