Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 251: You actually have four Infinity Stones?

Chapter 251: You actually have four Infinity Stones?

Chapter 251 You actually have four infinity stones?

With so many aircraft and guns, if you resist, you will be dead!

It's not just Rocket Raccoon who thinks so, but Star-Lord and several others.

At this time.

Where they did not notice, due to Ronan's large-scale dispatch of troops, the Nova Legion also noticed this place.

The images here were spread to the Nova Corps.

Ronan, is this your purpose?

Looking at the aircraft sent by Ronan and listening to his shouts, Nova Supreme murmured.

At the same time, she also noticed the mysterious man in white floating in the air.

Sovereign Nova, this is the person from before. The assistant reminded.

Sovereign Nova understood his words and was immediately surprised.

Is this the unknown person who is very mysterious and has an unusual identity, and was taken to prison together with him?

After such observation, she also felt that this person was a little different, as if he was a heavyweight.

Of course, even though she thought so, she didn't think that this person would not hand over the cosmic spirit ball when faced with Ronan's hundreds of aircraft and Ronan himself.

Even after handing over the cosmic spirit ball, whether the other party can still live is a question.

Based on his knowledge of the accuser Ronan, he would definitely kill him afterwards.

Not to mention Ronan's strength, Nova Supreme didn't think anyone could escape with those hundreds of aircraft alone.

At this moment, Nova Supreme has been mentally prepared for Ronan to get the cosmic spirit ball.

She ordered, "Send out troops to **** that thing away from the accuser Ronan!"


While talking, they were also watching the scene, preparing to take various measures to deal with the mysterious man in white handing over the cosmic spirit ball.

However, under the gazes of one after another, and in the extremely tense atmosphere, the mysterious man in white in their eyes chuckled.

"Gem?" Su Yao opened his right hand, revealing the power gem emitting purple light, and said, "You mean it?"


The gem was actually held in this mans hand?

Luo Nan was shocked.

Suddenly, the mysterious voice sounded again.

Or, are you talking about a few others?

Under the gaze of countless people, bright things flew out from the black behind him.

The Cosmic Cube emitting bright blue light

Disassembled from the Mind Scepter and wrapped in a shell, it currently appears as a white-blue Mind Gem...

Emits a faint red light, as if it is composed of blood, a bright red reality gem...

In addition, the power gem gradually floated up from his hand, emitting purple light...

At this moment, Su Yao was floating in the air, and the four gems were surrounding him like satellites.

Ronan fell into a daze.

Star-Lord and others were also stunned and fell into a daze.

At this time.

Su Yao said calmly, "Do you want the space gem in this Rubik's Cube?"

The Cosmic Cube floated in front of him, and instantly emitted a rich blue light.

Everyone nearby felt the terrifying energy contained in this blue Rubik's Cube.


Or is it the Mind Stone within this gem?

Su Yao made a move with his right hand, and the Mind Stone switched the position of the Universe Rubik's Cube.

In an instant, a rich white-blue light bloomed!

The terrifying fluctuations in psychic power spread to cover the surroundings, making everyone clearly feel the terrifying and strange psychic power contained in this gem.

Everyone present gradually became dull. Or is it this reality gem that can distort reality?

The Reality Gem bloomed with its own light, radiating bright red light.

In an instant, everyone noticed that the surrounding scene had changed, from dark ruins to sunny grassland.

As the light of the Reality Stone faded, this scene quickly disappeared.

However, both Ronan and others clearly saw the scene before.

Or, is it this power gem?

The purple gem bloomed with rich purple light.

In an instant, everyone stared blankly at the mysterious man in white floating in the air, surrounded by four infinity stones.

If there were still people who didnt know what the other three things were besides the Power Stone before, then they know it now.

Here are some more Infinity Stones!

In the silence, Star-Lord murmured blankly, "Didn't Collector Tivon say that these Infinity Stones can only be controlled and controlled by extremely powerful extraordinary forces?"

The owner of a single gem can destroy an entire civilization in an instant, just like cutting wheat?

How manyare there in total here?

Star-Lord said blankly, "So these are the things in his backpack?"

He was curious before, what was in the other party's backpack, but it turned out to be several other Infinity Stones?

There are actually four more?

On the other side, collector Ti Feng, who had just recovered and climbed up from the ruins, was in a state of ups and downs.

Infinity stones, four?

The four treasures in the universe actually belong to one person? !

Moreover, it seems to be controlled by someone?

He couldn't even imagine such a scene, and at this moment, he could only feel disbelief.

Who is he?

Looking at the mysterious man in white who was surrounded by four gems and full of astonishing aura, Collector Ti Feng murmured.

Not far away, Rocket Raccoon was in bad shape, and his heart was full of disbelief.

He has four of these dangerous things?

Who is this person?

Gamora and Drax were in similar moods at this moment.

Nova Legion Headquarters.

Sovereign Nova felt confused.

At this moment, she felt that this person was becoming more and more mysterious.

What is his identity?

After the shock, her heart suddenly tightened and she thought of a terrible thing.

"not good!"

If these other three similar things fall into Ronan's hands, then...

She couldn't even imagine it.

Just when she was worried, Ronan, who was present at the scene, had similar thoughts.

After experiencing dullness, shock, and disbelief, greed and ecstasy appeared in his heart.

If he can get all four gems, then the so-called Thanos will be nothing in his eyes.

He can easily crush that Thanos!

Even any existence or thing must tremble under his power and surrender!

At this moment, he brought hundreds of aircraft...

At this moment, Ronan felt happy in his heart.

Its a good thing that we brought so many troops, otherwise the situation is really uncertain and we may not be able to get these four gems.

Now, these four gems will soon be his!

Ronan is very confident.

The reason why he is so confident is that in addition to bringing hundreds of aircraft, he also believes that this person cannot control so many gems!

After all, people are different. This persons physique cannot handle so many gems!

If it were me, it would be different, and I could barely bear it...

Ronan still has some confidence in his own physique.

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