Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 382: The secret inside the mysterious pyramid

Chapter 382: The secret inside the mysterious pyramid

Chapter 382 The secret inside the mysterious pyramid

With a swish sound, the golden sword was pulled out from the corpse.

Hearing the sound of the sword being drawn out, everyone turned their heads subconsciously and saw Lisa holding the golden sword.

"What are you doing?"

Giovanni said in shock.

Others also looked at Lisa in shock, unable to believe that she would do such a thing.

They were certainly not blind and had seen the golden sword embedded in the Pharaoh's chest a long time ago, but they subconsciously ignored it, even if it was made of gold.

Only when the cleaning is done to the end, they will consider whether to pull this thing out, and there is even a high probability that they will choose not to pull this thing out.

Lisa, why didnt you discuss it with us when you pulled this thing out? Giovanni said in a bad tone, Dont you know that it might be dangerous if you pull this thing out rashly?!

As soon as he finished speaking, others immediately agreed.

Of course, they are also dubious about resurrection, and they dont really believe it. They dont believe that people can be resurrected from the dead, nor do they believe that the blocked ritual can continue.

"What are you doing!"

However, in the face of their numerous questions and complaints, Lisa, who was criticized by them, looked dull at this moment and had no intention of responding at all.

Seeing her appearance, the eight people, including Giovanni and Najido, instantly felt cold in their hearts, felt their scalps numb, and had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Yes, Lisa, are you sick?

At this time, Lisa, who had pulled out the golden sword, woke up at some point. Looking at the sword in her hand, she couldn't help but feel confused. After hearing this, she subconsciously retorted, "Just pull it out, what's the matter?" ?

Who are you and how did you get in? Giovanni shouted in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Kaba, a bearded man, laughed angrily when he heard this and said, "Don't you know that if you pull out this sword, this tyrant may be resurrected?"

In addition to protecting the Pharaoh from outsiders like them, this group of guards also has the task of preventing the Pharaoh's resurrection.

Seeing that there was no movement on the golden platform for a long time, Kaba and the more than 20 guards could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that nothing happened.

Since there were no changes in the Pharaoh's body, the leader Kaba also had the idea to ask about other things.

When he finished speaking, he did not wait for an answer. The leader, a middle-aged man with a beard, said angrily, "Are you crazy? You dare to touch the things on the Pharaoh's body, and you dare to pull out that golden sword!"

Just when they were panicking, suddenly a rough shout came from the shadow not far away.

A golden sword was inserted into the heart of the Pharaoh who wanted to be resurrected at that time, interrupting the resurrection ceremony.

But because of his cruelty and unkindness during his reign, Pharaoh's son, the next Pharaoh, did not want his father to be resurrected, so he sent people to stop the ceremony.

Lisa, dont scare us!

As for the corpse on the golden platform, it was indeed that of a pharaoh. This pharaoh really wanted to use the pyramids and rituals to borrow the power of the great sun **** Ra to achieve the purpose of resurrecting and restoring youth.

Giovanni and others subconsciously turned their heads and saw a group of Egyptian-looking people wearing brown clothes, holding flashlights and scimitars in their hands.

Subsequently, with his explanation, everyone understood what was going on.

It turns out that these people are the guards who have been guarding the pyramid for generations, preventing anyone from entering the pyramid and making some greedy and offensive actions.

"The gold on the Pharaoh's body is not enough for us to move it. Why do you want to touch this thing?"

He looked at the group of people with sharp eyes and asked, "How did you get to the pyramid?"

How did you get in!

It stands to reason that it would definitely take a long time for this group of people to pass through that barrier. If they had this time, they would have arrived here long ago, instead of like now, with the golden sword being pulled out, they would Just got here. The words fell.

I want to ask you how you got in!

At this moment, Giovanni also calmed down, took out the black pistol from his waist, pointed it straight at them, and said, "Don't move, throw away the scimitars in your hands, or I will shoot!"

You can try to see which one is faster, your scimitar or my gun!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Leader Kaba and others changed. Apparently they did not expect that this guy would have a gun on him.

Just when the atmosphere was tense and the guards hiding behind Kabbah were also about to take out their guns, something happened that made everyone present change their expressions.

The whole pyramid suddenly shook, and they were unable to stand steadily.

"what happened?"

Amid their surprise, a golden beam of light suddenly shot down from the top of the hall and shone on the golden platform.

Is this sunlight?

How can the sun shine in deep inside the pyramid?

Whether it was Lisa and the others or the guards such as Kaba, their hearts were full of surprise at this moment, and they looked at the golden platform in astonishment.

Suddenly, the sun's rays shining in from the outside became countless times stronger, shining on the golden platform and the Pharaoh's body.

The pieces of jewelry on the Pharaoh's corpse shone with golden light under the light, dazzlingly bright.


A powerful shock wave appeared around the golden platform.


While screaming, Lisa and the others were thrown backward by the shock wave, and fell heavily to the ground one by one, with constant wailing.

But at this moment, they were not in the mood to feel too much. Everyone looked at the mutated Pharaoh's corpse in the golden beam with shocked eyes.

The wound on the Pharaoh's body that was originally pierced by the golden sword healed quickly at this moment.

They even saw that the hands of the Pharaohs body seemed to be moving.

His hand moved, did you see it? Norbert asked in shock.


I also saw it

While Giovanni and others were stunned, the guard leader Caba looked ugly and murmured, "The interrupted ceremony was restarted?"

"How can this be?"

We are dead!

Finally, there was some fear in his tone.

Hearing what he said, a handsome young man named Colin in his twenties said in confusion, "Even if this Pharaoh is resurrected, why are we dead?"

I carry a gun with me. Even if he is resurrected, can I still block the gun?

The other people on the side couldn't help but nodded when they heard this.

Hearing this, Kaba looked at them and said angrily, "What do you know? According to rumors, this pharaoh is very powerful, has great magic power, and knows many methods that only priests can do."

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