Martial Online.

Chapter 359 Couple

Chapter 359 Couple

The city of Amaterasu quieted down as lights lit up in the houses. The streets grew emptier, and families joined together at the dining table.

On the top floor of Whispering Pages, a handsome purple-eyed man and a beautiful red-eyed young woman sat on the bed, their silence hanging in the air.

"I have a question." Ambrose opened his mouth, resting his chin on his hand. "You liked me back in Hightown, right?"

Bella's soft cheeks flushed pink, and she nodded. "I don't kiss just everyone, you know…"

"Mm…" Ambrose chuckled and shook his head. "Had to make sure. Last time I mistook someone's feelings, well, it didn't end well."

Bella looked at him with her beautiful red eyes, feeling his heavy feelings coming from his unfortunate past.

She then laid down, rested her head on his lap, and pinched his cheek.

"I want to ask a question as well." She smiled.

"Mm, I am listening." Ambrose lowered his gaze, looking into her bright eyes.

"What happened to you in Dark Waters?" She asked gently. "I know more happened than you told Emma."

"It's not a nice story." Ambrose said with a wry smile.

"I want to hear it." Bella whispered gently.

"If you want, sure." Ambrose took a deep breath and entered a memory line. "Where should I begin…"

After a short moment of recalling all the events, he started by entering a small island near Seafare—Borneo Island.

As the night turned darker, Bella listened with a curious look, sometimes exclaiming and gasping. The retelling of all the events lasted about two hours.

"That's basically it…" Ambrose took out a water bottle from his inventory and quenched his thirst. "I then returned to Amaterasu, and yeah, I am here now."

"That sounded like a movie." She moved her hand and grabbed Ambrose's hand. "I never thought something like that would be allowed to happen…"

'Father…' Bella thought inside her mind. 'Why did you add something like that?'

"It's what it is." Ambrose said. "It adds some realism to this world. It's both evil and good. That's why I would rather have you stay inside the safety of the wall."

"Until another attack comes." Bella gently voiced out her worries.

Another attack similar to Karma's crow attack could happen any day. The players were much stronger now, but the next attack might be way more devastating.

"You'll get cured soon." Ambrose caressed her soft cheeks, moving his thumb gently across her skin.

"Mm." Bella shook her head. "I have already resigned to live here the rest of my life. I am fine with it. I am happy here."

"Don't give up now." Ambrose smiled. "You made me not give up. I ain't allowing you to give up."

"I appreciate the thought, but I am at peace with my future." Bella smiled and hugged his waist, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

'If only the VR headset could cure me…' Ambrose thought with a pained gaze. 'Then it could also cure her. I am feeling much better than before, so the VR headset might have healed me to some extent.

'However, I don't want to give her some false hope. I first have to see just how much the headset can heal me.'

"By the way, where do you live?" Ambrose asked curiously.

"Loch City." Bella said with a smile. "Why? You want to visit me?"

"Haha, I might." Ambrose chuckled. "You are being cured there?"

"Mm, in Loch City's Star Hospital." Bella kicked off her slippers and fidgeted with her toes. "It is one of the best hospitals in the world."

"Maybe I'll visit you there." Ambrose touched her chin and used one of his fingers to gently tickle her neck.

"Haha." Bella giggled and stopped him from tickling her. "Are you serious?"

"Maybe." Ambrose shrugged his shoulders. "I want to travel at some point in time."

"Travel?" Bella looked interested and whispered. "I am envious."

"I'll take you with me." Ambrose chuckled. "I'll take you from the hospital, and we'll travel to Godelia."

"Godelia…" Bella whispered dreamily. "The world's most beautiful place."

"Mountains that split the clouds, waterfalls flowing down the sides, the greenest grass possible, and a picturesque landscape.

"Godelia…" Ambrose smiled.

"That sounds amazing…" Bella thought out loud, feeling tears appear in the corner of her eyes. "I want that…"

"You taught me about hope." Ambrose leaned closer and planted a kiss on her soft lips. "Have hope."

Bella enjoyed the kiss with her eyes closed, and once the lips separated, she opened her eyes and asked.

"What are we?" She spoke gently. "I want you to say it."

"A couple, right?" Ambrose smiled and leaned in closer to her. "Right?"

"Yep!" Bella smiled happily, her dimples deepening as she felt a rush of happiness.

Ambrose lay down, looking at the ceiling, while Bella snuggled closer to him, pressing her chest against his. She felt his warmth and comfort, and she knew that this was where she belonged.

"What are your plans in Amaterasu?" Bella asked gently, resting her head on his chest.

"Go where the winds take me, I guess." Ambrose sighed. "The easy answer is to grow stronger, earn money because I need it for my travel plans, and grow the size of my dojo."

"With you here, I can feel this city changing." Bella said with a smile. "Heard about the new alliance joining arms against veteran players?"

"So I've heard." Ambrose wryly smiled. "A foolish fight."

"You think so?" Bella asked curiously. "I have also suffered some oppression, such as some players wanting to have books for free because of my status as a level 1 player.

"But this place is guarded well by the Watchmen and Saturn dojo."

"There are players who want to steal from weaker players." Ambrose said. "However, the alliance is also using their status and numbers to oppress those who don't stand with them.

"Both sides have a point.

"However, co-existing is possible. Those who are opposing the alliance want them gone because of greed. They are losing money and XP because of the new players, which frustrates them.

"The new players shouldn't have dojos, in my opinion. They should join someone's dojo, start from the bottom, and work hard to raise their strength to maybe one day have their own dojo.

"That would be the ideal solution in the ideal world. However, both sides don't want to compromise, and it will end in bloodshed."

"Who do you think will win?" Bella asked.

"The veteran players, of course." Ambrose said. "They are simply stronger. The number advantage of the alliance will dwindle because veteran players who haven't taken part in the war will have to take sides.

"They will take a side of their own, and the strength of the veteran side will grow explosively."

"Will you join the war?" Bella asked curiously.

"No." Ambrose shook his head. "I'll keep Whispering Pages and my dojo safe. If anyone comes knocking, I'll throw them out. This war is beneath me."

Bella sat down on Ambrose's stomach, tracing her hand through his chest, then leaned in to kiss him. After a short kiss, she sat back up and smiled at him.

"That is relieving to hear. The war would keep you far too busy to visit me."

"Yeah, that is another reason." Ambrose wrapped his arms around her waist.

"If I learn Nachbilder by tomorrow, will you be letting me come with you?" She asked while she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"That was the deal." Ambrose smiled. "If you prove to me tomorrow morning that you know it, we'll visit Crow Forest right away. Deal?"

"Deal!" Bella smiled.

Ambrose leaned in on her and kissed her lips before saying. "This was a good talk, but I have to go…"

"Mm, see you tomorrow." Bella watched as her boyfriend vanished into pixels.

She then stood back up and stretched her limbs. 'I won't sleep until I learn it. I have to learn it…

'You can do it, Bella!'

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