Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 356: Fire Giant Surtur and Odin

Chapter 356: Fire Giant Surtur and Odin

Chapter 356 Fire Giant Surtur and Odin

Under the burning of eternal fire, the crown skull quickly grew a head.

The eternal fire swelled and burned more intensely.

By the time Odin comes here, nothing can be stopped.

Odin, you cant stop this from happening!

Looking at Odin, who was wearing yellow armor and holding the golden eternal spear, Hela sneered.

With Odin's ugly face, the fire giant Surtur grew stronger all over his body, and then grew bigger and bigger.


The roof of the treasure house was quickly broken, and the fire giant Surtur blew up the entire treasure house.

Except for special treasures such as the Ice Box, most things were destroyed instantly.

Hela and Odin also flew backwards under the violent impact.

The monstrous sea of fire enveloped the central palace of Asgard.

The flame giant Surtur said loudly, "I said, I am the destroyer and destroyer of Asgard. No one can stop me, including you Odin!"

"Tremble before me, Odin, Asgard!"

Surtur, who was huge, comparable to a big mountain, and was burning with flames as if it were made of magma, quickly took action.

Hold the Sword of Twilight, he slashed around, destroying buildings one after another.

Looking at this terrible scene, the people of Asgard, the gods in the eyes of the people on earth, immediately became frightened.

Many people recognized who this guy was.

Is it the fire giant Surtur?

Wasnt he defeated by the God King Odin?


As the fire giant Surtur wielded the Sword of Twilight, the clouds parted, and Asgard was enveloped in a sea of fire.

Looking at this scene, the people of Asgard became more and more desperate and frightened.

Hila, who was avoiding the attack in the distance, had a look of amazement on her face.

This fire giant Surtur is really terrifying. She can't even imagine how Odin defeated him.

No wonder he claims to be the destroyer and destroyer of Asgard, and he indeed has this strength!

Old fellow, can you prevent the destruction of Asgard?

Looking at Odin who was holding the Eternal Spear in the distance and looking very ugly, Hela smiled.

In the past, Odin could defeat Surtur, but now that he is in decline, can he still have this strength?

Even if he could, he would probably be seriously injured and dying if he won, and the same would be true for Surtur.

In this case, her opportunity has come!

Facing the two severely disabled people, Hela was confident that she could suppress them.

While she was thinking this, Odin was not in the mood to pay more attention to her, and immediately raised the Eternal Spear in his hand.

A thick golden energy beam shot out from the Eternal Spear in an instant.

With a hiss, the beam pierced Surtur's chest, leaving a huge hole.

Although the wound healed quickly under the power of the eternal fire, Surtur was still enraged and attacked Asgard.


His attention immediately turned to Odin and struck him with a sword.

The flaming Sword of Twilight roared.

Odin holds up the Spear of Eternity.

Infused with the power of Odin, the Eternal Spear exerted unprecedented power.


The golden beam directly blocked the slash of the Twilight Sword, preventing it from continuing to slash.

For a time, the two were in a slight stalemate. The flame giant Surtur slashed with the Sword of Twilight, and Odin attacked with the Spear of Eternity. Hela looked a little frightened in the distance.

She couldn't believe that Odin, who was already so weak, still had the strength to resist Surtur head-on.

Now if the Eternal Spear attacks her, then it is very likely that she will not even have a chance to heal herself!

When she first arrived in Asgard, Odin's attack on her was not full force?

When she thought of this, her face became a little ugly.

The two of Odin were in a stalemate here, and she was thinking about something here. At this moment, the people of Asgard couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised after seeing Odin showing off his power.

Even God Queen Frigga breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it didnt take long for them to feel frightened and their faces were full of worry.

Because the two were fighting, they were hurting each other, but it was harmless, and they looked evenly matched.

But soon, this situation changed. Some people noticed that there was something wrong with the state of God King Odin, and he seemed to be breathing heavily.

As if to confirm their thoughts, Surtur, who had begun to gain the upper hand, couldn't help laughing and mocking, "Odin's strength is so weak? Sure enough, you are going to die!"

You will not be my opponent now, hahaha

"Everything will be destroyed, everything will be burned in fire!"

"I am immortal. I was born to destroy Asgard, and you, Odin, can't kill me!"

"Accept your own fate of death, and accept the fate of Asgard's destruction. No one can stop me, I am invincible!"

The fire giant Surtur laughed.

Odin in the distance looked very ugly.

In a sense, Surtur's words are correct. As long as he does not die, Asgard will be destroyed sooner or later.

Even he cannot destroy Surtur's crowned skull.

As long as the skull is not destroyed, Surtur will not really die, even if he is deprived of the eternal fire.

This means that Ragnarok will definitely happen, either this time or next time.

As for the current situation, there is basically no next time...

Odin knows very well that his current body cannot withstand such a fierce battle. If nothing else happens...

Thinking about it, he contacted Frigga through magic while fighting.

Leave Asgard, take the people of Asgard with you!

Listening to Odin's old and feeble voice in her ears, Frigga looked sad and had already guessed the outcome.

Not only her, but some keen Asgardian people also noticed this and looked sad.

They respect Odin from the bottom of their hearts. They dont want this great king to pass away like this. Its for Asgard and for them...

Old guy, it seems you are really going to die.

Hila, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a complicated expression on her face, and she was also a little worried.

Now she is a little unsure whether she can resist this Surtur after Odin's death.

Looking at the power of Surtur's attack, she suddenly became less confident.

Who can resist this terrifying power except Odin?

Just as she was thinking about things, the people of Asgard were grieving, and Frigga was holding back her grief and preparing to escape from the spaceship, the three Thors in the distance also noticed the light of fire rising into the sky.

The blue light of the space gem flashed, and the three of them appeared near the battlefield in an instant.

Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared, Frigga and Hela were startled, as were the people of Asgard.

Is that His Highness Thor, the God of Thunder?

Who is the other woman?

And the one in white is...

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