Martial God Regressed to Level 2

Chapter 616

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 616

[Has White Light already reached 200?]

"Thanks to the Tower. I got lucky."

[Hm... Your growth rate is far faster than expected.]

The White Administrator, amazed at Seong Jihan's growth,

[Come to the coordinates I'll give you.]

Readily provided Seong Jihan with the meeting location.

"I'll head there for now."

"Keep Blue activated before you go."

"Yes, of course."

Having seen a vision of being controlled by the bald man presumed to be the White Administrator when not using Blue, Seong Jihan moved with Blue activated as Dongbang Sak advised.

After taking the portal, he first arrived on top of a rocky mass.

[Have you arrived? I see... Urd didn't follow.]

[Now, come this way.]

Only after going through 13 sets of coordinates did Seong Jihan,

[You've come.]

finally make contact with the White Administrator.

"This place... Could it be where Tuseong was?"

Seong Jihan reached the final destination and looked at the massive trace before him.

A pure white mass of light with a clear blue border.

This was surely the trace of the Galactic Sword Scar, left when he split Tuseong in half using Dongbang Sak's Taiji Sword.

[Yes. It's the trace of the sword you used to cut Tuseong.]

"But why did you tell me to come here?"

[Because this is the best place to avoid Urd's eyes.]


And from within the light mass, a huge mouth and jaw appeared.

Below it was a grotesque creature with two arms.

This was a form Seong Jihan had seen once before.

'That's the form he took when he appeared as Id before.'

The opponent who had interfered to prevent Seong Jihan from returning to Earth from Tuseong.

Back then, he had clearly acted as if he wasn't the main body, saying he was the White Administrator's last servant and taking responsibility.

But now.

"You're not even hiding that you're the main body anymore."

[The main body... Huh. Are you curious? About the true identity of the White Administrator?]

"What are you talking about after coming all this way? It's you, isn't it? You're the White Administrator."

[In this world's narrow view, that might be true. But... no.]


As Id opened its mouth,

Light flickered from the exposed teeth.

[There's no need for long explanations. If you become part of the light clan, you'll understand my words immediately.]

"Oh? Are you going to make me part of the light clan?"


Flash! Flash...!

Intense light burst from the teeth.


All the light teeth exploded outwards.

And from outside its mouth,


A square panel made of pure white light appeared.

"What's that?"

[It's the reason Urd is trying to find me.]

Id's arm below its mouth moved, as he brought his hand over the panel.


A single cell popped up from the pure white panel.

[Let's see...]

Beep. Beep.

As he pressed below the cell with its finger,

Letters began to form in the protruding cell.


'It's in English.'

Seeing this, Seong Jihan suddenly recalled Urd's ID he had seen before.

It was clearly


Urd's ID seemed to just have special characters added after 4212.

Coincidentally, in the cell before him, it had stopped at Admin-42, with no further letter generation.

[I originally thought I was supposed to write 4212 in this cell... since the ID assigned to me was Admin-4212.]

"But seeing Urd's ID made you change your mind?"

[Yes. Her ID seems to be the real one...]

Beep. Beep.


As Id completed the letters,


The protruding cell retracted, then


[Opening server management mode.]

[Server is operational. Management functions are limited.]

Text appeared above the panel.

'Server management mode, huh.'

He didn't know he was hiding something like this in his teeth.

But if he assumed this world was a server, server management mode would be among the highest-level administrator functions.

"Hey, since you've opened management mode, can't you just deal with Urd?"

[I can't deal with fellow light clan members. Moreover, with limited functions, it's even more impossible.]

"That's a shame."

[By the way, can you read all these letters too?]


[You've already nearly become part of the light clan...]

Tap. Tap tap.

Id continued to move his hand.

[Now I'll guide you to the world that will truly complete you as part of the 'light clan'.]

"Where is that place?"

[Hehe... You'll know when you enter.]

And soon after, a message appeared above the panel.

[Using 'Emergency Upload' function.]

[Please designate the target.]

Id immediately opened his mouth to this.

[Upload player 'Seong Jihan'.]


Then, an intense light flashed towards Seong Jihan and his physical body began to feel lighter immediately.

If he stayed still like this, it seemed he would be uploaded soon, but.

Crackle. Crackle...!

The light that was about to completely envelop Seong Jihan collided with the Blue circulating in his body, quickly weakened and disappeared.

['Emergency Upload' has failed.]

[Please designate the target again.]

The message appeared again.

[No... How can this fail?]

Id was flustered, then,

[Hmm. It seems to be conflicting with your Blue power... Can you perhaps withdraw that?]

Soon, as if understanding the cause, he advised Seong Jihan to put away Blue.

* * *

Seong Jihan recalled the scene he had seen in the Divine Eye upon hearing Id's words.

-Yes, newcomer. Have you submitted to me?

-...Yes. I will obey you.

The skinny bald man who had made Seong Jihan submit.

He wondered why Stat Blue hadn't activated then, and realized,

'Was the problem that I withdrew my power for the upload?'

The light clan transformation that was blocked, stopping its progress.

It seemed he had withdrawn his power to continue this and after being uploaded, before he could react, he was seized by Id.

'If so, I should pretend I can't withdraw it.'

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

No matter how much he wanted to become part of the light clan, there was no point in becoming Id's puppet.


Seong Jihan outwardly pulled in the protruding Blue,

Pretending to organize it, but


['Emergency Upload' has failed.]

[Please designate the target again.]

Sparks continued to fly, and the upload failure message repeated.

[Blue Administrator. Withdraw your power more! I can't keep the server management mode open forever!]

Id moved his mouth vigorously, almost spitting, but,

"Hey, this is the best I can do. Maybe the emergency upload just isn't working well?"

[There's no way server management mode would fail like that. This is all because of your power conflicting...!]

"Hmm... Really? I haven't been an administrator for long, so my control is still poor. Is there no other way besides upload?"

[Your control is poor? Ha. Aren't you no longer even a temporary administrator?]

"I rose too quickly, you know. I'm weak in practical situations."

[Huh. What...!]

As Seong Jihan calmly said this, Id clicked his tongue.

[Have you forgotten we're allies with a common enemy? We don't have time to bicker over this. Even if I'm hiding in this sword's trace, she must have detected that I opened server management mode. We need to finish the upload quickly before that!]

"Ah. So that's why you're so desperate."


As Seong Jihan pretended to pull in Blue more,

[Ugh... There's no choice.]


Intense light burst from Id's mouth and arms.

[Blue Administrator. Follow my words!]

Unlike before, Id spoke to Seong Jihan in a clear tone of command.

At the same time, pure white light strongly pressed upon him.

Seong Jihan quickly realized what this was.

'This. Is he commanding using the power of White Light?'

[It seems so. How about pretending to be affected?]

'That's the plan.'

Although Id's command was blocked by Blue and had no effect on Seong Jihan, he pretended to be under the command to deceive the other party.

Conveniently, he had seen how to act controlled in the Divine Eye vision.


As he accepted the other's light seeping into his whole body,

"I understand..."

Seong Jihan answered with blank eyes.

[...Did it work? This easily?]

Id responded with a dubious voice and poked and prodded various parts of Seong Jihan's body.

[The light has certainly seeped in... And he's staying still.]

Feeling his White Light properly settle in Seong Jihan's body, Id commanded Seong Jihan again with a more relieved voice.

[Completely withdraw your power and fall asleep.]



Following the command, Seong Jihan closed his eyes pretending to sleep.

Tap. Tap.

Id tried to proceed with the emergency upload again, but


Sparks flew from Seong Jihan's body once more, and the upload failed.

[No. Why isn't it working...!]

He had clearly withdrawn his power and even put him to sleep.

Id burst out in frustration, then reached one conclusion.

[Is it really as he said, that his control over Blue is poor...?]

Seong Jihan was following his commands, withdrawing his power and even sleeping.

Yet the upload not working could only mean Blue's control wasn't perfect.

[No wonder he rose to administrator so easily... It wasn't his own ability. His luck was just absurdly good. That's why he's useless when it matters.]

Id continued to belittle Seong Jihan as an administrator who rose by luck, repeatedly trying and failing the upload, but this action couldn't continue for long.

Around the 15th failure of the emergency upload,

Knock. Knock.


Beyond the light curtain Id had temporarily put up, frustrated by the continued failures,

Urd was knocking on the curtain with a smiling face.

"I sensed a sudden signal and came to see, and you're doing something interesting? Trying to upload my target..."


"But the Blue Administrator still needs to grow more. It's too early to send him away, isn't it? While I'm asking nicely, why don't you take down this curtain?"

Urd's voice was gentle as could be, but Id's arms trembled as if in fear hearing this.

"Come on. I'll let it slide this once, so take down the curtain, okay?"

[Ha. Let it slide... You think I'd believe your words?]

"Hmm... There's so little trust between fellow clan members. Do I have to forcefully take it down?"

Then Urd quickly began to be tinged with void.

As she, dyed purple, placed her hand on the curtain.


Cracks began to form there.

'This... Should I wake up?'

He might end up captured by Urd while pretending to sleep.

As Seong Jihan was contemplating,

[Ugh...! If it's come to this... I have no choice.]

Id brought the light panel he was holding to Seong Jihan's chest.



The square panel entered and merged with Seong Jihan's chest.

Tap tap. Tap.

As Id quickly touched the panel,

['Emergency Inspection' will begin.]

[Transferring server management device to 'Ark'.]

A voice rang out from inside, then,


Along with the server management device, Seong Jihan's body began to be enveloped in light.

[This should do it... Ha. Troublesome guy.]

"Id. Are you crazy? If you send that...!"

Boom! Boom!

Under Urd's furious attacks, the light curtain was about to completely burst, but,

[Hu. Huhu. Better than being caught by you! Blue Administrator. In Ark, follow the words of the main body. Understand?]

"I understand..."


Before the curtain completely shattered,

Seong Jihan, merged with the server management device, disappeared.

And then,

"This... can't be..."

Urd's movements, which had been breaking the light curtain, suddenly stopped.

Soon after, the entire world froze.

* * *

In a pitch-black space without a speck of light.


A pure white light burst forth there.


A man crouched on the floor quickly raised his head.

"Could it be... the avatar... succeeded?"

He looked at the scene before him in disbelief, then jumped to his feet as Seong Jihan emerged.

"A, a human...? R-Right. First..."


Pure white light burst from his right arm.

"Submit to me. Newcomer."

His hand tried to grab Seong Jihan's neck.

At that moment,


Seong Jihan opened his eyes and smiled.

"I don't want to."


And towards the opponent bewildered by this response,


Seong Jihan's fist shot out in a straight line.

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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