Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 66: Attracted by the Phoenix Force

Chapter 66: Attracted by the Phoenix Force

Chapter 66: The Phoenix Power that is attracted!

Venom came out of his right hand.

Su, you are really too strong!

There was excitement in Venom's voice, "I'll just say that the two of us are invincible, and no one is our opponent!"

He felt that he was so lucky to meet such a powerful host.

As for the original half body

Venom looked disdainful. He was probably still running for his life with that man. What a misfortune. Hehe.

Su Yao glanced at him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said, "You are too arrogant. You have never seen a strong person..."

"Su, where are the people you have been talking about who are strong? Why haven't I seen them? They are not as strong as you." Venomous Liquid didn't believe it at all and thought he was being modest.

Su Yao shook his head and avoided the rain while talking to Venom.

time flies.

The icy heavy rain continued until noon the next day.

The sun gradually appeared in the sky, and the bright sunlight shone down, bringing out a string of rainbows.

As the warm sunlight shines on his body, Su Yao's energy points continue to grow.

Light energy +1

Light energy +1

Light energy +1

(Unlock progress 90%)

Su Yao casually added the remaining energy points to the list. After finding that the unlocking progress had not moved at all, Su Yao shook his head.

The next second, he turned around and left here to avoid being found again.

Soon, the sun set and the sky became dark, and Su Yao's energy point increased again.

Energy Points: 6101

After a quick glance, Su Yao did not continue to add more, and decided to save more and add more.

While he was constantly collecting energy points and avoiding some covert tracking.

At this moment, in the dark and silent space, a large ball of strange red energy is rapidly approaching the earth.

NASA, the Aeronautics and Space Administration, a staff member looked at the display screen in front of him and said in surprise to the communication headset, "Everyone, please pay attention, my satellite has detected some anomalies."

Hearing his voice, both the space agency staff walking around and some people processing data all turned their attention to him at this moment.

Several people came up behind him and looked at the abnormality displayed on the screen.

On the radar screen, a large group of strange things gradually appeared, and it was rapidly approaching the earth.

In space.

The energy cluster glows red and looks like solar wind or nebula.

As the satellite camera moved over and saw this strange red energy more clearly, the staff exclaimed.

"What is this?"

Is it a solar flare? The detected heat value has exceeded the limit..."

The staff were shocked when they saw it.

They were anxious to report this matter, but before they could do anything, the red energy was already extremely close to the earth.

The huge red energy group approached the earth's atmosphere and rushed straight in one direction.


The fierce wind roared, and countless clouds were blown away and wiped out.

Soon, the huge energy group approached the United States, but just when it was about to move in a certain direction, it seemed to sense some movement and paused slightly, as if it was a little hesitant.

But in the end, it rushed towards the original goal.

Dazzling red light shone in the night sky, and countless passers-by exclaimed.

God, what is this?

Newly developed energy weapon attack?

It looks like its coming towards us, run!

Passers were frightened, thinking it was an attack by some energy weapon, and ran away in a hurry. That is to say, this ball of blazing red energy did not find them, otherwise they would not be able to run away based on their speed, and they would turn into ashes in minutes.

Two kilometers away from here, on the rooftop of a tall building, Su Yao frowned nervously and stared at the red energy ball from a distance.

What a terrible thing

"What is this?"

The venom was so frightening that my teeth almost fell out, and my mouth opened wide.

Su Yao was also a little frightened, feeling a strong threat from the glowing red energy.

That direction is

He looked over.

Two kilometers away.

Scott, Jean, and Ororo, the Cyclops who are looking for people, are looking at the sky solemnly.

Run! It seems to be flying towards us!

Cyclops Scott said hurriedly.

With that said, he took the piano and ran forward, followed closely by Storm Girl Ororo.

However, what makes them despair is that no matter how hard they run, they can't escape. The red energy seems to have identified them and is still flying towards them unswervingly.

You guys go quickly.

Suddenly, the piano handle was taken away from Cyclops.

Facing the surprised looks of the two people, Qin hesitated for a moment and said, "I can feel that its target is me..."

Jin, no, you... Cyclops Scott refused without thinking.

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, they saw that the dazzling red energy was extremely close, so close that they could feel the heat it radiated.

Qin didn't think too much and directly used telekinesis, that is, telekinesis, to push Cyclops and Storm away from a distance.

As soon as he pushed away to a hundred meters away, the glowing red energy group was already approaching.


Cyclops and Storm exclaimed.

Qin put her hands in front of her to resist, and the raging power of thought filled the front, trying to resist the invasion of red energy.


The wind howled and the sound of burning sounded.

The Yaohong energy was resisted for a while, but it was too strong. Facing the continuous attacks, even if her telepathy was very powerful, she would not be able to withstand it at this time.

A shout came out of the piano's mouth, and then it was engulfed by red energy!


Laser Eye Cott, hiding behind the building and resisting the energy of energy, saw this scene, and could not help but show sadness.

Pin is dead?

Not long after they were sad, they suddenly saw an astonishing scene.

The huge glowing red energy group in the distance suddenly shrank inwards.

It was as if something was absorbing it, and it disappeared in a short time.

Qin floated in the air, and wisps of red energy continued to pour into her body.

During the process, some of the clothes and flesh and blood on her body seemed to be wiped out, and then recovered, which looked very strange.

At the last moment, the red energy formed a pair of wings in the air, like a phoenix reborn from nirvana.


The next second, all the energy contracted into Qin's body.

Qin slowly fell to the ground.


Seeing that she had stopped, Cyclops and Scott hurried over.

Qin, wake up, are you okay?

Scott called to her.

After a while, Qin slowly opened her eyes. After feeling it for a while, she said confusedly, "I'm fine."

What just happened to me?

As Scott spoke, Qins beautiful eyebrows wrinkled.

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